Hiya all,
A friend made me this question, and I have to say I don't think I know the answer, regarding the Bleeding condition.
The condition states "When a Bleeding character makes a check, they suffer physical damage equal to the strife symbols on their kept dice, ignoring their resistances. Each time damage inflicted this way causes the character to suffer a critical strike, the severity of the critical strike is treated as being equal to the character’s current fatigue"
Thing is, for that to happen the affected character should have to roll, get strife in the roll and be unable to defend against the damage dealt... but if the character can roll, that means its Fatigue has still not exceeded its endurance... and if that's the case, the character will be able to defend against the damage even if that would make it exceed its endurance, because by p. 268's sidebar, "a character can still defend even if defending would cause its fatigue to exceed their endurance".
So... riddle me this, when would the Bleeding condition cause a critical strike, going by the rules?
Thanks in advance ^^