The Quicksilver article is up!
The Quicksilver article is up!
Three allies for 4 resources with Multiple Man. That's awesome!
Madrox and X-Factor interesting choices.
Never Back Down is a great card to boost protection
He could make great use of Unflappable .
Sadly my plans for him were rooted in Aggro ...Im going to have to re-think my overarching deck layouts.
I wonder what his signature Ally would be...I would expect it to be Crystal but now I wonder if they might do Strong Guy .
Edited by IceHot42I think they mentioned at some point that the signature allies for these "team" characters are the ally versions of their hero teammates since they tend to have cards and abilities that don't work without their counterpart. I could be wrong, but I swear I heard either Boggs or Caleb mention it at some point.
2 hours ago, maniakmedic said:Three allies for 4 resources with Multiple Man. That's awesome!
We may only get 2 total copies for playing them. Also still the usual 3 ally limit.
So, there is an Inhuman keyword in the game, but judging by Multiple Man we won't be getting a similar Mutant keyword on characters?
That Multiple Man is exciting! I like the boosts going into the Protection aspect with this deck.
Will they make Scarlett Witch an ally for Quicksilver when they have her as a planned hero?
Looks like it is safe to say I'm all in for this next batch of heroes!
1 hour ago, vmoss said:We may only get 2 total copies for playing them. Also still the usual 3 ally limit.
It's a new card, so there will be three copies since you can include three in a deck.
1 hour ago, TheSpitfired said:That Multiple Man is exciting! I like the boosts going into the Protection aspect with this deck.
Will they make Scarlett Witch an ally for Quicksilver when they have her as a planned hero?
Looks like it is safe to say I'm all in for this next batch of heroes!
If I remember correctly, that is what they were planning on doing.
1 hour ago, Laurence J Sinclair said:So, there is an Inhuman keyword in the game, but judging by Multiple Man we won't be getting a similar Mutant keyword on characters?
Yeah, I think it's interesting (and kind of disappointing) that he doesn't have the Mutant keyword, but if they really just stick to team keywords (X-Factor, X-Men, etc), I guess it's not a huge deal. They can always make an errata saying he's considered to have the Mutant keyword if they incorporate it in the future. Either way, I'm a huge Madrox fan and I'm glad to see him included!
The response says: search for a copy. Does "a" not usually mean 1 copy? Thanks.
6 minutes ago, vmoss said:The response says: search for a copy. Does "a" not usually mean 1 copy? Thanks.
Yes, but when the second copy comes into play, its Response text would also trigger, bringing in the third copy.
Thank you. I missed the second response.
The art on "Always be running" looks like a bunch of clipart thrown together.
Does Quicksilver looses his neck when he runs?
I love the character Multiple Man and am thrilled to see him in the game so soon. But I wish he was just slightly better. Maybe reduce the cost by one or increase his health by 1.
Just wish he did a bit more offensively. He is great for a sacrificial blocker but only if you have no allies in play. His tying up ally slots is a big reason why I wish he was slightly cheaper.
As for Quicksilver, he seems insanely fun to play. They will have a hard time topping him. I hope my favorite characters end up being as fun as I think Quicksilver will be.
4 hours ago, TechnoGolem said:I love the character Multiple Man and am thrilled to see him in the game so soon. But I wish he was just slightly better. Maybe reduce the cost by one or increase his health by 1.
Just wish he did a bit more offensively. He is great for a sacrificial blocker but only if you have no allies in play. His tying up ally slots is a big reason why I wish he was slightly cheaper.
As for Quicksilver, he seems insanely fun to play. They will have a hard time topping him. I hope my favorite characters end up being as fun as I think Quicksilver will be.
I think he’d be pretty busted if he was any cheaper... it’s not designed to play into an ally strategy I think, it’s designed to get you multiple allies at once for a one off cost. It’s pretty crazy to get 3 blocks for that cost as well as 3 Attack / Thwart in any combination... If Protection ever gets an ally boosting support like the one Aggression is getting in the Wasp pack it could be a pretty big deal!
5 hours ago, TechnoGolem said:I love the character Multiple Man and am thrilled to see him in the game so soon. But I wish he was just slightly better. Maybe reduce the cost by one or increase his health by 1.
Just wish he did a bit more offensively. He is great for a sacrificial blocker but only if you have no allies in play. His tying up ally slots is a big reason why I wish he was slightly cheaper.
Pair him with a hero who has the leadership aspect and get them to play their Team Training and Lead from the Front cards on you! Are you allowed to stack discounts? If so you can already get him in for 2 with Steve Rogers and Helicarrier in tandem. I run Cap with protection so that is very tempting! In that light I am inclined to agree 4 is probably a good cost for him.
Interesting to note that you only search your deck and hand for Multiple Man and not your discard pile. Will have a better chance of multiple copies out earlier in the game or after emptying your deck.
One thing to consider about Multiple Man is consistency - ANY copy of him will you to do his thing. So while he might feel slightly overcosted, there is a 'hidden' benefit to him in that he's 3x more likely to show up than any other ally.
Having said that, not being able to pull from the discard is a big issue; without getting all three copies in play he's pretty bad, and sometimes you'll just randomly get screwed like drawing two at once in an average hand without having a way to reduce the cost. But then pulling from discard would be broken normally. Unfortunately I just don't think there's really a way to solve the issue without LOTS of extra game text.
Also, Spider Woman using Make the Call to grab a friend's Jamie for a potential FOUR copies? If we ever get more dual aspect characters or similar, I want to see this break the game at some stage.
Actually think Multiple Man is only OK and has lots of limitations. A lot of the time you'll probably only get 1 additional copy into play, not both.
The chances of playing one and having both other copies in your deck seems slim. If one copy is in your hand, that's no good because you probably need to discard it to pay for another (other resource generators aside).
And you can't get all 3 if you have any allies in play anyhow.
If you draw any early or on a turn when you didn't want to play one, then you spend them as resource and make subsequent copies worse.
12 hours ago, maniakmedic said:I think they mentioned at some point that the signature allies for these "team" characters are the ally versions of their hero teammates since they tend to have cards and abilities that don't work without their counterpart. I could be wrong, but I swear I heard either Boggs or Caleb mention it at some point.
I remember them saying it in the original video where they were announced when talking about that Teamwork card that requires both QuickSilver and Scarlet Witch. If both heroes are being played, then their Signature Allies are just a resource, but you will never be playing one of them and not be able to use the Teamwork card because if someone else isn't playing the other then you can play the card when your signature Ally is out.
The trick is, you always have to buy the first copy of multiple man then. You have to prioritize that first one to make him fantastic.
Plus, compared to webbed up, even just getting one additional multiple man out, you're doing the same thing plus removing two threat/doing damage in any order. I know they're not as beneficial in blocking damage as webbed up is, seeing how the villain still gets boost cards, and can kill off the ally first, but with three multiple man's out it instantly is worth it in my opinion.
1 hour ago, Venompuppy said:The trick is, you always have to buy the first copy of multiple man then. You have to prioritize that first one to make him fantastic.
Plus, compared to webbed up, even just getting one additional multiple man out, you're doing the same thing plus removing two threat/doing damage in any order. I know they're not as beneficial in blocking damage as webbed up is, seeing how the villain still gets boost cards, and can kill off the ally first, but with three multiple man's out it instantly is worth it in my opinion.
To add to it, it also has the versatility that Webbed Up doesn't have in that you can choose which attacks to cancel, instead of the next 2, AND the character can be Stunned by another source on top of being able to have Multiple Man come out. All in all, it really is a crazy steal for what it does at only 4 cost, so for the difficulties of getting maximum out of it (having to play one while the other two are still in your deck), I think the card is priced right.
As of now it is looking light an easy include for me in quite a few of my Defensive builds.
That's the third card with "Is that all you('ve) got?" for flavor text......
3 hours ago, jonboyjon1990 said:Actually think Multiple Man is only OK and has lots of limitations. A lot of the time you'll probably only get 1 additional copy into play, not both.
The chances of playing one and having both other copies in your deck seems slim. If one copy is in your hand, that's no good because you probably need to discard it to pay for another (other resource generators aside).
And you can't get all 3 if you have any allies in play anyhow.
If you draw any early or on a turn when you didn't want to play one, then you spend them as resource and make subsequent copies worse.
Nadia Van Dyne can shuffle 2 copies of him back in though - that doesn’t seem terrible...