Push The Limit, Eta-2

By Sciencius, in X-Wing

The one problem that Aayla Secura pilot has is that she takes up your Aayla Secura character slot.

Its the same problem with the First Order and Terex.

I hope the trend continues. Normalizing epic by including content that is 'wasted' if you never play epic does a lot of good for the mode among the casual playerbase. You would be surprised how often that kind of thing works, and epic play helps increase minimum ship count to sell more product.

If this trend continues and you start seeing epic cards snuck in to basically every product it may be a great turn around for the mode. I think FFG has realized with the success of Aces High how much alt modes can help keep the game vibrant and the community happier through rough patches.

1 hour ago, Archangelspiv said:

I think these are going to be hard to speculate on as they are Force sieves, except for maybe Aayla. They are fragile ships, essentially TIE Interceptors, but if flown right won’t be taking more than 2 shots a round, but should be less than that. How much you pay for bullseye 3?
I’m hoping Obi isn’t more than 60. But I literally have no idea where to start for points.

I see Ani coming in at 55-7.

He's 62 in the delta, which is a demonstrably better ship once you pay the few points for CLT.

The delta ship ability is better, it has a shield and I'd argue the pilot abilities are better on the deltas as well. All of that puts the most expensive at 57ish I think.Hoping you can run 3 with some toys...

11 minutes ago, Archangelspiv said:

They included an Epic play card in this expansion, not sure why, but I’m sure all the Epic players are happy about it.
Never played an Epic game myself, but I appreciate all versions of the game are being supported.
FFG could go the GW route and kill off anything they don’t deem profitable. I’m glad I dropped all GW games ages ago.

It's a bit of a token gesture really though. I say that as a full blooded Epic warrior myself. Any time they make anything, it's automatically in epic. So the not-wing card is like I've said previously, a nice touch. I still hold that the HSRing and equipment would be just fine in standard in my opinion, and is even more of a token gesture to have it blocked out for Epic only. That is to say if they just made it standard legal, we'd still have it in epic. No problem. The not-wing card is therefore the only actual card they made specifically for Epic as far as I'm concerned.

The Hyperspace upgrade is also cool. I secretly think this may be a sneak peek at the next dedicated Epic box. Perhaps a campaign with some Hyperspace focused mechanics and missions. It would be fun to have some fleet management elements like the 1e campaigns had, and being sure you can actually get your fighters to the battlefield through Hyperspace could be kinda neat.

As I've said a while ago, and what @Hiemfire also points out, is that the not-wing card must supplement an already formed wing. But the general confusion is then on are you really the commander? Unless as I suggested some of the Jedi might have two Epic slots. And the article suggests you could use Clones as your wingman, so is that some other cards then we haven't seen yet that like AotE let's you do a mixed wing? The art certainly makes one wonder.

1 hour ago, dezzmont said:

It feels extremely healthy in a sense because it allows you to maintain the absurd advantage of triple action economy on a force user with a bonus action ability, while forcing you really plan if you want to use those actions. I am now firmly in the 'Remove delta from hyperspace so this can be the main jedi platform' camp. Fine Tuned Controls was just a mistake, maybe don't give a pseudo-Vader ability to every ship in a faction yeah?

Why does the Delta need to be removed from hyperspace?

59 minutes ago, 5050Saint said:

It's pseudo-supernatural reflexes that really are the cost driver here. Superflexes isn't cheap even at I4. Even if we value the ship ability at half of the cost of Superflexes, that's an 8 point uptick on the chassis at I4.

There's a big difference between activation and system phase. The value of supernatural comes from it happening right before the ship moves. For aces, the Delta repositioning is much more valuable, while the actis' repositioning is better to setup blocks.

Just want to comment on the wing card. The dreadnaught hunter card also doesn't have any wing leader info and the First Order Vanguard quick build pairs it with First Order Elite on Kylo. Quickbuilds due often break rules but I think in this case it's showing that non wing leader cards get added to a wing leader card.

32 minutes ago, ImperialAce95 said:

The one problem that Aayla Secura pilot has is that she takes up your Aayla Secura character slot.

Its the same problem with the First Order and Terex.

I agree. I do think aayla secura pilot will see play than pilot Terex though. That is some serious defense. Also her carrier gets really expensive fast. I'm sure it will create list building dilemmas.



So happy my lil dude is in as a pilot AND he’s much, much easier to trigger than his crew version. I will definitely be flying this.

13 minutes ago, FriendofYoda said:



So happy my lil dude is in as a pilot AND he’s much, much easier to trigger than his crew version. I will definitely be flying this.

I think the interesting thing about Yoda’s modded ETA is that the pilot capsule looks more like the classic TIE capsule than the original ETA capsule.

Regarding Jedi Commander , I believe wording on the initial preview is different than the one we learned today:



My best guess is that it's a double-sided card with wording on the first side:

Setup : Equip this side faceup.

You are a wing leader . Your


[???] flip this card.

And what we've seen today is the other side.

3 hours ago, Archangelspiv said:

It doesn’t matter how it happened. It says when you do a boost action you can spend a force to do a hard turn instead. Extreme Kylo would be stressed and would have spent a force to pretty do Daredevil if using the Afterburners ability on the Silencer. Which is fine by me, Focus then hard 1 boost could be great.
Other than Jedi, Kylo is the only other pilot that can use this card? All the other pilots are Large based ships.

I’m not counting Luke as it’s situational when it can be used.

Kylo with Afterburners would be diminishing returns, but that's out of the question since he doesn't have the mod slot.

57 minutes ago, LeMightyASP said:

Why does the Delta need to be removed from hyperspace?

It doesn't necessarily have to... but... encouraging the new ship by taking away the other Jedi makes a degree of sense to me.

Personally, I'd keep the Aethersprite (well, at least a few pilots... low Init ones other than Mace) remove CLT from HS, but add 7B (shouldn't be a problem if it's only the bad pilots, right?). That would remove the overlap between CLT and Actis, while allowing folks to fly their Aethersprites. Heck maybe it's *JUST THE PADAWANS* with Barriss Offee and Ahsoka Tano as the only two pilots.

I don't play Republic, but I like the force management this ship will require. You can spend force on the ability, force on manuevers, force on TL, force from a force pilot ability, upgrade card, etc.

And it stacks. Like, if you use your last force in the Systems Phase, you can't execute a Purple Move. Or, if you systems reposition and then execute a Purple move, that leaves you at -2 force, so maybe no target lock, etc.

A lot of interesting choices to make. Should keep the price down, too, relitavely speaking.

8 hours ago, Gupa-nupa said:

All I want is Kit Fisto as a Pilot!!


1 hour ago, LeMightyASP said:

Why does the Delta need to be removed from hyperspace?

It is a problematic little ship to base the faction around because it basically staples Vader's ability onto every copy of it, as its fairly rare Vader will want to Focus and Target lock the same turn due to having force access. On top of this, it actually is in some ways better because you have native boost.

It isn't necessarily terrible to have in HS (especially at lower initiative, I like the 'Padawan' plan but I am not sure about allowing 7B back, it just creates too hard a target to kill as 2 green with force is SIGNIFICANTLY better than 2 green without as you rarely need to spend your focus to get the benefit of those greens) but having access to so much raw action economy on all your ships gets a little wacky and its why the Delta caused a lot of things to get nerfed.

Pretty much any time a good Delta-7 list came about it got nerfed for causing some degenerate gameplay issues like overly defensive flying with 7B-regen, which seems to indicate the ship just isn't super healthy to allow to be good. The 1.0 Dash effect, if you will, because having access to both strong reposition and a mechanic that rewards disengaging to recharge a resource on a defensively powerful ship heavily rewards non-interaction in a game that already has a lot of systems that encourage non-interaction.

2 minutes ago, dezzmont said:

It is a problematic little ship to base the faction around because it basically staples Vader's ability onto every copy of it, as its fairly rare Vader will want to Focus and Target lock the same turn due to having force access. On top of this, it actually is in some ways better because you have native boost.

It isn't necessarily terrible to have in HS (especially at lower initiative, I like the 'Padawan' plan but I am not sure about allowing 7B back, it just creates too hard a target to kill as 2 green with force is SIGNIFICANTLY better than 2 green without as you rarely need to spend your focus to get the benefit of those greens) but having access to so much raw action economy on all your ships gets a little wacky and its why the Delta caused a lot of things to get nerfed.

Pretty much any time a good Delta-7 list came about it got nerfed for causing some degenerate gameplay issues like overly defensive flying with 7B-regen, which seems to indicate the ship just isn't super healthy to allow to be good. The 1.0 Dash effect, if you will, because having access to both strong reposition and a mechanic that rewards disengaging to recharge a resource on a defensively powerful ship heavily rewards non-interaction in a game that already has a lot of systems that encourage non-interaction.

I get that you don't like the Delta, but it has been nerfed consistently every chance it gets. I think having two options for a Jedi chassis is a good thing, there's no need to keep hammering on the republic when it's such a new faction and doesn't have that many options

43 minutes ago, Hoarder of Garlic Bread said:

Kylo with Afterburners would be diminishing returns, but that's out of the question since he doesn't have the mod slot.

Afterburners is what I wrote of Autothrusters 😳 , meaning the ship ability.

Edited by Archangelspiv
4 minutes ago, LeMightyASP said:

I get that you don't like the Delta, but it has been nerfed consistently every chance it gets. I think having two options for a Jedi chassis is a good thing, there's no need to keep hammering on the republic when it's such a new faction and doesn't have that many options

To be clear I am less saying 'I don't like the delta get rid of it screw republic' and more 'It is a problem for republic that a lot of its power budget is in the Delta-7 when it constantly gets nerfed.' It actually kinda sucked that the Delta-7 got nerfed so much, especially because some of those nerfs 'splashed' onto other factions like the droid nerfs, because Republic wasn't a good faction even before those nerfs. It just was the ship was such an intense NPE that the combos that allowed it to play super defensively had to go regardless.

If the delta-7 wasn't in the picture, that allows them to do stuff like make Sinker and the LAAT better, for example, because the best case scenario for those support options are less... intense. Every ship in a faction needs to be balanced in the context of every other ship, and the 7-B might need to be dashed or hyper-spaced as it might be too strong to allow support options to be cheap while its viable to fly on its own.

Edited by dezzmont
7 minutes ago, dezzmont said:

To be clear I am less saying 'I don't like the delta get rid of it screw republic' and more 'It is a problem for republic that a lot of its power budget is in the Delta-7 when it constantly gets nerfed.'

If the delta-7 wasn't in the picture, that allows them to do stuff like make Sinker and the LAAT better, for example, because the best case scenario for those support options are less... intense. Every ship in a faction needs to be balanced in the context of every other ship, and the 7-B might need to be dashed or hyper-spaced as it might be too strong to allow support options to be cheap while its viable to fly on its own.

I don't agree, stuff like Sinker and Warthog are clearly optimized when played with other clones, so balancing them doesn't depend at all on the existence of the Delta. Besides, I'm pretty sure that the Delta stopped being 'problematic' after the nerfs to regen.

And I think comparing FTC to Vader's ability is a bit of a stretch

So, how much will these cost?

Cast your bets.

1 hour ago, Blail Blerg said:

So, how much will these cost?

Cast your bets.

45 minimum for the Jedi General, 6 minimum for Extreme Maneuvers at I4 (scaling cost from 2 at I1 to like 12 or 15 at I6). That, or some other combination that adds up to 51, as I think 4 of those (with upgrades) is probably too good to be allowed since they're like Saber Squads with force and better defense.

Yoda will be maybe 1 or 2 points above the General (or even cheaper, as you even lose an initiative but it depends on how they value the support ability) and Ani/Obi might fall around 55 to 60-ish but no higher than their Delta-7 versions. Edit: holy moly Obi's 49 base? I expect higher for him and about the same (60-65) for Ani.

Other pilots somewhere in the middle I guess, because numbers are hard.

Edited by Npmartian
2 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

So, how much will these cost?

Cast your bets.

Everything you need to know about FFG's costing model, as evidenced by the Nantex:

2 minutes ago, Hoarder of Garlic Bread said:

Everything you need to know about FFG's costing model, as evidenced by the Nantex:

This raises the interesting question of whether North Korea is worse than Spamtex. Depending on who you ask and your proximity to the Krayt Thread, responses may vary.

12 hours ago, GuacCousteau said:

The fact that it's a deplete instead of a disarm token alone is enough to make him better.

Also, in most cases the extra charge on Rebel R2-D2 is irrelevant. You don't often get or even want three turns of no shooting to regen three shields.

I might be wrong on this but I think the fact that Republic R2-D2 doesn't specify face up or face down means he can repair either. So he gets to repair Loose Stabilizer. Particularly galling as that's basically all R2 does in Luke's X-Wing in ANH.

I'd take or leave the buzz droid killing, but this card is basically what Rebel R2-D2 should have been all along.

Also, the timing of Republic R2 is later in the phase which makes it much more powerful.

Rebel R2 is on dial reveal, Republic R2 is after you activate i.e. after you've moved and done your actions.

I will be dumbfounded if this thing isn't 11+ points on 3 agility ships considering the R2 astromech is 9 points on 3 agility ships.

Edited by Skitch_

My guess is the generic will be in 41 points. I think obi and anakin will be 3 or 4 points cheaper before you take into account clt. The others I have no idea. It's kinda hard to predict they cant go too low but the aethersprite is already costed pretty aggressively.