Fallen Empire: Nightsisters; Misc
@RuusMarev , @Bellona , pending feedback on backstory etc. to make sure it fits, here're my characters:
Cadena Ralvem and her younger sister, Sienna Ralvem .
I'll take any build advice you may have, as I've never really fooled around with Force powers before.
There is one more thing I need to do, but I need some help with it. I'd like Sienna to craft a couple potions and a talisman (Stimulant, Healing Potion, Protective Amulet), but I don't know how Alchemical Crafting works.
My understanding is that it's a Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) check with Force dice. Then you spend Advantages as per usual, and there are special results for Light side and Dark side pips. However, I do not know what those are. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Something interesting about the characters that I wanted to note:
On the face of it, you'd think that Cadena is the "Dark" sister and Sienna the "Light." However, this is not exactly true. Sienna has never met the concept of "serenity" and probably never will. Cadena, on the other hand, has her emotions solidly in check and is much more controlled. While she is more likely to willingly tap into the Dark Side, Sienna is more likely to do so inadvertently because of her lack of control (and discretion, for that matter).
This is also partly mechanical, as Cadena's Force power involves committing Force dice, while Sienna's requires actually rolling them. So as she is more likely to use the Dark Side given her volatile emotional nature, she will more quickly garner conflict.
Here are ...
Aleena Ti of the Singing Mountain Clan , a Sage: https://swsheets.com/c/zzfvn345c-aleena-of-the-s
Downloable PDF on MediaFire (long version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/jep7gb88n5gp1np/Aleena_Ti_%28long_version%29.pdf/file
Downloable PDF on MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/cghxtkndtwmwsug/Aleena_Ti.pdf/file
Magna Barda of the Great Canyon Clan , a Martial Artist: https://swsheets.com/c/dsbhe3itg-magna-barda-of-
(Family name first, then personal name for Magna Barda)
Downloable PDF on MediaFire (long version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/bwqcih9d3zedjin/Magna_Barda_%28long_version%29.pdf/file
Downloable PDF on MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v3e17tm9vwfrjzw/Magna_Barda.pdf/file
Both are still in the WIP stage (including Aleena's family name), but I'll update their status here when they're ready.
ETA: I believe that both characters are now ready. (Crafting spam in two posts near the bottom of this page.)
Please let me know if any gear item is too high tech or otherwise rare for the one-shot.
Edited by Bellona10 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:@RuusMarev , @Bellona , pending feedback on backstory etc. to make sure it fits, here're my characters:
Cadena Ralvem and her younger sister, Sienna Ralvem .
I'll take any build advice you may have, as I've never really fooled around with Force powers before.
There is one more thing I need to do, but I need some help with it. I'd like Sienna to craft a couple potions and a talisman (Stimulant, Healing Potion, Protective Amulet), but I don't know how Alchemical Crafting works.
My understanding is that it's a Discipline or Knowledge (Lore) check with Force dice. Then you spend Advantages as per usual, and there are special results for Light side and Dark side pips. However, I do not know what those are. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
You make a Discipline or Lore check, with Force dice equal of your current Force rating.(if you have any committed they don't count, if I read it correctly) You can spend the light side pips like Success and Advantage. GM gets to use Dark pips with the bad results.
Okay, I'll start with one of each:
Healing Potion
2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Dark Side
I'll try that again:
Healing Potion
3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Dark Side
Oh wait, that's 1,000 not 100. Okay, nevermind. Guess I'm not doing any more of those.
4 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 1 Dark Side
Seriously? Why the heck can't I roll Light Side/Advantage?
Protective Amulet:
Protective Amulet
1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side
Okay, fine. I got one Advantage. I'll presume I can pass on a Boost, but that's an option prone to adjustment upon feedback.
Protective Amulet:
Protective Amulet
5 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side
Oi. A bit heavy on the success, but I'll take it.
Okay, @Bellona , @RuusMarev , I'll need one of you to tell me what I can do with those results.
Currently, I've spent 3,000 credits, which is 1,800 credits more than I though I was spending because I misread "1000" as "100." Not using commas in numbers is one of my pet peeves.
1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:...
Okay, @Bellona , @RuusMarev , I'll need one of you to tell me what I can do with those results.
Unfortunately there's a bit of bad timing on my part - I'm about to go off-line now that I've done my CW AU "homework". RL calls me, and I'll be AFK until much later this evening (my time) or possibly tomorrow morning.
So I can't check those results right now.
Okay, I've pulled out the
Palpatine book
Unlimited Power
In general, Successes after the first one just reduce the crafting time (by 2 hours per extra Success, to a minimum of 1 hour total). Since I'm assuming that time is not of the essence at this point, I'll ignore that part of the results.
Some of the results had a choice of effects, so I chose one but listed the other possibilities too in case they were more palatable.
Looking at the Healing Potion results first:
9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Okay, I'll start with one of each:
Healing Potion : 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eF 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Dark Side
I'll try that again:
Healing Potion : 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eF 3 successes, 1 threat, 1 Dark Side
Oh wait, that's 1,000 not 100. Okay, nevermind. Guess I'm not doing any more of those.
Healing Potion #1: Foul Taste x3 (2 Threats, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 6 Strain from after the normal benefits. (It was either that, or it cost +25% to brew due to Sloppy Brewing, but - based upon your comment about the price - it sounded like that would not be an acceptable result).
Healing Potion #2: Foul Taste x2 (1 Threat, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 4 Strain from after the normal benefits.
Then we move onto the Stimulant results:
9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Stimulant:
Stimulant : 1eP+3eA+2eD+1eF 4 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph, 1 Dark Side
Recipe (1 Triumph) ... you create a recipe which permanently reduces the Difficulty of creating this potion by 1 (to Easy/P in this case). Alternatively you could one of the following for 1 Triumph: Large Batch (create 2 doses instead of one), Careful Measuring* (retain 50% of materials price), or Fortifying (heal 1 Wound upon consumption).
Foul Taste x2 (1 Threat, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 4 Strain from after the normal benefits.
* Maybe you want Careful Measuring instead of the Recipe result, as it would allow you to try again for only 50% of the cost.
And now the Protective Amulet results:
9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Protective Amulet:
Protective Amulet : 1eP+3eA+1eD+1eF 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Dark Side
Okay, fine. I got one Advantage. I'll presume I can pass on a Boost, but that's an option prone to adjustment upon feedback.
Protective Amulet:
Protective Amulet : 1eP+3eA+1eB+1eD+1eF 5 successes, 2 advantage, 2 Light Side
Oi. A bit heavy on the success, but I'll take it.
Protective Amulet #1:
Hidden Purpose (1 Advantage) ... Add +1 Setback to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function.
Cumbersome (1 DS pip) ... The talisman is awkwardly fashioned. Increase its encumbrance by +1 (to 1 in this case). The alternative for 1 DS pip was Noticeable (Force users add +1 Boost to any checks made to determine that the talisman is an actual alchemically crafted item and not merely decorative jewellery or an ornamental keepsake), which would have been a weird combination with Hidden Purpose.
Protective Amulet #2 (taking away the +1 Boost result):
Hidden Purpose (1 Advantage) ... Add +1 Setback to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function.
Invigorating (2 LS pips) ... The user recovers 1 Strain after using the talisman (presumably each time it's protective powers are called into use). Alternatively you could one of the following for 2 LS: Careful Measuring (retain 50% of materials price), or Hidden Purpose x2 (add +2 Setbacks to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function, resulting in a total of +3 Setbacks).
Edited by Bellona
1 hour ago, Bellona said:Healing Potion #1: Foul Taste x3 (2 Threats, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 6 Strain from after the normal benefits. (It was either that, or it cost +25% to brew due to Sloppy Brewing, but - based upon your comment about the price - it sounded like that would not be an acceptable result).
Healing Potion #2: Foul Taste x2 (1 Threat, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 4 Strain from after the normal benefits.
Yeesh. Okay.
1 hour ago, Bellona said:Then we move onto the Stimulant results:
Recipe (1 Triumph) ... you create a recipe which permanently reduces the Difficulty of creating this potion by 1 (to Easy/P in this case). Alternatively you could one of the following for 1 Triumph: Large Batch (create 2 doses instead of one), Careful Measuring* (retain 50% of materials price), or Fortifying (heal 1 Wound upon consumption).
Foul Taste x2 (1 Threat, 1 DS pip) ... the user suffers 4 Strain from after the normal benefits.
* Maybe you want Careful Measuring instead of the Recipe result, as it would allow you to try again for only 50% of the cost.
Let's see, it's only 400 credits, so I'll take Recipe and try again. Increasing ST by 5 is a bit... offset by suffering 4 Strain:
5 successes, 2 advantage
forgot a die
1 Dark Side
This does not bode well for the game. I have been really unlucky with these. I suppose Invigorating for 2 Advantage?
And I'll try it once more, because surely I can roll some light side pips:
1 success, 5 advantage, 2 Light Side
Oh wow. Dear Lady Luck, you have been holding out on me.
1 hour ago, Bellona said:And now the Protective Amulet results:
Protective Amulet #1:
Hidden Purpose (1 Advantage) ... Add +1 Setback to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function.
Cumbersome (1 DS pip) ... The talisman is awkwardly fashioned. Increase its encumbrance by +1 (to 1 in this case). The alternative for 1 DS pip was Noticeable (Force users add +1 Boost to any checks made to determine that the talisman is an actual alchemically crafted item and not merely decorative jewellery or an ornamental keepsake), which would have been a weird combination with Hidden Purpose.
Protective Amulet #2 (taking away the +1 Boost result):
Hidden Purpose (1 Advantage) ... Add +1 Setback to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function.
Invigorating (2 LS pips) ... The user recovers 1 Strain after using the talisman (presumably each time it's protective powers are called into use). Alternatively you could one of the following for 2 LS: Careful Measuring (retain 50% of materials price), or Hidden Purpose x2 (add +2 Setbacks to any checks made to determine the talisman's true function, resulting in a total of +3 Setbacks).
I'll take Invigorating.
Results so far:
Healing Potion #1: 6 Strain, normal effects.
Healing Potion #2: 4 Strain, normal effects.
Stimulant #1: Recipe, 4 Strain (not worth use, scrapped)
Stimulant #2: 2a1d (Invigorating/Foul Taste=+1 Strain?)
Stimulant #3: 5a2l
Protective Amulet #1: Hidden Purpose, 1 Encumbrance.
Protective Amulet #2: Hidden Purpose, -1 Strain.
Thanks for the help, @Bellona .
10 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Stimulant #2: 2a1d (Invigorating/Foul Taste=+1 Strain?)
Stimulant #3: 5a2l
There are two different tables, one for Potions and one for Talismans, and the Invigorating result is only on the Talisman table (and not on the Potion table).
Stimulant #2:
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain.
Foul Taste (1 DS pip) ... The user suffers 2 Strain after consuming it and benefitting from its effects. (Note the timing.)
And now you have some decisions to make ...
Stimulant #3 (option A):
Recipe (4 Advantages) ... Y ou create a recipe which permanently reduces the Difficulty of creating this potion by 1 (to Simple/no P in this case).
Fortifying or Reviving (1 Advantage) ... The target heals either 1 Wound or 2 Strain when consuming it. (Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Careful Measuring (2 LS pips) ... Retain supplies worth 50% of materials cost.
Stimulant #3 (option B)
Large Batch (3 Advantages) ... Create 2 doses instead of 1.
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Careful Measuring (2 LS pips) ... Retain supplies worth 50% of materials cost.
Stimulant #3 (option C)
Large Batch (3 Advantages) ... Create 2 doses instead of 1.
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Fortifying x2 (2 LS pips) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
And that's it for looking stuff up this evening, I'm off to sleep!
Edited by Bellona
Auto-emojis are not always convenient!
55 minutes ago, Bellona said:Stimulant #2:
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain.
Foul Taste (1 DS pip) ... The user suffers 2 Strain after consuming it and benefitting from its effects. (Note the timing.)
I'll take Reviving 2.
55 minutes ago, Bellona said:Stimulant #3 (option A)
Recipe (4 Advantages) ... Y ou create a recipe which permanently reduces the Difficulty of creating this potion by 1 (to Simple/no P in this case).
Fortifying or Reviving (1 Advantage) ... The target heals either 1 Wound or 2 Strain when consuming it. (Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Careful Measuring (2 LS pips) ... Retain supplies worth 50% of materials cost.
Stimulant #3 (option B)
Large Batch (3 Advantages) ... Create 2 doses instead of 1.
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Careful Measuring (2 LS pips) ... Retain supplies worth 50% of materials cost.
Stimulant #3 (option C)
Large Batch (3 Advantages) ... Create 2 doses instead of 1.
Fortifying x2 (2 Advantages) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Fortifying x2 (2 LS pips) ... The target heals 2 Wounds when consuming it. Alternatively Reviving x2 (target heals 4 Strain when consuming it), or a combination for 1 Wound + 2 Strain. ( Obviously choose the result upon potion creation, not potion consumption.)
Let's go with Option C.
2 Doses with Fortifying 2 and Reviving 2.
Final results:
Healing Potion: 6 Strain, heal 1 Critical Injury of Hard or less.
Healing Potion: 4 Strain, heal 1 Critical Injury of Hard or less.
User heals 4 Strain when consuming it, but
suffers 2 Strain after benefitting from its effects. Increase ST by 5.
2x Stimulant: User heals 2 Wounds and 4 Strain when consuming it. Increase ST by 5.
Protective Amulet: +1 Setback to attempts to determine its true function, 1 Encumbrance.
Protective Amulet: +1 Setback to attempts to determine its true function, user heals 1 Strain after using the talisman.
2,800 credits.
There is a fourth Stimulant, but it is completely useless and not even practicable as a knock-out drug.
Oh, how much Encumbrance for the potions? 1?
@RuusMarev , GM willing, I'm going to give Sienna a satchel. No mechanical bonus, just a fluffy way for her to carry the items that naturally fall under her encumbrance capacity.
Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Oh, how much Encumbrance for the potions? 1?
Potions and Talismans are normally Encumbrance 0.
(Some crafting results can give extra Encumbrance to Talismans.)
@P-47 Thunderbolt do you have Unlimited Power?
If not, I'll work on getting you the tables for crafting:)
Sorry for being MIA, I was dealing with a bad migraine yesterday..
30 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:@P-47 Thunderbolt do you have Unlimited Power?
If not, I'll work on getting you the tables for crafting:)
I do not...
If you'd like a template for writing them up, here's a spreadsheet I made for crafting: Crafting Spreadsheet
31 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:Sorry for being MIA, I was dealing with a bad migraine yesterday..
Oof, that's never fun. Hope you're feeling better today.
10 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:There is a fourth Stimulant, but it is completely useless and not even practicable as a knock-out drug.
Wait a second, is that suffering 4 Strain after benefitting from its effects? If so, it actually does have a use, especially for the amusing circumstance of a significant crash after the high sending the character out cold (9 point swing!).
13 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:
@RuusMarev , GM willing, I'm going to give Sienna a satchel. No mechanical bonus, just a fluffy way for her to carry the items that naturally fall under her encumbrance capacity.
Would you like to get the Utility Belt, and we'll treat it as an Indianna Jones satchel?
Poe Dameron's bag from Rise
Or Chewbacca's bandoleer/bag?
1 minute ago, RuusMarev said:Would you like to get the Utility Belt, and we'll treat it as an Indianna Jones satchel?
Sure, that works. That's pretty much the look I was going for.
I believe I have now completed CharGen for both sisters, pending any feedback on backstory etc.
Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt@P-47 Thunderbolt I've been looking in my email (maybe the wrong email account) and I can't find your email address l... I was going to email you the alchemical crafting
When you email me again put p-47 Thunderbolt in the message so I'll be able to search for it in the future
Edited by EliasWindrider13 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:@P-47 Thunderbolt I've been looking in my email (maybe the wrong email account) and I can't find your email address l... I was going to email you the alchemical crafting
When you email me again put p-47 Thunderbolt in the message so I'll be able to search for it in the future
Ruus already took care of it.
My email address fits the theme, so it should already easily searchable in your email. The account I sent it to was your username, gmail.
4 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:Ruus already took care of it.
My email address fits the theme, so it should already easily searchable in your email. The account I sent it to was your username, gmail.
I was looking in my other gmail. But I sent you the stuff.
Aleena Ti should be ready to go now.
I'll finish Magna Barda next.
Some crafting spam by Aleena Ti ...
Craft Protective Amulet #1
5 advantage, 2 Dark Side
No success/scrapped. But Aleena uses 4 Advantages for the Blueprint result (create a construction formula that permanently reduces the Difficulty of creating a Protective Amulet by 1 to a minimum of Simple/--- in this case) and 2 DS pips for the Sloppy Integration result (+25% to base cost due to crafting mistakes).
Learning from her previous failure, Aleena tries again.
Craft Protective Amulet #1
3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph, 2 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
Success! Aleena uses 1 Advantage for the Hidden Purpose result (+1 Setback to any checks to determine the talisman's true function), 1 Triumph for the Redirect Energy result (if the talisman reduces damage or resists enemy influences*, then the user may make a single manoeuvre as an out-of-turn incidental once its effects are resolved), 2 LS pips for Invigorating (user recovers +1 Strain when the talisman functions), and 2 DS pips for the Sloppy Integration result (+25% to base cost due to crafting mistakes).
* I'm interpreting that as a valid description of what the Protective Amulet does when it functions.
Cost is 750 cr. for the two attempts. (300 + 75 + 300 + 75.)
So Aleena is a bit wasteful when putting together Protective Amulets, but she gets good results otherwise!
Next up: Healing Accelerant talisman.
Craft Healing Accelerant #1
1 threat, 2 Dark Side
No success/scrapped. That's a real mess: 1 Threat for Cumbersome (Encumbrance 1) and 2 DS pips for ... you guessed it! ... Sloppy Integration (+25% base cost). Cost = 750 cr.
But Aleena will try again!
Craft Healing Accelerant #2
1 failure, 2 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
No success/scrapped. Crafting outcomes: 1 Threat and 1 DS pip for Cumbersome x2 (Encumbrance 2!
[I really don't want to know what this failure looked like!]
), 2 LS pips for the Careful Measuring result (save 50% of materials). Cost = 600 (and have 300 cr. worth of materials for another attempt).
Which means that Aleena will try one more time.
Craft Healing Accelerant #2
1 advantage, 2 Dark Side
(Oops, that should have read as #3.)
No result/scrapped. Crafting outcomes: 1 Advantage for Hidden Purpose (+1 Setback to recognise that it was supposed to be an alchemical talisman; "What is that hideous thing?!?") and 2 DS pips for Cumbersome x2 (Encumbrance 2). Cost = 300 cr. plus the left-over materials from attempt #2.
Gritting her teeth, Aleen stubbornly tries one more time!
Craft Healing Accelerant #4
1 success, 1 threat, 3 Light Side
Success! Crafting outcome: 1 Threat for Cumbersome (Encumbrance 1; the talisman is probably made out of metal instead of wood) and 3 LS pips for Additional Power (when user recovers Strain or Wounds, the user instead recovers Strain and/or Wounds +3 [normally the talisman gives a +1 bonus]). Which is a good thing, as she might get a neck ache from that heavy necklace!
Cost = 600 cr.
Cost for all the Healing Accelerant attempts = 2,250 cr. Ummm, expensive. I hope that it will be worth it.
Total crafting costs (both types of talismans) = 3,000 cr.
Magna Barda should be ready to go now.
Some crafting spam by Magna Barda ...
Barda wants a better Tool Kit for Mechanics than those normally available in shops, etc., so she tries to craft a Simple Tool Kit for Mechanics .
Craft Simple Tool (Tool Kit) #1
1 failure, 3 advantage
Failure. Crafting outcome: 3 Advantages for Practice Makes Perfect x3 (+3 Boost on next check). Cost = 50 cr.
Barda tries again.
Craft Simple Tool (Tool Kit) #2
5 successes, 4 advantage
Success! Crafting outcome: 1 Advantages for Lightweight x1 (reduce the Tool Kit's Encumbrance by 1) and 3 Advantages for Safety Features (automatic +1 Advantage on Mechanics checks when using this Simple Tool Kit). Cost = 50 cr.
Feeling adventurous, Barda decides to make a Specialist Tool Kit for Mechanics .
Craft Specialist Tool (Tool Kit) #1, using her Simple (+1 Adv.) kit
3 successes, 2 threat
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit): 3 Successes, 1 Threat .
Success, but not quite what Barda wanted. Crafting outcome: 1 Threats for Exhausting Effort (suffer Strain +3). This is definitely a stay-at-home Specialist Tool Kit for Mechanics. While it gives an automatic +1 Success on Mechanics checks, it also has Encumbrance 8. Cost = 400 cr.
Barda tries again, using both her Simple Tool Kit (+1 Advantage) and her new Specialist Tool Kit (+1 Success).
Craft Specialist Tool Kit #2, using kits w. +1 Adv. and +1 Success
3 successes, 1 threat
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit, +1 Success from Specialist Tool Kit): 4 Successes .
Sucess, but not what she wanted. She'll leave it on the shelf in the garage for selling off at a later date. Cost = 400 cr.
Barda tries one more time, using both her Simple Tool Kit (+1 Advantage) and her new Specialist Tool Kit (+1 Success).
Craft Specialist Tool Kit #3, using kits w. +1 Adv. and +1 Success
1 success
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit, +1 Success from Specialist Tool Kit): 2 Successes, 1 Advantage .
Success, but *facepalms* still not what she wanted. Crafting outcome: 1 Advantage for Practice Makes Perfect (+1 Boost on next attempt). This new kit will join attempt #2 on the shelf in the garage. Cost = 400 cr.
Barda checks her finances and decides to try for lucky number 4, with the +1 Boost and using both her Simple Tool Kit (+1 Advantage) and her new Specialist Tool Kit (+1 Success).
Craft Specialist Tool Kit #3, using kits w. +1 Adv. and +1 Success
1 success
(Oops, that should have read as #4.)
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit, +1 Success from Specialist Tool Kit): 2 Successes, 1 Advantage .
Success, but *facepalms* yet again not what she wanted. Crafting outcome: 1 Advantage for Practice Makes Perfect (+1 Boost on next attempt). This new kit will join attempt #2+3 on the shelf in the garage. Cost = 400 cr.
Final chance, Lady Luck! (Oops, should I call her out like that before rolling?
Barda tries the last time, with the +1 Boost and using both her Simple Tool Kit (+1 Advantage) and her new Specialist Tool Kit (+1 Success).
Craft Specialist Tool Kit #5, using kits w. +1 Adv. and +1 Success
2 successes
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit, +1 Success from Specialist Tool Kit): 3 Successes, 2 Advantages .
Success, but ... *sighs* ... not quite what I wanted. However, the crafting budget has been used up and so Barda can't afford to keep trying. Crafting outcome: 2 Advantages for Lightweight x2 (reduce the Tool Kit's Encumbrance by 2). Cost = 400 cr.
Barda will keep the Specialist Tool Kit #5 as her "keep in the home and/or vehicle" one (the Encumbrance is 6), and put Specialist Tool Kit #1 on the "to sell" shelf alongside #2, 3, and 4. (And yes, I should have stopped a bit earlier, but I got carried away.)
I will list the crafted "but not quite what she wanted" Specialist Tool Kits on Barda's character sheets, along with the standard selling prices (plus/minus depending upon the Negotiation results, etc.) as per Special Modifications p. 91. Maybe she can re-coup her losses, or use selling them as an excuse to be somewhere in particular. Or as a "I'm willing if not entirely happy to abandon it" kind of prop if need be.
Armour Attachment Mod
Using both her tool kits (+1 Success, +1 Advantage), Barda will mod her Armour Inserts attachment.
Mod Armour Inserts (+1 Soak) w. +1 Success, +1 Advantage
0 successes, 2 threat
Final result (+1 Advantage from Simple Tool Kit, +1 Success from Specialist Tool Kit): 1 Success, 1 Threat .
Success! The Armour Insert can now Soak one more point of damage. The 1 Threat will be spent on +1 Strain, which is easily slept off by the start of the one-shot.