I'm creating a npc, who may sometimes help or hurt my players. Her ethics are like Hondo's to Star Wars heroes, but she is a noble not a pirate. No fan of the Empire for knocking down the Noble Class, but also not for people having freedom. Why could the Empire just not be a Monarchy, Rebels?
To give her something to stand out, I was thinking of her using a DT-29 as her sidearm. She was taught shooting at a very early age and is still a top shot and hunter, so no little hold out blaster for this lady. Also she was taught and goes by the idea, if one can not bring down the target with one shot, one should not shoot. Wiki and Battlefronts say the DT-29 does heavy damage but only six shots. She could use this, Target the girl, she just has six shots. Her answer, " I only need one for you."
My problem is since known as Krennic's blaster and the only character known to use it, the stats for the DT-29 listed for him do not look right for me. Except for saying nonregulation, the stats are just the same as for any heavy blaster. She would not own a generic blaster.
Maybe boosting damage to 8 over the standard 7 and adding limited ammo 6. Or, could be like the Nova Viper with damage 7, and accurate and pierce to add to the damage. The DT-29 she uses would also have to be superior. Any ideas on new stats for the DT-29?