Monster activation

By Kyarn, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I'm replaying a campaign with some friends after a long pause of Descent, and I'm a bit rusty (hi Rugal o/).
And so we played the Interlude of Nerekhall yesterday, in which we have to defeat Tristayne, then Rylan, then Trystaine again in act 2 form. And in his last form, he can summon Ynfernaels.

And then, I had a doubt : I'm remembering that a rule said that monsters cannot activate if they weren't on the board since the beginning of the round.
But I can't find this rule anywhere (not even in the amazing CRRG), and now I'm doubting myself... maybe I have this in mind from another game ? Maybe I'm just dreaming ?
Is this real life, or is it just fantasy (flight game) ?

So... does this rule exist ? And if yes, where ?
If yes, does that mean that the summoned Ynfernael can't be activated the turn they are spawned but only the next one ?

Thanks for the help

I don’t know that specific situation but it isn’t a universal rule. In some scenarios, monsters can activate the moment they are on the board.

Hello Kyarn,

Welcome back!

Only monsters that appears after the end of turn (like end of turns reinforcements) or if their group as already been activated can't be activated immediately (or if specified by Quest rules) .

Else they can be activated the turn they appear.

I don't have CRRG at hand but I'm pretty sure it's specified... perhaps on activation or reinforcements part ..

Edited by Felin

Felin is correct. Each monster group on the board can activate once and only once per round. If a new goblin is reinforced and goblins haven't activated yet, it activates with the other goblins. If goblins have already activated, it does not activate until the next round.

Similarly, a Geomancer can't activate one summoned stone, take an action to exhaust terracall to place a second stone, and then activate that second stone on his same turn. However, if he starts his turn, his first action is to exhaust Terracall and place a second stone, he can activate BOTH stones after completing his actions. The key factor is when the "summoned stone" group activates.

Edited by Zaltyre

Well, I should've have been more precise maybe : what happens if a monster of a group that wasn't on the board before is suddenly summoned ?
Can he move the first round he was summoned despite his group not being on the board before ?

Also, what happen if I us "Vicious throw" from ravager followed by "Unrelenting" from skirmisher ? Do I need range for the second attack, or is it a valid move ?

Edited by Kyarn

I will answer for the first question:

Since the start of the Quest you know what groups are/will be present on the map (and even if they are not present like for monsters of the secret room when needed you will take the monster card )

During the OL turn and till the end of it, the OL can take any monster card and activate it. Once activated you can't activate the same card again.

Ex with the Nereckhall interlude (and let's say zombies and Shadow Dragons these last not beeing yet on the board, and of course Hulks)

It's OL turn start of turn things then he takes Zombies and activate them. He follows with Trystaine that uses the Quest rules to make a Hulk appear. After that the OL can yet uses Shadow Dragons or Hulks are there is no Dragons he activates Hulks (the one that just arrived). As he can't activate nothing more -> end of turn thing

There is no reinforcements here but should they be Shadow Dragons for example and be at the end of the turn, you will place them but not be able to activate them because it's already end of turn.

In the same way if instead of Hulks Trystaine could have invoked Zombies, the invoked one's couldn't have been activated indeed the Zombie card was already used for activation in the same turn just before.

In short it doesn't matter if the monster that appears is the only one of his group or not : only the time of appearance and if the card / group has already been activated or not.

2 hours ago, Kyarn said:

Also, what happen if I us "Vicious throw" from ravager followed by "Unrelenting" from skirmisher ? Do I need range for the second attack, or is it a valid move ?

It's valid
You should have two 1 hand melee weapons equiped (to trigger Unrelenting)
And the second attack will be a 'classic' one the specifics of the 'Vicious throw' won't apply to this attack.
So better to be adjacent to the initial monster else the 'Unreleting' won't be really usefull, the attack beeing impossible if the target is too far.

Thanks for the answers :)

Have a nice day.