From Emergent and Exile to Force User?

By copperbell, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I was wondering if any of you ran a game or characters where a character who starts off as either a Force Emergent or Force Exile that eventually went on to select a career from the Force & Destiny book.

How did you or they handle this?

For example did you allow them to swap out their Force Emergent or Exile Career for the Force & Destiny Career with an additional cost of 10xp so the 20 initial cost for being Force Sensitive is part of the price for the new career since there's no skills.

I know unlikely given they probably bought talents from the Force Emergent or Exile list so I just would like to know how you handled it?

Did it require a teacher or holocron mentor?

Thanks in advance!

Edited by copperbell

There's nothing per RAW stopping you from purchasing a Specialization from the F&D line as an out-of-career spec.

But changing your actual Career would require a GM approved rebuild of the character, as per RAW, you can only have your one starting Career.


Is this the same character (Diplomat Ambassador FS Emergent) you discussed over in the AoR forum?

If so, as I said in my previous post, you can just spend the extra XP to buy into an F&D spec as out-of-career. You'd still have all your other specs, and still have Diplomat as your Career.


Also, I think you might be confusing Career and Specialization.

You can only have one Career, but any number of Specializations.

Edited by salamar_dree