Socially Distant Organized Play

By Duciris, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

FFG has created a hashtag with which to share our board game experiences. Share on Twitter & Facebook and they will unlock print-n-play (later OP) promos! More in the link:


To take part in the campaign, anyone who wants to share an FFG experience can upload a story, some photos, or a video (if they so choose) to their Facebook or Twitter account and include #FFGPlayAndShare in their post.

That’s it! Well, there are some additional guidelines (which we’ve listed below), but it’s all pretty straightforward:

  • Each post should include an anecdote, one or more photos, or a short video of the experience—you have to have something to share, after all.
  • Each post should also include the name of the game being played, including what expansion/set is being used (if applicable)—FFG has a massive catalog, and not everyone knows every game by heart. If you have a game you love, tell people about it!
  • The language and contents of each post should be relatively family-friendly—keep it PG, everyone!
  • The shared experiences should involve Fantasy Flight Games or one of its products—remember, this is the FFG Play-and-Share Campaign.
  • There is no limit to how many times you can share, so long as each post is about a different memory.

Facebook and Twitter, huh?

Sorry, I was "distanced" from those before the pandemic, and I'm no closer to using them now. 😞

I didn't think FFG could get any lazier when it came to OP.

I stand corrected.

Edited by Buhallin
21 minutes ago, Carthoris said:

Facebook and Twitter, huh?

Sorry, I was "distanced" from those before the pandemic, and I'm no closer to using them now. 😞

Ditto. Even missing out on things like this won't make me change my mind.

I'm a forum man. I don't even like Reddit, it's too hard to follow a proper conversation flow. You won't see me touching Facebook or Twitter with an eleven foot pole.

I think this is pretty cool. New cards that you will be released and even if you aren't able to pick them up in packs in the future you still have access to them. I am not on Twitter but I am on Facebook and let's face it - I am already playing so why not share?


Besides the odious platforms being used, this effort sort of rankles because it seems to be nothing other than enlisting customers to produce advertising. There's an element of that in all "organized play" events, of course, but the tournament-style ones (including co-op meets) could credibly claim to be a means for building and extending communities of play among existing players, and strengthening the game that way.

They could also have done so much more with it. Community result reporting for the co-op LCGs, for instance, would have been great. The Abyss, but national. Favorite heroes/investigators drive the next parallels, or custom scenarios for Marvel. So many possibilities, and instead we get... "Share your games!"

My only issue is the Facebook /Twitter thing. I haven’t been on either one for over a year. This forum is pretty much my social media, (along with the handful of family members I follow on Instagram). It is shocking the amount of time I can waste doing nothing but scrolling around. I probably spend too much time on this forum, but at least it’s my only vice! 😉

At least, FFG is being pretty up front about it’s intentions and I respect that. And they are giving something back. I guess like most things, it’s double sided. The more people play the game we all love, the more content FFG will produce. So it’s a way of getting the lovers of the game spread the word in a way that is less about rules etc and focuses on the play experience and how different it can be with the same scenario. Which is free advertising, yes, but more effective advertising than if they spent oodles and gobs in a more traditional way, so I get it. It benefits current players in the long haul. It’s also fun to share and hear about other people’s experiences, so it’s not like it’s an unpleasant undertaking! If it just weren’t Facebook and Twitter...(but that’s my issue, I realize)

I will say this. If FFG wants this to work, they had better put their money where our mouths are and start re-printing stuff that’s out of stock pronto and start keeping it in stock, so that the new players and even some more recent ones, have campaign and scenario experiences to share and be able to buy the campaigns and scenarios they are hearing about. Otherwise this is doomed to fail. I mean like pulling Ancient Evils in every Mythos phase doomed!

Edited by Mimi61

I am with you guys (and I am happy to see I am not alone :) ) in that I don't even have a Facebook account and never once sent a Tweet.