The Gathering -- Rules question

By GI Joe, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

I tried to submit this with the Rules Question form, but it seems to be currently broken.

Does anyone know the answer to this?

In The Gathering scenario in the Core Set, the agenda card says "Forced: At the end of the enemy phase, each unengaged Ghoul enemy moves one location towards the Parlor."

What if the ghoul enemy is exhausted currently? Does it not move, or does the agenda overrule this and the ghoul moves anyway while exhausted?

The only requirement is for the Ghouls to be unengaged. So long as this is true they will move even if they are exhausted.

arkhamdb has answers that people have received from the official rules form in the past, so if you look up the card you may find the answer there: .

The rules form itself is definitely temperamental. Sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn’t, possibly based on the browser being used. Either way, you’ll probably find you receive an answer quicker if you ask here rather than contacting FFG.

I hope that helps!

Thank you so much, Assussanni! Yes, that helped. I knew about Arkham DB but I've only ever used it for player cards, not encounter ones, I guess to avoid spoilers. It didn't even occur to me to check there.

Thanks, again!