Star Wars VS Star Trek ... I guess

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing Off-Topic

I saw that, and laughed..

Chicken tikka masala with garlic naan. Sir Patrick is a man of culture, I see.

I loved those. Those are my official ep7-9 of SW as far as I'm concerned. A million times better writing and directing than the @#$ &_$# that D- has, and they only needed like 2.5 minutes to achieve it.

Yes, I wrote 'Dee Minus'.


What of it?

Nah.. no debate of star wars or star trek. They could inhabit the same timeline - a long time ago in a galaxy far far away and the future.

but seriously, just enjoy both.

Well we know R2 is serving on a Federation Starship circa 2255.


Edited by Scrivner

I always wondered, why that 'r-2' was seen in that clip.. I wonder if it was done, just as a comical moment.

2 hours ago, LTuser said:

I always wondered, why that 'r-2' was seen in that clip.. I wonder if it was done, just as a comical moment.

Sometimes people sneak things in for the fun of it, like the ark of the covenant have pictographs of C-3P0 and R2-D2.
