Ryunekes Battle Reports

By Ryuneke, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I love 2 ship lists. The first one I have played back in 1.0 were two IG's. I loved them.

At the start of 2.0 two IGs were pretty bad but the chassis became cheaper and cheaper. I put them on the table a year ago and played some games here and there and was surprisingly successful with two bots.

Now I really want to put more time into this archetype because I am now able to euqip them as I always wanted (and they finally fit in a 200pts. list :) )

IG-88B (62)
Elusive (3)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Autoblasters (3)
Ion Cannon (6)
Proton Bombs (5)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)
Shield Upgrade (8)
IG-2000 (1)

IG-88D (62)
Elusive (3)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Autoblasters (3)
Ion Cannon (6)
Proton Bombs (5)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)
Shield Upgrade (8)
IG-2000 (1)
Total: 200

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Just want to explain why I choose these pilots/upgrades:

- IG-B is basically a no brainer. You want to attack again after you missed
- IG-D is imo the best of the four because the ability is so strong. Flying these bots means you'll sloop/k-turn a lot. IG-D basically gives you 3 options how you want to execute the segnors loop. Having this flexibility is a big deal. Especially the 3 turn with a 180 turn (it's a sideslip at the end of the day) is really strong. The sloops/k-turns make these two ships so strong because your time on target is pretty high.
- Most of the time I found having 2 calculates (ship ability) is better than a single focus. Because you're rolling a single focus result on 3 dice most of the time so you can use one token for defense and the other one for offense.
- I don't think Elusive works on any other ship as good as it does here. If one of your bots gets attacked by two ships having each 3 red dice and a focus the IG will only take 1.003 damage (if it has 2 calculates and Elusive). Without Elusive you'll take 1.404 damage and without Elusive and two Calculates but with a foucs you'll probably take 1.548 damage. This upgrade really keeps your ships alive. And because you do a ton of red maneuvers Elusive will recharge pretty often.
- Advanced Sensors is the most important upgrade in this list. I think 3 bots don't work so well because they can't equip AS (but they work the same as two bots). AS means you don't care about bumping (and you will bump a lot or force your bots into a "tactical bump"). Also you can perform a sloop/k-turn and still have your calculate tokens which is necessary. The downside of this list is it's subject to variance. Especially the (sometimes) low offensive ouput will make you cry here and there even if you have a second attack. Therefore you want your calculates every turn.
- To ensure that I put Contraband Cybernetics on both ships. One weakness of the list is the turn after you executed a red maneuver because no AS. If you're facing lower initiave ships they trying to block you that turn most likely. Contraband triggers before activating so you can use AS that turn. None of my opponents saw that coming and it really helps your IG's keeping their offense/defense on a high level all the time.
- Proton Bombs are there because they have a bomb slot :) And yeah, bombs are good.
- I prefer a Shield Upgrade instead of the Stealth Device even if I think the 4th green dice might be worth a look. But the additional hitpoint requires your opponent doing +1 damage to get half points (and because green dice will betray you!!)

- The Ion Cannon is a no brainer because it adds a control element to your party. When I play against high agility aces I usually use the Ion Cannon at range 2-3 because I know I won't put more than a single damage point through all those greens+dice mods. But if my opponent rolls bad I have an ionised sad ace. The Cannon is also really powerful against large bases.
- I like Autoblaster more than the Tractor Beam . You can play control IG's and tractor your opponents ships around but I found that it's better to put damage through than to tractor ships. Especially because of the "new" tractor mechanic. So I put Autoblaster on the IG's because I don't want to make the decision: Should I tractor or not? Also Autoblaster gives you a second attack (if you missed) that can deal more than 1 damage. And sometimes you roll a couple of crits...

I like this list because it is thematic and because of it's defensive capability. It can struggle against aces but it's possible to beat them. The flexibility IG-D brings to the table is awesome and the control element can win you games. And of course...slooping is a lot of fun!

I played 11 games so far and will post 3 short battle reports tomorrow...

Edited by Ryuneke

Brobots vs Boba/Bossk

Akhter Khans list he played at the latest GSP event. Not the best matchup for me because Bossk can get around the strong defense of the bots pretty easily with 4-Lom and Zuckuss crew. And Bobo is nearly unbeatable in the endgame.



Just wanted to show you my preferred setup. I usually set them up next to each other to have the option to self bump B (white) into the back of D (black).

(And I use 3 Gas Clouds btw.)


This is they way the bots usually moving depending on the opponents formation/ships of course. Moving along the board edge having options to turn in every round. The sideslip turn can be performed to not commit into an direction.


But after I saw Boba setting up across from me and Bossk facing a dense obstacle field if he wants to turn in, I decided to 4 straight and chase Boba.

I was able to scare Boba away. So both IG's fighting against Bossk in the first round of engagement. Bossk did 3 damage to D but had to take 2 ion tokens cause he used 4-Lom. I used the Ion Cannon and Bossk became ionized. He ended up in a pretty bad position and my opponent flew him off the board. I ionised Boba as well which gave me an unanswered range 1 shot + 1 proton bomb hit in the upcoming round.


Boba ran away and wasn't able to get into range 1 again. He was able to get half points on B but got destroyed in the end. 200-50


- If Bossk wouldn't have jumped into Hyperspace I think I wouldn't have won this game

- Boba with Marauder/Han Gunner is tough because your blocks don't matter at all BUT he's really predictable if he's stressed.

- Flying Bossk isn't easy. The IG's were able to get behind him pretty easy and ionizing him wasn't a problem, too.

- With "tactical bumps" I forced my opponent to split his fire which I think is really important when flying these ships


Brobots vs Anakin/Obi-Wan (CLT) and Laat (7th Fleet Gunner)

Playing against Kettch is always fun. Those games are the most intense matches I can think of because he's such a good player.

And facing Aces playing 2 IG's is tough.

I kept my Bots together without commiting to early. He split his aces. One of my IG's ended up in a position where Obi was in a good spot to arcdodge next round.


Obi arcdodged as predicted but didn't get the bullseye so no 5 dice attack. I used the Ion Cannon against Anakin who blanked and got ionized. Both IG's dropped a bomb and banked/turned towards Anakin who died the upcoming round. That was pretty much game. Obi and the Laat halfed IG-B but weren't able to win this one. 200-50.


- Jedi Aces are so fragile. If they blank once they nearly dead. Also the 2 dice primary just doesn't do enough damage and getting the bullseye without getting shot isn't that easy, either

- The IG's are really fast and can create good killboxes with their great k-turn/sloop/sideslip potential


Brobots vs Malarus (Xi), 3 Sf's and 2 Fo's

Never played against a swarm with these bots. I wanted to kill Malarus first and was able to put some damage through while dragging the Tie's through the obstacle field. As I had the chance to kill Malarus early on my IG's just didn't roll any paint, unfortunately.


Here you can see the use of two tactical bumps to avoid shots while still having 2 calcualtes.

This game was a perfect example of how strong the IG's defense is in this build. My opponent rolled 2 red dice most of the time with a focus + 1 reroll (thanks to Malarus) but wasn't able to get any meaningful damage through. The bots lost one shield here and another one there but dodged so much incoming fire.

Both IG's dropped a bomb the upcoming round (both bombs were in excellent positions as you can see). Malarus finally died which weakened the offensive output of the Tie's.


The last round. A Tie/sf explodes. Both IG's didn't gave up half points. 153-0


- That was unexpected. But the combination of Elusive + 2 Calculates was so strong in this one.

- Getting behind the opponent using AS and these great maneuvering options feels really great and powerful

- the bombs are doing so much work. Forcing your opponent to fly different is key.

Edited by Ryuneke

I am playing in another TTS league (8 games with a cut).

For this league I built 8 trash lists. My opponent then picks a number between 1-8 (before I see his/her list of course) and I will play the associated list.

The 8 lists are:

- 4 Jumpmasters
- 4 Lambda Shuttles
- 5 Tie Reaper
- 5 Tie Interceptors
- 5 Logistic Division Pilots (Resistance Transport)
- 4 Scum YT's
- 7 Fireballs
- 133pts. Supernatural Anakin + Mace

Of course I am not intending to make cut with this. Just want to have some fun.

1st league game vs Dash and Lando

My opponent picked Supernatural Anakin + Mace .

In a vacuum this Anakin is the best ship in the game and I always wanted to fly him with these upgrades. Mace is there because he has 3 force and isn't as expensive as Obi so he's able to equip Sense and the mini supernatural R2-A6 droid while still keeping a 7 point bid.

If I lose Mace I have to kill one of my opponents ships or half both. So I played super cagy. I think it took us 20 minutes until the first engagement where Mace dodged an incoming attack. Mace dropped down to 1 hp a couple of rounds later but Anakin did some damage as well. I was then able to force my opponent into the corner where Sense becomes an awesome upgrade. I blocked Lando 4 or 5 times while Anakin destroyed Dash. Win 113-30

Playing this Anakin is fun I have to admit but you just don't play X-Wing because you don't engage. My opponent had a single shot on Anakin. Mace was a lucky bastard because he survived longer than he should but having an evade token + 2 force is big. Think I will play this list again at some point.

Yesterday I participated at a TTS tournament . 3 rounds were played with 12 players attending.

Initially I wanted to bring Kylo/Vonreg but I knew that at least one other player will bring this list so I had to think about something else.

Soontir Fel (54)
Lone Wolf (5)
Shield Upgrade (8)
Stealth Device (8)

Rexler Brath (79)
Outmaneuver (6)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Heavy Laser Cannon (5)
Total: 175

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I wanted to fly something with style. And who's one of the coolest pilots? The answer is easy: Soontir Fel. I decided to load him up with Lone Wolf and Stealth Device to really feel what it means to be an unhittable ace. Because I wanted to fly a 2 ship list a brought Rexler (not Vader because I can't fly this chassis and I really don't like him). I won my first tournament with him so he will always have a place in my heart. Putting Advanced Sensors onto him is mandatory if you run him in a 2 ship build. And more importantly the predictability of the Defender is gone. Outmaneuver works better than Juke because you don't have your evade when triggering Adv.Sens. The HLC is there because I had the points.

This means the list has a 25 point bid... 🤪 So I will move last even against Guri/Fenn. Is this list good? I don't think so. I mean it's really defensive but it's offensive output could be problematic. I expected going 0-3 or 1-2 at best...

1st game vs. Boba/Bossk

I had to approach really careful because it's hard for Soontir to arcdodge Bossks giant arc and Bobas two arcs. Also Bossk has the ability to really hurt Soontir.

I kept Soontir out of the fight while Rexler had some attacks here and there.

Using Advanced Sensors Rexler was able to flank Boba and stripping off the first 2 shields.

Using Advanced Sensors Rexler was able to flank Boba and stripping off the first 2 shields.

Soontir disengaged again and again while Rexler tanked the dangerous shots. This game was such a pain to play (for my opponent and me) because I had to play so defensive to win. The clock ticked down and still no points on the board.


8 minutes left in the game and Soontir had his third attack in the game finally halving Boba. Both Soontir and Rexler were in good positions to disengage (again). Win 64-0

My opponent was pretty frustrated and I can totally understand him. Chasing down Soontir is nearly impossible with these two ships while Rexler is so tanky that you don't put any meaningful damage through. I played decent but felt bad...

2nd game vs. Boba/Tel Trevura

My opponent created a nice Tel build putting R5 Astromech on him (the astromech can repair damage).

I knew that this will be a different game than the first one because I am able to arcdodge and kill Tel.

In the second round I did a major mistake. I thought the 4k will bump into Boba but Rexler fully executed the maneuver landing right in front of Boba showing him his butt. I was really lucky only losing one shield.

Tel locked Soontir but didn't use his Torpedo because Soontir had a focus token and waited behind a Gas Cloud with the Lone Wolf reroll. Soontir and Rexler attacked Tel already getting into that juicy hull.


Running away with Soontir and Rexler is so easy. Advanced Sensors boost + 4k or 5 straight is so strong.

Two rounds later Soontir landed in front of Tel at range 2. Tel had his fully modded torpedo locked and loaded. I wasn't able to kill the Jumpmaster but Rexlers ability kicked in flipping a Blinded Pilot :) . The Torpedo was basically useless.


Tel died to Console Fire. Long live Tel! Boba blanked against Rexler losing his last shield while Rexler was doing Defender things and didn’t take any damage. I used the HLC against Boba twice which was huge.


My opponent did a crazy move with Boba. Using Contraband Cybernetics performing a tallon roll and boost left to show Rexler the back arc woh dialed in a 4k. But again Adv.Sens. paied off. I boosted left and 4k'd landing next to Boba. We both laughed as we see that Boba didn't have a shot but Rexler did. Boba dropped down to 3 hp. Tel's Torpedo halved Rexler. Without many options my opponent conceded. Win 200-50

3rd game against Gideon Hask (Xi-Shuttle) + 4 Tie/sf (Optics + Crack Shot)

A really nice list. Against a damaged defender those Sf's are rolling 3 dice + they can shoot out of the back. My win condition was to kill Gideon asap to deny those Tie's the third die.


End of round 1. Rexler will 4k while Soontir 1 turns. No fast maneuver for Soontir because the Tie's can turn towards him.

My opponent split his forces into pairs of two. Rexler approached two Ties + Gideon and rolled horrible twice losing all of his shields. Soontir had 3 really good rounds flanking the formation, halving Gideon and a Tie. My opponent created a killbox for Rexler. Adv.Sens. saved the day again. Rexler barrel rolled and 4k'd behind Gideon dodging 4 arcs that way. With the help of Soontir Gideon died. Unfortunately Rexler blanked again dropping down to 1hp.

Another killbox has been created for Rexler thinking he will do a fast maneuver. You can really surprise your opponents if you dial in a slow maneuver for the Defender. Therefore Rexler arcdodged again and he finally evaded an incoming shot.


Green got isolated. Soontir was happy about that. Meanwhile Rexler disengaged round after round. Two rounds earlier Soontir showed his amazing defensive strength. 3 shots came at him. Soontir had focus+evade+Lone Wolf+Stealth Device active and took no damage. I looked up the expected total hits later; the probability calculator showed 0.1 expected hits. I love this Soontir.


Green died. I was ahead 100-50. So if Rexler dies we have a 100-100 which meant that I had to kill or half another Tie.

As you can see Soontir can 2 forward to get a really good shot at yellow the upcoming round. Unfortunately Soontir only did 2 damage so no dead Tie. But Rexler was there the upcoming round killing the Tie with the help of Outmaneuver. The Tie/Defender explodes as well that turn. I was happy with that trade now leading 120-100


8 Minutes on the clock. A fully operational Soontir against 2 Tie's. With all his defensive mods and the help of gas clouds there's no way Soontir will take damage.

So I Ran


The last round. Win 120-100


I somehow managed to win this tournament flying Soontir+Rexler. For real? I am really happy about that and a bit proud of myself. It was my best Soontir performance ever, it feels awesome.

I still don't know if this list is strong. I think the strong defense lets this archetype really shine. So you have two point fortresses on the board. But on the other hand your offensive output is rather weak. Engaging with Soontir feels like a walk along the razor's edge every time you're turning in and if you use Adv.Sensors on Rexler you don't have any offensive mods (maybe Outmaneuver). But the flexibility of the Defender is what I really like about it. I had lots of rounds where I just dialed in a save 3 speed maneuver ending up with a focus+evade token and triggering Outmaneuver or the HLC. And of course Rexlers ability is always nice. I flipped a blinded pilot and a disabled power regulator in two games. I should try this list again against different archetypes...

Edited by Ryuneke

Very nice! I saw Outmaneuver on Rex and immediately thought "what? No Lone Wolf?" before looking back and seeing it on Soontir. With a 25 pt bid, do you think it safe enough to cash some of it for a missile like Mag Pulse Warheads? 19 pt still outbids even Niklas God's Ryloth list, which is probably the deepest bid out there.

14 hours ago, Hoarder of Garlic Bread said:

Very nice! I saw Outmaneuver on Rex and immediately thought "what? No Lone Wolf?" before looking back and seeing it on Soontir. With a 25 pt bid, do you think it safe enough to cash some of it for a missile like Mag Pulse Warheads? 19 pt still outbids even Niklas God's Ryloth list, which is probably the deepest bid out there.

Putting this list on the table was just for laughs (and I got a lot of laughs before the tournament started) so I did not took this seriously. I think the Proton Rocket is an option. But I was really happy with the HLC triggering 1-2 times per game. Because this lists offensive output is a concern I wouldn't put Mags onto Rexler because I want to deal as much damage as I could.

I will definetely give this list a couple of more runs.

I was so happy to see your opinion on IG B and D... I have long held that they are the best duo.

It is time. I can finally run Poe with Overdrive Thrusters! Let the fun begin!

Force Awakens – The MAD MOVIE RANTER

(I still think he's too expensive and won't be competetive with this upgrade, though.)

This is the list I want to try. Fat Poe. Fat Han. That's everything I need.

Poe Dameron (67)
Outmaneuver (6)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (6)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)
Adv. Proton Torpedoes (5)

Han Solo (63)
Lone Wolf (5)
Kaydel Connix (5)
Korr Sella (6)
Rey (14)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)
Shield Upgrade (4)
Rey’s Millennium Falcon (2)
Total: 189

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Played this list a couple of times a year ago and it was good fun back then. Han has some tricks using Kaydel Connix to react at the board state. Poe has all the offensive upgrades to max his damage output. I think Overdrive Thrusters will help him to disengage and reengage later which was always one of the biggest problems Poe had.

My opponent put Guri/Fenn on the table. A good matchup for me because Guri is pretty much just a Starviper in this one.

I kept Han and Poe together. As Guri approached she lost 2 shields. Poe was able to Overdrive once to barrel roll out of Fenns arc.

I took pictures of the turn that decided the game:


Guri already moved. She barrel rolled and took a calculate to get some distance to Poe. In the picture Poe already executed a 2 bank maneuver. He then took a focus to activate Overdrive Thrusters ending up there:


Nice! An Adv. Torpedo with Outmaneuver killed Guri thanks to Overdrive Thrusters. (Fenn still moved btw).

That was basically game. Fenn halved Han but got destroyed two rounds later.

Even if I used the Overdrive Thrusters only 3 times, they were really helpful bringing Poe in a good position to either block Fenn or get a good shot.

I am looking forward testing this upgrade against different archetypes.

Played another game yesterday with Poe and Han. The guy I am played against told me that he wasn't much into X-Wing lately so he put together something he wanted to try.

Vs Soontir, Vader, Seyn Marana, Tie/rb


Setup: Because I gave him initiative I have a huge advantage here. I actually used Han's ability setting him up on the left threatening Seyn and the rb. I dialed in a 1 bank to the right. With Kaydel crew Han's able to adapt to Seyns move. Poe will move straight and joust with Soontir and Vader because I was pretty confident I can outfly them with Overdrive Thrusters. And if Soontir and Vader move towards Han, Poe will be behind them.


Poe went 3 straight, focused and Overdrive barrel rolled right. I did this because 1) I love this upgrade :) 2) Staying in the middle would have given Soontir his focus 3) Poe has better options for next round. Soontir had a good roll and I kept my focus for offense losing 1 shield. Unfortunately the Ace of Legend rolled 2 evades in return and dodged the incoming shot.

Han had more luck. I kept the 1 bank and focused. Han has a chance of 95% rolling 3 hits if he has a focus and if Lone Wolf + Rey are active (90% chance that the dice will show 4 hits if he rolls 4 attack dice). Seyn took 2 damage.

Soontir will probably go 2 straight trying to block Poe's 1 speed maneuvers so I dialed in a 2 bank. If Vader turns towards Poe he can use his Overdrive Thrusters to arcdodge the dark lord.


Soontir went 4 straight and boosted while Vader turned towards Han. I used Kaydel to change Han's maneuver so that he didn't get shot by Vader. Poe used Overdrive Thrusters for a barrel roll but wasn't able to shoot Soontir by some pixels...

Han killed Seyn.

Poe's position is excellent. A 1 straight is excellent to avoid getting blocked by Soontir. Han will take damage the upcoming round but can unload into Vader as well.


Soontir's block attempt failed and Poe put a fully modded 5 dice Torpedo into him (72% chance of rolling 5 hits). With Outmaneuver been active Poe killed Soontir. Han and Vader traded shots both losing 2 shields. I was happy with that. Poe is still in a good position for the upcoming round.


Poe put the first damage into the Tie/rb. Han disengaged.

The upcoming round could be problematic for Poe with Vader approaching and the rb being able to block him. Therefore I was scared dialing in a 3 straight or a bank towards Vader. I dialed in a 2 bank to the left to avoid the block.

Now here's the Overdrive Thrusters turn picture by picture:


The empire has moved: the rb tried to block Poe while Vader is lurking in the back.


Poe after executing a 2 bank and barrel rolling right.


Poe's final position after using Overdrive Thrusters. I LOVE IT!!!

In a game without Overdrive Thrusters he probably would have taken damage that turn considering Vaders position. Now Poe's pretty save turning around the debris. If Vader 3 tallon he would land in front of the debris so I thought that he will turn towards Han most likely.


The last round. Han lost his last shields and Vader couldn't roll enough evades to survive both attacks. My opponent conceded because the rb can't win this...

It was my second game with Overdrive Poe and I am really enjoy flying him. This upgrade makes him so much better because it compensates his major flaws pretty well: 1) arcdodging and disengaging without taking a ton of damage 2) engaging without being too predictable. Flying him with this upgrade requires a lot of practice though because I am not used to flying a ship with that kind of barrel roll/boosting options. And I haven't even used Black One yet :) .

Edited by Ryuneke

Considering that with the R4 droid that Poe is essentially SLAMing every turn, might I propose we refer to Overdrive Poe as a GunPoet (pronounced like "Gunboat", not "Gun-poet")? What sayeth @gennataos ?

Got a few questions for you guys after playing GunPoet + Han.

1) I'm really not sure about Han. What do you think about Rey as a wingman for Poe?

2) One drawback I found when flying Poe was that I kept the wings closed a lot because I had to barrel roll. This weakened his offense quite a bit. Because Poe got so many options when it comes to boosting/barrel rolling, I thought about giving him an HLC instead of the torpedo. This means he can keep his wings closed and has a good chance of lining up the bullseye.

3) Considering HLC means that Outmaneuver isn't necessary anymore. What do you think about Backwards Tailside ?? (it reads: While you boost or barrel roll, if your equipped "s-foils card" upgrade has the "(Closed)" side faceup, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you boost or barrel roll through an obstacle, if you are not at range 0 of it, gain 1 evade token.) Using the 2 template when barrel rolling/boosting makes this card playable and Poe gets an evade token. Important question because I'm not sure about that: Do you still suffer the effect of the obstacle when br/bo through it?

4) Daredevil?? Does it work work with Overdrive Thrusters?


Edited by Ryuneke

My 2-cents to your questions.

1) Depends on the load-out I guess. I really like the I 6 of Han though, but Rey is such a beast right now so that might be more viable.

2) HLC makes more sense than Adv. proton torp. While nice when you can get the torp off (which should be easier with the overdrive) it is only once, while the HLC will see much more use if you can manouver right.

3) I love outmanouver on Poe, especially in a two ship list. I also think that you still suffer the effect of the obstacle when tailsiding over it. Haven't seen a ruling on it, but untill it comes I'd play it so that the effect still triggers.

4) I don't see why it wouldn't. Overdrive Daredevil would be insane in terms of repositioning.

6 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

Got a few questions for you guys after playing GunPoet + Han.

1) I'm really not sure about Han. What do you think about Rey as a wingman for Poe?

2) One drawback I found when flying Poe was that I kept the wings closed a lot because I had to barrel roll. This weakened his offense quite a bit. Because Poe got so many options when it comes to boosting/barrel rolling, I thought about giving him an HLC instead of the torpedo. This means he can keep his wings closed and has a good chance of lining up the bullseye.

3) Considering HLC means that Outmaneuver isn't necessary anymore. What do you think about Backwards Tailside ?? (it reads: While you boost or barrel roll, if your equipped "s-foils card" upgrade has the "(Closed)" side faceup, you can move through and overlap obstacles. After you boost or barrel roll through an obstacle, if you are not at range 0 of it, gain 1 evade token.) Using the 2 template when barrel rolling/boosting makes this card playable and Poe gets an evade token. Important question because I'm not sure about that: Do you still suffer the effect of the obstacle when br/bo through it?

4) Daredevil?? Does it work work with Overdrive Thrusters?


1. So I actually flew Poe with Rey and Merl last night, and it was good. Merl got in the way and reduced agility several times, Poe was the bait, and Rey just blew stuff up. I think that Rey gives you better offense than Han, really helps take things off the table quickly (Poe is definitely weaker against swarms and higher ship count).

2. The T-70 s foils don't reduce your primary weapon offense if you have bullseye, so HLC isn't as big of an improvement. Honestly maybe ion torpedoes would be a cheap addition for a range 3 shot after a barrel roll? That's a 3 die swing from 2->4 reds and -1 green.

3. I flew Poe with Backwards Tailslide, it was decent. I used it once to barrel roll through a gas cloud to dodge arcs, purposely kept Poe near the clouds so I always had the option open to use. However, in a 2 ship list with Rey, she's the obvious first target with her offensive capabilities. If you have the points, Outmaneuver seems somewhat necessary to affect target priority and push more damage through with Poe's 3 red dice. -You would still suffer the effects of the obstacle, it's not collision detector.

4. Daredevil works, not sure it's better than Heroic/Crack Shot/Backwards Tailslide/Outmaneuver/Lone Wolf though.

My list that I flew:

Poe Dameron (67)
Backwards Tailslide (2)
R4 Astromech (2)
Overdrive Thruster (6)
Integrated S-Foils (0)
Black One (2)

Ship total: 79 Half Points: 40 Threshold: 4

Merl Cobben (32)
Heroic (1)
Advanced Optics (4)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 2

Rey (68)
Finn (10)
Stealth Device (4)
Rey's Millennium Falcon (2)

Ship total: 84 Half Points: 42 Threshold: 6

Total: 200

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7 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

1) I'm really not sure about Han. What do you think about Rey as a wingman for Poe?

Rey is a beast. She will almost guarantee that Poe is ignored, as she is far too great of a threat, meaning Poe gets free reign. I ran him with PA Nien and Zizi versus Guri/Fenn. The shear maneuverability of all the ships is bonkers. I only used Overdrive twice, but it let Poe harry Guri to keep her away from my

7 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

2) One drawback I found when flying Poe was that I kept the wings closed a lot because I had to barrel roll. This weakened his offense quite a bit. Because Poe got so many options when it comes to boosting/barrel rolling, I thought about giving him an HLC instead of the torpedo. This means he can keep his wings closed and has a good chance of lining up the bullseye.

If you can already line up bullseye, the negation to his offense is already undone. Doubling down on it it may not be the right choice.

7 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

3) Considering HLC means that Outmaneuver isn't necessary anymore. What do you think about Backwards Tailside ?? Important question because I'm not sure about that: Do you still suffer the effect of the obstacle when br/bo through it?

I have yet to try Backwards Tailslide, but yes, you do suffer the effects of the obstacle.

7 hours ago, Ryuneke said:

4) Daredevil?? Does it work work with Overdrive Thrusters?

Yes, but you cannot do it as a Poe action since it is already turned the white boost into a red action, and Poe cannot turn a red action into a red action.


I would like to suggest Primed Thrusters. This gives Poe even more maneuverability, making him even more dangerous on K-turns and Tallons. Being able to 3 Tallon, then barrel roll, then boost using a 2 template was interesting. Certainly, I got double-stressed, and it turns off mod actions, but you can still boost and roll even with the stress. His maneuverability is fantastic.

Don’t forget Ion too. Full arc range 1-3. If you ion a target you can hammer it next turn. And dmg output is basically same as a 2 die attack.

Guri/Fenn vs. Asajj, Dengar, Han

Currently I'm playing in the German X-Wing TTS league. I somehow managed to go 5-0 without focusing on a particular list. With 3 games left and a bad MOV I had to win one more game to make it into the cut. Therefore I put Guri/Fenn back to the table (after not playing the list for nearly 2 months) becuase I know it's my strongest list and I can beat everything.

I lost my confidence as my opponent spawned his list. He played two I6's and Asajj. I couldn't think of a worse matchup. The reason for that is that I am in a dilemma. Usually you trade Fenn for the I6 pilot and Guri cleans up but here I am up against two I6 pilots with lots of health. So you trade Fenn for Dengar or Han and pray that Guri will survive until the end. BUT Asajj is a huge threat for Guri (and even Fenn). Her ability is so strong against Guri which is why I should kill her first. I had no idea what my win condition was and how to approach this menace...

My opponent played it really well. Asajj and Dengar took the flanks while Han approached through the middle. I tried to stay away from Asajj and attacked Han and Dengar first. Fenn ended up at range 1 of Dengar where he usually didn't suffer any damage because Dengar had just a single reroll. Unfortunately Dengar rolled like a boss and Fenn blanked hard on his defense dice suffering 3 damage. I was pretty sure that this was game right there. Therefore I played Fenn super aggressive which surprised my opponent. I think Fenn feeled bad for his first defensiv rolls so he started to evade everything coming his way. He refused to die and put lots of damage into Han.


Fenn finally died but so did Han. My opponent was ahead on points so I had to half either Dengar or Asajj. I went after Asajj because she already took 2 damage. My opponent flew her a bit too aggressive and Guri put 2 more damage into her. Guri lost 2 as well.


This is why I love this ship: Ending up in places like this is a thing that only Guri can do. Dodging Asajjs turret arc allowed her to finally put a torpedo into her. HALF POINTS!! and 10 minutes left on the clock, so I had to run to win this game. I don't like that strategy but I would have lost that game if I would have stayed aggressive. Asajj had one more shot which Guri dodged. Win 96-71

Never expected winning this game. But I have to say that really strong dice rolls in the right moment won me this one. Therefore I wasn't really happy about my victory.

But still... I am now 6-0 and already in the cut.

7th league game vs Kettch (Han, Wedge, Jake)

With the new points release I was able to fly the new ETA Actis. I was so hyped for this ship since it first got announced. Therefore I was really happy to finally put it on the virtual table.

I played this list. Called it Actis Aces.

Eta-2 Actis - •Anakin Skywalker - 72
•Anakin Skywalker - Hero of Coruscant (56)
Predator (2)
•R2-A6 (6)
Stealth Device (8)

Eta-2 Actis - •Shaak Ti - 64
•Shaak Ti - Compassionate Mentor (44)
Juke (7)
Stealth Device (8)
Sense (5)

Eta-2 Actis - •Obi-Wan Kenobi - 59
•Obi-Wan Kenobi - Guardian of Democracy (49)
Predator (2)
Stealth Device (8)

Total: 195

View in the X-Wing Squad Builder

This archetype is exactly what I love to fly in X-Wing: High floor-low ceiling. 3 ships with only 9 hp (even Guri/Fenn has 11hp).

I want to explain why I build the list like this:


- Anakin is there because he's an I6. His ability looks really cool because he can get rid off stress and even locks.
- Obi is there because he's an I5 with 3 force. His ability is ok.
- Shaak Ti costs only 44 points which is insane for her ability. She can basically keep her evade for free.


- The Actis has a talent slot?! What in the world? Predator looks like the right upgrade because it's cheap, works togehter with the 3 dice bullseye and gets around the fact that the lock action on these things is purple
- Stealth Device will be absolutely awesome on the Actis. 4 green dice backed up by an evade + lots of force is insane.
- I put R2-A6 on Anakin. With the amazing dial you can get a lot out of the droid. No R5 regen droid because I don't want to take any damage flying this :)
- Shaak Ti has the Juke upgrade. It works really well with her ability because she always keeps her evade.
- Sense is really important for the Actis. I put it on Shaak Ti because she has he lowest initiative of the 3 pilots. This means that all ships can use the sense information to make the best out of the ship ability.

The matchup against Kettchs list is somehting this list doesn't like. He has 2 I6's. One of them is Wedge who can really put damage into the Jedi. But on the other hand I can use Sense+ship ability to block his ships.


End of round 1: I was pretty sure that he'll make a fast approach so I turned Anaking and Shaak Ti towards Obi.


Jake gave Wedge a focus. Wedge rolled 3 hits and Obi had to use his evade and a force to only suffer one crit (Fuel leak). Wedge used Crack Shot. With no defensive mods Wedge dropped down to 2 hp. Anakin did 1 damage on Han.

The next turn shows the power of the Actis: Shaak Ti will use Sense to look at Wedges dial. With the ship help of the ship ability there is nearly no place where Wedge can go without getting blocked. I dialed in a 1 turn to the right for Obi and a turn to the left for Shaak Ti. Anakin will turn towards Wedge as well.


Wedged dialed in a 3 bank. Therefore Shaak Ti and Obi used the ship ability to get into a perfect postion for a block and a range 1 bullseye shot. Obi rolled 4 hits and Wedge exploded. This round also showed the defensive strength of the ETA. Hans range 1 shot on Anakin did nothing because Ani rolled 4 dice with an evade + 3 force.

Jake will probably bank now. So I used Obis ship ability to boost him left and then 4k.


It worked. Jake bumped and Obi landed right behind him; shields down on Jake. Anakin did another damage to Han.

Anakin will now turn right because Han will turn left onto the Debris (for no effect because of Kanan crew). I was too afraid to follow him with Anakin. Obi and Shaak Ti will engage Jake...


Took the picture to soon. Anakin hasn't moved yet. Obis 3 bank didn't land on the Gas Cloud. I was pretty lucky there. Obi stripped the focus with his attack and Shaak Ti (with the help of Juke) killed Jake.

No more pictures. The game went to time with a Han circling around and 3 ETA never taking damage. I wasn't able to half Han but both Kettch and I were really surprised about the defensive power of the Jedi. Win 103-0


WOW. I don't know where to start...these things feel so strange and different. I will go through the pilots and upgrades and talk about what I liked and what not.

- Anakin was amazing at I6. The R2-A6 is really strong and I won't drop him off of him. I never used his ability because I kept my ships togehter which was necessary against Kettchs list. Still think the ability is pretty good.
- I wasn't sure about Obi . He is strong at I5 having 3 force but I will definetely give Aalya Secura a try because her ability looks really strong. Its basically Concordia Faceoff without spending a force to activate it. And it works on friendly ships as well. She only has 2 force and costs 2 more points than Obi but still...
- Shaak Ti was a blast. She had 2 evades most of the time so she was pretty much unhittable. Her downside is that she can bleed out of force pretty quick. So you have to disengage to recover her force pool.
- Juke seems like the right upgrade for her but it's really expensive. Might consider Predator instead.
- Sense, hands down, won me the game. It gives me perfect information on what to do with Intuitive Controls; how to setup blocks or avoid blocks, how to engage or disengage.
- Predator did lots of work and is the right upgrade for these ships.
- Stealth Device , oh dear, the Stealth Device. The fact that he did only 1 damage total says it all. Doing this 1 point of damage required a focused Wedge with Crack Shot. This shows the defensive power of these ships. Han had some really strong rolls later on but wasn't able to crack that defense all by himself. Do you remember 1.0 Soontir with PTL, Autothrusters and Stealth Device? Had the same feeling here :)

On the other hand flying the Actis felt really strange. The weirdest thing for me to experience was that I didn't do lots of repositioning actions after executing the maneuver. I evaded instead. This created a strange feeling because I'm used to do lots of repositioning flying aces like Kylo, Soontir, Guri or Fenn. After a couple of turns I getting used to it and was happy having the evade. The ship ability was pretty good and I was glad having it in the matchup, although I didn't used it that often. Playing against a larger number of ships will probably make me use IC more often.

BUT: This list can really create a negative play experience for your opponent. There are lists outside that will never hit these things. You need a ton of mods and lots of focus fire to put meaningful damage through.

I finally have a new favorite archetype to fly and practice with. I am really curious to see how this list handles swarms and other popular archetypes

Edited by Ryuneke

Your battle reports and pictures are amazing. I really enjoy reading them.

You represent everything I find NPE about Xwing! 🤣 🤣

I love your Batreps... I use them to up my chonky beef lists’ effectiveness against aces.

And you always tempt me to play aces... where I promptly get decimated!

Thanks! 😁 👍

11 minutes ago, JBFancourt said:

You represent everything I find NPE about Xwing!

Why??? What have I done?

7 minutes ago, Ryuneke said:

Why??? What have I done?

Let me search my feelings a second...

I just find the most fun in X-Wing when flying more or less at each other with mid to lots of shooting. Obviously I enjoy the nuance of positioning for the opening engagement... and there’s a lot of strategy in this. But generally both players still more or less engaging by round 2-4.

I may fly Soontir (or other aces) but he’s a bright star that burns out quickly and normally has 3-4 ships backing him up.

I relish the engagement phase.

I feel like you enjoy the activation phase the most.

Both require good management. I’m not a new player, and I’d rate myself “above average” - making cuts regularly but not always ending up at final table. I still need the force guiding my dice. 😜

In your games, you’re shooting only a fraction of the times per game I do, and only being shot at when you mess up or it’s nearly impossible to hit. Very much a winner on points and time.

I don’t in anyway fault you for this on a competitive level or a personal enjoyment level - I imagine a perfectly flown game is what makes you whistle gaily. In reality a lot of times you’re fighting up hill battles against the meta because of your list selections. Kudos on that. And in competitive play, the primary goal is winning. But for me personally, the default joy is sucked out of the game by spending 75 mins flying with minimal shooting.

When I’m through playing with you or similar pilots I’m normally frustrated.... WIN OR LOSE. When I have flown a good bloody “scrum” match up I’m normally happy... WIN OR LOSE.

The other thing you test is chassis efficiency spam, though not as frequently. I also don’t like this... although I love flying against it because LOTS of shooting.

My personal niche favorites is an ace element with a 2-3 beefy generics and another quasi ace or support. I want fun abilities and some staying power. I recently won a store event with this. It symbolizes to me the core clean fun of X-Wing at its best! 😁 👍

Kylo Swarmet

(76) Kylo Ren [TIE/vn Silencer]
Points: 76

(45) Commander Malarus [Xi-class Light Shuttle]
(2) Proud Tradition
Points: 47

(25) Epsilon Squadron Cadet [TIE/fo Fighter] — (x3)
Points: 75

Total points: 198

I almost stopped playing the game when regen runaway Jedi were everywhere. Bless the points updates! After two games in a row of losing by a single halved ship and having one exchange of fire. I almost left the store lol. 😉

But I enjoy your batreps AND it has made me better flying against my nemesis lists. Although I don’t enjoy the game, victory is a good salve! 😜

Now your Bro Bots, tho.... that’s some action I enjoy!

Sincerely yours,

JB 😁 👍

What do you think of replacing a Jedi with a clone with Detonators for the mirror? Sure, carpet bombing is only going to hit these guys en masse, but area denial can influence these guys. Also, how much do they hate Emon/Sol?

As always good to read your takes on the same kind of lists I love flying. I was wondering how you would compare say the Guri/Fenn list vs Brobots vs this last ETA aces in terms of who you feel would be the better all-rounder in a tournament and who would be the best against the other two? I often find myself looking at a ace or two ship-list and go "This would be great fun to play, but why would I fly this since my other -insert list name- would just smash it". I tend to belived think that Guri/Fenn is one of, if not the, strongest list against other aces or two-ship lists.

On 11/26/2020 at 12:49 AM, Hoarder of Garlic Bread said:

What do you think of replacing a Jedi with a clone with Detonators for the mirror? Sure, carpet bombing is only going to hit these guys en masse, but area denial can influence these guys. Also, how much do they hate Emon/Sol?

I think running 2 Jedi + 2 V-Wings could be pretty strong. And bombs are always good alrounders.

and yeah, the eta doesn’t want to see any bomb...

4 hours ago, Samurai33 said:

As always good to read your takes on the same kind of lists I love flying. I was wondering how you would compare say the Guri/Fenn list vs Brobots vs this last ETA aces in terms of who you feel would be the better all-rounder in a tournament and who would be the best against the other two? I often find myself looking at a ace or two ship-list and go "This would be great fun to play, but why would I fly this since my other -insert list name- would just smash it". I tend to belived think that Guri/Fenn is one of, if not the, strongest list against other aces or two-ship lists.

Guri/Fenn will always be my favorite list to fly. As soon as we can play real tournaments again, I will bring them to every tournament I am participating. Never played such a strong and beautiful list.

Because I only played a single game with the ETA, I can’t compare it in terms of performance to any other list I played recently. Luckily I will play a game in about 30 minutes and a small tournament tomorrow. Gonna try Aayla instead of Shaak ti.

Edited by Ryuneke