Experiences vs Crossbones

By Atrael, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Assault makes more sense thematically (given is a literal attack in progress).

3 hours ago, Deadwolf said:

They are close,

Patrol has 2 chumps and 3 minions on the nastier side.

Both Assault minions are mid level threats.

Hail Hydra and Hydra Patrol are similar also in threat level, Hail Hydra is potential extra damage whereas Patrol is a side scheme and then some minions.

I was working on a campaign format that incorporated every scenario. Trying to add theme, I included all three Hydra sets and, to be honest, I almost looked at the Patrol and Assault ones in both cases as "a nice relief" Madame Hydra can ruin your day at the wrong time... in my second run through, I am not including either of those two modular sets as it felt like they just watered down the villain decks too much. Which indicates your mid level assessment for both is probably about right and tending more towards the soft side of it, although of course specific synergies can alter that

Just defeated Crossbbones in 4 turns with Spider-Man Aggression.

I had a similar outcome earlier today: I had to play again cause it just felt wrong. Turns out these were my first solo runs against Crossbones (standard). He really does scale to be more difficult in multiplayer which is pretty cool. I was using Aggression Hawkeye.

I had a swinging Webb kick in both my first two draws 💪

I had Brawn with the threat on lock, Vibranium arrows in hand and Quiver, and Hulk smashing, knowing what the top card was going to be. Sometimes it's fun to go all gas and not look back or worry about the board.

2 hours ago, HirumaShigure said:

I had Brawn with the threat on lock, Vibranium arrows in hand and Quiver, and Hulk smashing, knowing what the top card was going to be. Sometimes it's fun to go all gas and not look back or worry about the board.

Quiver has now been errata’d so you shuffle the deck after you use it.

3 minutes ago, FearLord said:

Quiver has now been errata’d so you shuffle the deck after you use it.

It WAS too good to be true!

4 hours ago, FearLord said:

Quiver has now been errata’d so you shuffle the deck after you use it.

when did they do that? they had said they specifically used the verbiage and we would see more of it...I thought it was cool design...that seems like...backwards errata...I presume Hall of Heroes has it? I will go look there

1 hour ago, darthweasel2 said:

when did they do that? they had said they specifically used the verbiage and we would see more of it...I thought it was cool design...that seems like...backwards errata...I presume Hall of Heroes has it? I will go look there

It’s not actually an errata (yet) but they’ve revised the ruling they gave previously and indicated that they’ll add it to the next update - new ruling is that whenever you search, you shuffle.

On 9/30/2020 at 5:35 PM, FearLord said:

It’s not actually an errata (yet) but they’ve revised the ruling they gave previously and indicated that they’ll add it to the next update - new ruling is that whenever you search, you shuffle.

I’d be inclined to just ignore that one, if only because it’s more fun to play it as is.

3 hours ago, Derrault said:

I’d be inclined to just ignore that one, if only because it’s more fun to play it as is.

Agreed, but it does save some game text space to do more things with going forward (particularly on encounter cards).

I managed a win with Spider-woman Aggression/Justice teamed up with Hawkeye Aggression. It was a fun game, with Crossbones piling up three experimental weapons and his own gun, but he was stunned and confused a lot. Playing two-handed solo has the huge benefit that stunning and confusing the villain is a free turn to chip at their life.

10 hours ago, Derrault said:

I’d be inclined to just ignore that one, if only because it’s more fun to play it as is.

To be honest, I don’t think they intended it to act as a preview of your up coming cards (it doesn’t make a huge amount of thematic sense) but I think they were previously of the opinion that fixing it wasn’t really required, but they probably hadn’t considered the interaction with Hulk Ally (or other future cards with a similar mechanic) so eventually decided it was easier to make all searches shuffles as well.

Played our first game against Crossbones today. A victory using Hawkeye and Black Widow (both as pre-constructed decks). Found it vital to have allies in play (especially if the likes of War Machine with his Toughness) to survive the last few rounds once Crossbones is tooled up. Those last few rounds felt like a war of attrition - who would run out of health first!?!