YT freighters design, printing and painting

By Decan Mabu, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

Hello all

following the line of the YV-330 I have started the YT line, at the moment I have just designed the YT-1000 and the Volt Cobra, but this one is no very clear witch model of YT is, supposing is more or less a unique ship based on the modification of several ships, most of them from YT line, but my goal, is. To make also other ships like the YT-2000, YT 1200, (as well as the 1210/1250) and some more...

now I’ll start with the YT 1000, a lovely freighter I had done in the past with scratch built but no I have designed in. 3D and printed...

Here is some drawing I’ve been based on making this design on 3D


The next step is the 3D design

here is a compilation of pictures made to see what I have done with the 3D design, is a very basic presentation but I’m trying to show a more detailed pictures of it, and hopefully some paint design who can be made with it.




Hope you’ll enjoy of this pictures but please feel free to give me some comments about it.

Then I started to make some trials with the printer and those are some results I have obtained.

The printout shall be in 3 parts:


main body


as you can see here in this 3D design drawing, this allows me to make some modifications or alternatives in the future for this ships, afterwards and YT is highly modified ship and can be customized in several ways, so I can make several version of thrusters, cockpit, turrets for this ship in the future... ...but at the moment this is the standard version


Then here we are the results of the printer, Initially I have some problem with the supports, the orientation of the ship tho get the maximum level of detail, but the best result I got from the firs trials were thes and the optimized version of this is the one made in black resine.







Then I started the painting process.

and here are some of my advances:




While finishing the paint job, I made some new designs about some YT owner ever has dreamed for...

...I mean an auxiliary Shuttle, as seen on Solo film there was the dart but I’ve seen also the possibility of preparing another one yo can also see on several books about YT freighters, and this is the F_LER

here is a picture of the ship and how it docks to YT freighters:



I started with the design and make slightly modifications (on details) but basically the ship looks as it original concept.


hope you enjoy

please show me the opinions about it, I’ll be happy to hear of them.

I actually like your version more. Has a better height to the cockpit area. The official cockpit seems rather cramped height wise.

Nice work..

Those are the first results of the print

the level of detail is very high





If you’re interested you contact me via [email protected]

Edited by Decan Mabu

So awesome!

As promised, here is my painted copy of the F-LER from you.


Wow.. Just wow. Almost makes me think of the Delta flier, from voyager.

19 hours ago, Marcus Starkiller said:

As promised, here is my painted copy of the F-LER from you.


I’m happy to see the first one painted and enjoy with it, Many thanks friend!!

Following the YT line (at least the canon ones) I have started with the next project, the YT-1200 the next precursor ship of the famous YT-1300.

these first pictures are for the standard configuration but I want to keep on making some personalizations on this freighter like cockpit, turrets and cargo modules, but this first pictures can say much of the main idea, I’ll try to prepare the 3D print archives (STL archives) on these week and have a prototype printed for the next week.




Here is the YT-1000 that I just finished painting.
