GK vs sasska, 9 to 2
Q4 Qualifier Reporting Thread
Updated through here, and @RealVeers score corrected.
Family and work is killing me, but still trying! Just got a game in vs. @187-Leon , 6 to 5 for him. We had our first Republic vs. Separatist fight! To make a long story short: Munificients are great but Republic squads are great either!
We played on TTS instead of Vassal as I wanted to learn about that. I hope, this still counts?
Tomorrow, I will finalize my game against @drumtier in our German vassal league. So if nothing happens tomorrow evening, I should be on the standby list either by points or games and then I hope for the Vassald-gods that the stand-by-ies will have a chance to join the world cup.
Very nice game against @drumtier . Won with 8:3 (MoV 156). We both had a mc75 and admo but I had two Transporter and full squads, he brought one transporter with adar tallon and yavaris but only 4 squads (luke, wedge, jan and x-wing). Two game changer: Very narrow positioning and he could not avoid to ram my transporter, need to step one back, ram yavaris (only one hull left) and than have not moved at all but killed yavaris. Second: My bright hope was only at one hull and no scatter but with one shield in the side. Last shoot of the game: 3 red in her side. hit, double and crit. Evaded the double (was on blue distance) re-roll: Nothing! And with BH I lost only the one shield and survived!
So, i think, i am on the stand-by list!!!
Hopefully, not to late to qualify into a standby slot. Consolidated games below since now my Feb looks like it might be free enough for the VWC. Thanks!
IrishMadCat vs me (36-329) for cadetvw MOV 293 (2:9)
Irish picked first player with the bid and played my "Minefields". W as a good bruising match that the score doesn't reflect.
Sasska vs me 156-73 MOV 83) 7-4 for Saaska
We played Sasska's infested fields and worms and rocks really hurt against non-maneuvering Clams.
Sam vs me (Thrawn fighters vs Agate HH's)
276-87 (MOV 189) 8-3
Write-up coming soon, but Sam's fighters ate my HH's and Pelta with help from a Vic, while Agate left Morna and Thrawn's Arq at 1 health.