Heroes of Mandalore

By MasterShake2, in Painting

So, I painted my Sabine like Bo Katan because I just like Bo Katan better. When it came to paint Clan Wren, it just made more sense to paint them as Death Watch. The Clan Wren unit is a little heavy on female sculpts, but Bo Katan was part of the Nite Owls, so that works. I didn't want to hand paint individual models as there's a lot of variations ont he specific colors and distributions, but they're still Mandos. I looked up a bunch of different helmet designs and hand painted a few that looked the best.

I do agree the clan wren box did go a bit heavy on the nite owl models although I'm planning on converting them anyways, but your paint job is fantastic and that Bo Katan is awesome, I was actually considering painting sabine as her as well!