No Scarlet Witch live stream?

By maniakmedic, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

The October FFG Live schedule is out and there's no Marvel Champions on the schedule. Which makes me sad, because I want to see some discussion of her cards and mechanics. Oh, well.

Looks like we might at least be getting a look at Descent 3E, which I can totally dig.

Her pre-print deck is probably not ready.

We should still get a preview article, just looks like no accompanying stream.

Think yourselves lucky - there hasn't been an L5R livestream since last year.

Do we know when the article will be dropping? I really want to see some of the cards in her deck!

Isn't she releasing in January?

42 minutes ago, Duciris said:

Isn't she releasing in January?

Yes, so her article preview will be out this month, 3 months before release.

So, I am now actually thinking that there will not be a double month and things got pushed back with ScW releasing February and GMW March.

If that is the case, then we should get a stream/preview next month.