Maneuvering while strained...

By Jerome6741, in X-Wing Rules Questions

Does "Strain" condition disallow setting your dial to a "Red" manuever on an ensueing turn just like the stress condition does? Additionally, if so, is the penalty of a manuever 2 straight the same?

Edited by Jerome6741

Nope. Just reduces defense by one green die.

Hey thanks for taking the time to respond....I've been away from xwing for a while during covid with a few exceptions, and , did not see it specified in rules reference bit thought I would ask anyway. Again , thanks.

On 9/25/2020 at 12:10 PM, Jerome6741 said:

Does "Strain" condition disallow setting your dial to a "Red" manuever on an ensueing turn just like the stress condition does? Additionally, if so, is the penalty of a manuever 2 straight the same?

Should also be noted that “Depleted” ships function just like “Strained” ships; they can perform whatever maneuver they like, even red ones. They just suffer an attack penalty of -1 red, until they either perform a blue maneuver or make an attack.

On 9/25/2020 at 6:44 PM, Jerome6741 said:

Hey thanks for taking the time to respond....I've been away from xwing for a while during covid with a few exceptions, and , did not see it specified in rules reference bit thought I would ask anyway. Again , thanks.

Strain is on page 20 of the Rules Reference.


A ship is strained while it has at least one strain token. While a strained ship defends, it rolls 1 fewer defense die. The strain token is a red token.

• After a strained ship applies the effect to roll 1 fewer defense die this way, it removes 1 strain token.
• After a strained ship executes a blue maneuver, it removes 1 strain token..

While stress has the limitation written stating it cannot execute red maneuvers, no such limit is written for strain.