Fight to the finish - Herald of hope preview

By Sciencius, in X-Wing

10 minutes ago, Matanui3 said:

And remember, Tailslide does not ignore the obstacle in any way. So usually you will be rolling that die for effects, and you don’t want to end on a rock and probably don’t want to touch debris at all.

Ah don't forget about R5-X3, because I know I did until about 2 minutes ago.

R5-X3 and Backwards Tailslide could combo okay.

This also seem deserving of some attention, although how useful it really is is up for debate. Barrel rolls and Boost do not count as maneuvers they only count as moves. So the rules for passing through obstacles while not executing a maneuver apply.

While a ship is not executing a maneuver, if it moves through or overlaps an obstacle, it suffers an effect based on the type of obstacle (after resolving its move, if applicable):

• Asteroid: The ship rolls one attack die. On a hit result, the ship suffers one hit damage; on a crit result, it suffers one crit damage.

• Debris Cloud: The ship gains one stress token. The ship rolls one attack die. On a Crit result, the ship suffers one crit damage.

• Gas Cloud: The ship rolls one attack die. On a hit or focus result, the ship gains one strain token. While a ship is at range 0 of an obstacle it may suffer different effects.

Neither asteroids or Gas Clouds make you skip your perform action step in these cases.

Useful for old Temmin who can use his ability too brush passed an obstacle and grab an evade while still getting his perform action step.

Edited by Tyhar7
3 hours ago, Parakitor said:

Woah, slow down there, writer. I can tell you're super excited about this card - you're tripping all over your words!


But not only the PR spin article writer was a bit fast there.


That one is a bit sloppily written.

Can he (you) transfer any(!) Evade token from another ship to a friendly?

Because the card does NOT say "your" token or "from you to a friendly". Open for rules lawyering if someone wants to be abusive. The intent is clear, but the text not.

9 minutes ago, Managarmr said:


But not only the PR spin article writer was a bit fast there.


That one is a bit sloppily written.

Can he (you) transfer any(!) Evade token from another ship to a friendly?

Because the card does NOT say "your" token or "from you to a friendly". Open for rules lawyering if someone wants to be abusive. The intent is clear, but the text not.

Per rules ref:

• When a ship is instructed to transfer a token to another ship, it is removed from that ship and assigned to the other ship. ◊ If a ship involved in a transfer is not able to remove or gain the token involved, the transfer cannot take place.

It specifies "you," i.e. Seftin himself transfers the token, so he must have it. At least, I think this should shut down the rules abusers.

Edited by Npmartian

I like the expansion overall. Got some interesting cards in it, but I think the A-wing got better deal out of it (depending on points).

Xwings: That overdrive thruster/tailspin combo is..................something. Guess they wanted to change the ship to be a lot more dodgy, but that cost will be interesting (I think I would still just do Heroic lol). Not really sure it helps Rebels at all.

  • Nimi Chereen- Seems like a solid X-wing pilot. Good fit for Jess swarm list. Rerolls for everyone!!
  • C'ai Threnalli- Wants that tailslide/thruster combo, but still seems questionable. Will be interesting to see how many T-70 can be taken with both those upgrades.
  • Temmin Wexley - Offers some wiggle room in case they need to open S-foils. Stapled to that tailslide list?
  • Poe - It Poe nuff said. Not sure what version of him I better.

A-wings: Really like the ships design. Starbird slash is still so cool. Still sort of suck how it does not really help Rebels, but I figure that Rebel expansion will do some heavy lifting for RZ1s.

  • Seftin Vanik - Another I5 support. Cool!
  • Cobben, Javos, and Tyce - All blockers/dying for other ships to get bonuses. Like how RD-68 works with them.
Edited by RyantheFett
3 hours ago, theBitterFig said:

Travel over one entirely? Very, very hard, geometrically speaking.

Easier with Overdrive using 2 template for B.rolls, for sure. ...


Pour another one out for our T-65s, though; no Overdrive for them.

Edited by Bucknife

Man, Overdrive Thrusters would be so good on rebel T-65s, especially Kullbee. Honestly I think they're the only thing that makes backward Tailslide useable.

Note: Tailslide requires you to have foils closed. That already means you have a red reposition by default, so setting it up to move through an obstacle isn't actually that hard. Even the larger asteroids can be easily cleared with a 2 template barrel roll.

Just wish the T-65 could 2-Boost.

Phoenix and Skystrike had better have some good stuff.

I've been waiting way too long for Empire and Rebel toys. They're my first and second factions. :(

Edited by ClassicalMoser

I hate just about everything about this pack except for the new Poe, but I really despise the Underslung Blaster Cannon.

Just give The Resistance ARC-170s at that point come ON...

27 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Note: Tailslide requires you to have foils closed. That already means you have a red reposition by default, so setting it up to move through an obstacle isn't actually that hard. Even the larger asteroids can be easily cleared with a 2 template barrel roll.

Just wish the T-65 could 2-Boost.

Why didn't they give it to the T-65, actually? (Overdrive and/or Tailslide) I don't think it would break anything.

Edited by Npmartian
14 minutes ago, Npmartian said:

Why didn't they give it to the T-65, actually? (Overdrive and/or Tailslide) I don't think it would break anything.

Tailslide is compatible with the T-65. Which makes me strongly suspect the Phoenix Pack will come with an X-wing, as disappointing as that is.

9 minutes ago, Npmartian said:

Why didn't they give it to the T-65, actually? (Overdrive and/or Tailslide) I don't think it would break anything.

Hard to say with so many unknown factors. Best guess is to give an identity to the T-70s in which they can arc dodge a lot more and fight in asteroid fields. The price of all that will be interesting, throw in the new pilots who have abilities to help that out. Not sure if this is just for one ace or give it to larger groups?

2 minutes ago, dezzmont said:
17 minutes ago, Npmartian said:

Why didn't they give it to the T-65, actually? (Overdrive and/or Tailslide) I don't think it would break anything.

Tailslide is compatible with the T-65. Which makes me strongly suspect the Phoenix Pack will come with an X-wing, as disappointing as that is.

Most likely this. The 65 really can't use the card so they will have to give them some ability to allow them to barrel roll/boost at 2. Wanted that orange B-wing as well lol.

4 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Most likely this. The 65 really can't use the card so they will have to give them some ability to allow them to barrel roll/boost at 2. Wanted that orange B-wing as well lol

They can use it on teeny tiny obstacles, or on ones where you don't lose your attack if you overlap. Think the 'mustache' asteroid, for an example.

Course that obviously isn't uh... remotely good enough (Your doing this to get an evade to avoid a damage... while likely taking a damage, and it only works with the obstacles you bring yourself), but it... technically works? And Rebels don't have a talent like Heroic that it is heavily competing with, so at 1 point they might be more easily persuaded to take it if they got an astromech or something to give them big boosts or rolls.

Edited by dezzmont

How many A2 pilots are there now??
what is the point of having so many. And for the t70s

11 minutes ago, Blail Blerg said:

How many A2 pilots are there now??
what is the point of having so many. And for the t70s

The future of X-wing is cardboard. There are certainly resistance ships left to make, but they aren't going to have nearly as big a library as the OT or even PT factions. And the OT factions aren't getting new ships either, meaning for new content (AKA stuff that can be sold for money) to enter the game, it is going to eventually need to be pilots, upgrades, ect.

So if the writing is on the wall, may as well introduce them into the product line right away, right? Especially if you sell them bundled with plastic to raise the effective sale price without raising the cost that much, because most of the cost of minis manufacture is 'front loaded.'

And what cardboard is gunna sell better? One for a ship people have a lot of copies of and that sees frequent play? Or something edge case. And a bonus in this scenario is you can now sell plastic to people who likely already have the max ship count on A-wings and X-wings because they want the cardboard for the ships they collected.

Edited by dezzmont
2 hours ago, Managarmr said:


Might work well if coordinated for the evade boost.

16 minutes ago, dezzmont said:

They can use it on teeny tiny obstacles, or on ones where you don't lose your attack if you overlap. Think the 'mustache' asteroid, for an example.

I think on T-65's and say old Snap people are invisioning boosting full on through a obstacles (gas cloud probably) but in reality they only need to clip the outer edges of the obstacle with the template for this to trigger.

1 hour ago, dezzmont said:

The future of X-wing is cardboard...

...and repaints. where's my Blue Squadron X-Wings?

2 hours ago, KCDodger said:

I hate just about everything about this pack except for the new Poe, but I really despise the Underslung Blaster Cannon.

Just give The Resistance ARC-170s at that point come ON...


This is nothing like an ARC-170.

It's a range 1 only 2 dice attack that requires a lock and can't be modified by focus tokens or any pilot abilities.

It's slightly better than 1e Hotshot Blaster. And little else.

Besides, literally the very first thing we ever saw a T-70 do on screen was shoot backwards with this little turret. If anything, this is years overdue.

4 hours ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Phoenix and Skystrike had better have some good stuff.

I've been waiting way too long for Empire and Rebel toys. They're my first and second factions. :(

I hate to say it---but those two expansions might just make or break the rest of the game for me. I only play the original 3 factions, and the uber focus on the prequel and new trilogy factions, and all the chase cards and wide selection of pilots for Resistance A/X wings within those expansion packs and squadron sets, have become worrisome. It's become somewhat demoralizing to be an original trilogy only specialist.

3 hours ago, dezzmont said:

Tailslide is compatible with the T-65. Which makes me strongly suspect the Phoenix Pack will come with an X-wing, as disappointing as that is.

2 RZ-1As, we know this is almost guaranteed. I'd bet on a Y-Wing, or maybe the attack shuttle.

No X-Wings in Phoenix Cell, so that'd be dumb. But what if... a YT-2400 and 1 A-Wing? That'd sell, huh?

17 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

I hate to say it---but those two expansions might just make or break the rest of the game for me. I only play the original 3 factions, and the uber focus on the prequel and new trilogy factions, and all the chase cards and wide selection of pilots for Resistance A/X wings within those expansion packs and squadron sets, have become worrisome. It's become somewhat demoralizing to be an original trilogy only specialist.

Yeah, they went too hard in the paint with the conversion kits. It probably would have been better to start small and continue re-releasing old ships new into Second Edition and with any new design space they'd figured out since release. It's a big issue that all of the OT factions are stuck with 2.0 Launch-era/end of 1.0 era design. Also that they've already released the lions share of known characters for the ships, so there's not even much to look forward to in cardboard packs unless they make up a bunch of characters or scour Legends again.

20 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

I hate to say it---but those two expansions might just make or break the rest of the game for me. I only play the original 3 factions, and the uber focus on the prequel and new trilogy factions, and all the chase cards and wide selection of pilots for Resistance A/X wings within those expansion packs and squadron sets, have become worrisome. It's become somewhat demoralizing to be an original trilogy only specialist.

That is really where I am emotionally too. Hotshots and Aces was exciting but realizing they had no intention of following that up any time soon and a lot of the content just... not being good in Rebels (my main faction) or moving the needle on it has made me resolve not to buy any product until something changes and we start getting actual content that values me as a player more than tries to shake me down. Obviously, that isn't where everyone is, and if your having fun buying the PT or ST stuff I am sincerely happy for ya, but I am not really gunna be tossing in cash to this game unless Phoenix Pack is a huge 'flowers and boombox outside my window' moment, or we start seeing cardboard product.

Compare the value of new game content in the Reinforcement Packs to say... the mini packs in Netrunner: 20 cards (in a playset of 3 each when applicable, so often around 60 cards), 15 bucks, and each card represents a bigger mechanical entity than an upgrade in X-wing usually. So I don't intend to get them unless they contain ships I also happen to want.

Or, compare it to 40k, where if they release new mechanics for a faction that already had its 'conversion kit' (Read: Codex) released, you just get em for free. Ultimately part of the appeal of X-wing is the value proposition, but now the value to get new stuff as an OT player is completely awful.

So like... I am just not going to buy? Not in a 'grand statement' sense, this isn't a boycott or condemnation of people who are still buying. I still will play X-wing and encourage people to join in. I am just... done for the foreseeable future unless FFG's product philosophy changes to prioritize things better for players like me who don't really have an interest in grabbing plastic for chase cardboard.

1 minute ago, Matanui3 said:

Yeah, they went too hard in the paint with the conversion kits.

I disagree. The conversion kit was the only reason I decided X-wing 2.0 was worth taking a risk on. It got me in. The problem is that FFG just is refusing to release cardboard content for these factions to keep them in the loop on releases and help modernize the faction.

For real, if they just released more cardboard content, I would buy it non-stop. The problem with the conversion kit is that they are trying to use cardboard to get people to buy plastic, and are resistant to releasing a lot of cardboard to help give old factions genuinely new releases, and that just... probably isn't a good idea.

The Conversion Kit is the TCG equivalent of a core-set, a great place to build off mechanics in more specialized releases to create a central theme to build around. And they did this admirably. But this is the equivalent of if in MTG every other color was getting new cards in new sets, but Green just got nothing but re-prints and maybe 2 new cards every time. Obviously green players aren't going to buy new packs because you made it pretty clear the value isn't there for them.

26 minutes ago, Cloaker said:

2 RZ-1As, we know this is almost guaranteed. I'd bet on a Y-Wing, or maybe the attack shuttle.

Yes! 2 a wings is a must. I think that the orange b wing is too iconic for them to not print. I can easily imagine people buying the pack just for that repaint. A y-wing is ok, but when I think phoenix squadron I think VCX, A wing, B wing, in that order. I would rather see a "blue squadron pack" with a y wing and an x wing or a u wing. If they do the attack shuttle, that will be a bummer. I think that it would be better suited as a seperate blisterpack for those rebel players that don't want to buy the entire pack.

The ideal, despite not being a fan of the B wing myself (And thinking that maybe low key the named B-wings were bad for the faction as a whole due to necessitating nerfs to stress support), is probably A-B-Assault, or A-A-B, especially if that results in them getting a LOT of A-wing pilots.

The Y -wing already has decent support in terms of pilots, and sees a lot of play, with 3 of the 4 pilots being in an interesting spot, and 2 of them being some of the better designs in the rebel playbook. Also, a 'high ship count' Y-wing list was meta a while back and thus there is a risk a lot of rebels have too many.

The B-wing saw a lot of play but is suffering pretty heavily due to Beef being hit with a 22 point nerf and is struggling to 'find itself' and only has 2 pilots. Giving them some new pilots would be nice, especially as B-wings traditionally weren't run at their 'cap' at any point so its unlikely too many rebels own a full set.

The A-wing is just in a misserable spot and has been a huge sore spot among players as a whole, to the point sympathy for them has spilled out even to people who play the 'rival' RZ-2. So getting two, and a comical amount of support (Borderline making in the A-wing expansion) would be the MVP play. I would buy the box despite not really wanting new pieces if this ends up being the case.

Finally, the assault shuttle has very few pilots, synergizes with a recently re-released rebel ship, and has interesting slots to play with that allow the pack to help out more rebel ships than just the ones featured in the pack. Being able to sneak a new 'wide' crew that enables an entire rebel archetype would be a great way to position the Phoenix Pack as a 'must have' product. It also is pretty iconic to the rebels cartoon.

Edited by dezzmont

Maybe the biggest problem with the Conversion Kit is that FFG promised not to release stuff in re-releases that isn't in the Kit, which means nothing new in re-releases, which means a lot of players have no interest in buying most re-releases. New paint-schemes and updated models only help so much when players already have 8+ of that ship.

Unfortunately, this ALSO hurts new players since re-releases aren't profitable, so they've dried up. Good luck getting 4 Wookies now.