Agent Terex Xi-class Shuttle Combo?

By Cpt ObVus, in X-Wing

Agent Terex, Inertial Dampeners, Quickdraw.

Terex equips Inertial Dampeners, passes them to Quickdraw during Setup. Quickdraw can then hit the brakes during her activation (spending a shield, which triggers her bonus attack ability), and basically give herself two attacks at a critical moment. Best part is, her 6 initiative means you can have pretty much perfect knowledge of the board state before you choose to stop dead or not. This seems not at all bad, especially if Muse is around to clear the stress off Quickdraw. Discuss.

Edited by Cpt ObVus

It's a cute combo but it does remind me a bit of when Quickdraw launched in 1.0 and self-damage tricks were the standard setup at first, but turned out to be less efficient than playing without it.

It's not the same situation of course because the card possibilities are all different, along with different costs and metas, so it could work, but if anything it seems worse this time because QD has fewer possibilities to mod those attacks - none at all unless you've pre-locked the target or have Pattern Analyser etc.

I'd feel better about it if there were more value from Terex. Deadman Switch on TN-3465 is a nice combo - get attack mods against an enemy at range 1 of Tina by damaging her, and deadman-damage the target if Tina dies from that - and Tina's pilot ability can get QD those mods that she wants.

It doesn't leave that much else for the squad though once you've got those 3 pilots, and it feels a bit like building around jank. It looks fun but probably not competitive. Maybe something like this:

Agent Terex (42) Biohexacrypt Codes (1) Inertial Dampeners (3) Deadman's Switch (2) Contraband Cybernetics (2) Ship total: 50 Half Points: 25 Threshold: 4

"Quickdraw" (47) Pattern Analyzer (5) Special Forces Gunner (9) Ship total: 61 Half Points: 31 Threshold: 3

TN-3465 (28) Automated Target Priority (1) Ship total: 29 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

"Holo" (53) Proud Tradition (2) Ship total: 55 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 2

Total: 195 View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Order&d=v8ZsZ200Z402XW202WWWW95W93W92WY243XW206WW182WWY261X348WY382X319WWW&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

Terrex is best crew but worst shuttle. You could cloak with him though, so that's a consideration for a purely support ship.

I feel like it’s more of a, “Hey, I wanna use some crew, and this thing’s way cheaper than an Upsilon, and I’m also planning to use Quickdraw, so maybe I’ll take use Terex and give Quickdraw Dampeners...” like, I’m doing this anyway, may as well do that for four points... not something to build a fleet around.

I played self-damage QD. It was very fun. And pretty reasonably effective. I would definitely add either DeutCells or Shield upgrade though.

Maybe some adv sensors to make ppl cry.

The sad part is the Xi doesn't feel worth 40 points.

I'd prefer to have another ace as the 3rd ship here, but the Xi doesn't really do much offensively. (Would rather have something like an upsilon)

On second thought, this looks fun.

“Quickdraw” (47)
Special Forces Gunner (9)
Advanced Sensors (10)
Shield Upgrade (6)

Agent Terex (42)
Inertial Dampeners (3)
Contraband Cybernetics (2)

Kylo Ren (76)
Advanced Optics (4)
Total: 199

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

(Edit, can remove contraband, as Terex only buffs tieSF or FO)

Edited by Blail Blerg
4 hours ago, Blail Blerg said:

I'd prefer to have another ace as the 3rd ship here, but the Xi doesn't really do much offensively.

The Xi definitely seems to want to be supporting a swarm rather than some aces, given the the first order crew options

12 hours ago, Dasharr said:

It's a cute combo but it does remind me a bit of when Quickdraw launched in 1.0 and self-damage tricks were the standard setup at first, but turned out to be less efficient than playing without it.

It's not the same situation of course because the card possibilities are all different, along with different costs and metas, so it could work, but if anything it seems worse this time because QD has fewer possibilities to mod those attacks - none at all unless you've pre-locked the target or have Pattern Analyser etc.

Something to be sure to note if going for the inertial dampeners tactic, it is a white stop, then receive a stress. So, Pattern Analyzer wouldn’t trigger there. (Not sure if that was the intended communication - you might have just been talking about options for QD Getting mods in general).

6 hours ago, Synel said:

Something to be sure to note if going for the inertial dampeners tactic, it is a white stop, then receive a stress. So, Pattern Analyzer wouldn’t trigger there. (Not sure if that was the intended communication - you might have just been talking about options for QD Getting mods in general).

That was what I meant; I missed that interaction. In that case QD's options for mods on a zero-stop are narrower. Having a lock already from a previous turn, or advanced sensors (probably too costly), or an external source (like being coordinated by Terex before QD's activation, or having TN-3465 at range 1 of QD's target) are the ones I can think of.

1 hour ago, Dasharr said:

That was what I meant; I missed that interaction. In that case QD's options for mods on a zero-stop are narrower. Having a lock already from a previous turn, or advanced sensors (probably too costly), or an external source (like being coordinated by Terex before QD's activation, or having TN-3465 at range 1 of QD's target) are the ones I can think of.

Proud Tradition. Always get a focus on your full stop turns.

Who bothers to do the triggers to flip PT anyway? lol So you'll be pretty safe. Plus it's pretty cheap and will work on your turns when you do red moves too.

9 hours ago, InterceptorMad said:

Proud Tradition. Always get a focus on your full stop turns.

Who bothers to do the triggers to flip PT anyway? lol So you'll be pretty safe. Plus it's pretty cheap and will work on your turns when you do red moves too.

I've never used PT and I don't think I've ever played against it, so I really don't know how commonly the card-flip option's taken. If it's on a high-value target like QD it might be more likely though. It would be more inconvenient on an /sf than most ships because it locks out the ability to link a rotate off the focus action.

PT mostly only flips on the kill shot since the dying ship can just take a crit to flip it.

Ive used it with Quickdraw and Lehuse both with Pattern and autothrusters so they can hard 1 and focus plus lock, or 3 sloop, boost to range 1 then focus and lock.

Problem with Quickdraw and ID combo is you only get one bonus attack, so now you just invited the world to attack quickdraw. I dont think the combo is that great.

People can already do a similar self damage attack with Electronic Baffle and nobody uses it, and its at end phase so its free with no chance of enemy return fire eliminating your other shields. Just takes a friendly lock sitting on Quickdraw for baffle to remove "Any red token" to trigger. Still, nobody uses it. So I dont see the appeal of ID.

12 hours ago, InterceptorMad said:

Proud Tradition. Always get a focus on your full stop turns.

Who bothers to do the triggers to flip PT anyway? lol So you'll be pretty safe. Plus it's pretty cheap and will work on your turns when you do red moves too.

ID is a white stop that gives you stress. So doesn't work with PT.

1 hour ago, wurms said:

Problem with Quickdraw and ID combo is you only get one bonus attack, so now you just invited the world to attack quickdraw. I dont think the combo is that great.

I mean, the Dampeners shouldn’t be used if using them is a bad idea in the context of the current board state. I’m imagining the Dampeners as a nice way to pull up short of an attacker’s arc, making it a defensive measure, not a way to draw fire.

53 minutes ago, MegaSilver said:

ID is a white stop that gives you stress. So doesn't work with PT.

why would that not work with PT? It's not PA we're talking about here :P .

20 minutes ago, DarthSempai said:

why would that not work with PT? It's not PA we're talking about here :P .

Oh. Misread. lol.

lol it's okay, all those PT, PT(primed thrusters), PA, BA, FO, etc are getting confusing so I getcha :)

Incorrect post.

Edited by Archangelspiv

Edited per ffg update: see below!

Edited by Bucknife
Updated for future reference
4 minutes ago, Bucknife said:

Hey guys.

Not to rain on parade, but the rules have distinctions between "Spending" and "Taking damage".

QD spending a shield from I.Damps wouldn't trigger his "when I'm damaged" dealio.

At least until ffg FAQs it as working for BISS (because I said so).

Did you not see the latest FAQ update?

QD and ID work together now. Though I'd stay it's still not a good idea to make a list for the combo.

59 minutes ago, MegaSilver said:

Did you not see the latest FAQ update?

QD and ID work together now. Though I'd stay it's still not a good idea to make a list for the combo.

Very true. But a clutch stop at I6 with you not being too upset for losing a shield can have its merits for the I3 cost. It's a bad idea the vast majority of the time to self-proc Quickdraw, but hey, if it lets you dodge a killbox (especially if ioned) or lets a blocker overshoot you/still get shot at, it could be clutch. I'd mainly take it just to keep the opponent overthinking things and being wary. Maybe once every 6 games it would be used for the intended effect.

And then I'll realize I could have had a better shuttle if I had 1st phase FO Palp + 2nd phase FO C1-10P/Force instead of taking his pilot card.