What units need buffing?

By Lord Abadeer, in Star Wars: Legion

9 minutes ago, 5particus said:

I have seen you make a lot of posts complaining about the game, if you dont enjoy it why do you play?

or are you just salty that you bought into one of the original factions and now cant justify buying into a second faction so you ust go online to complain about the new stuff?

Because I do enjoy it? obviously.

But I dont like that so many of the units are just plain bad.

Like the rebel airspeeder? Why shouldnt I complain about that? I bought two of them and they were a complete waste of money.

Youd think after 2 years FFG would just fix the thing. But they have some ridiculous policy where they can only adjust model rules once a year. And if they dont fix it, like how they didnt fix the airspeeder last year, you have to wait an entire year for them to maybe do something about it again. But you know theyll never really fix it.

So yeah if im complaining thats why. FFG has some of the worst policies of any game company ive ever seen.

Edited by Khobai
1 minute ago, Khobai said:

Because I do enjoy it? obviously.

But I dont like that so many of the units are just plain bad.

so everything has to be hyper comptetive? you must be a terrible opponent, why can't you just play to have fun

lol the airspeeder isnt even casually viable let alone competitive

the thing is absolutely terrible

12 minutes ago, Khobai said:

Because I do enjoy it? obviously.

But I dont like that so many of the units are just plain bad.

Like the rebel airspeeder? Why shouldnt I complain about that? I bought two of them and they were a complete waste of money.

Youd think after 2 years FFG would fix it. But they have some ridiculous policy where they can only adjust model rules once a year.

There is a guy in my store that keeps winning with his double airspeeder list, it is just a case of having other units that are just as fast get up into the enemies face, if you just send 1 or 2 units at a time at them then they can focus fire and kill them off easily, start them off slow and try and have everything engage in the second or third round rather than some in the first and then some more in the second.

try pairing the airspeeders with some tauns and then charge them up, your opponent will not know which unit to go for and will probably stop focusing fire, this allows your units to A) survive longer and B) fire more shots back C) gives you time to capture the objectives while your opponent is busy dealing with the first strike.

This is a very basic tactic and can be used with almost any army (only one that struggles atm is the CIS but they have STAPs coming so this will get easier)

edit: spelling

Edited by 5particus
4 minutes ago, 5particus said:

There is a guy in my store that keeps winning with his double airspeeder list, it is just a case of having other units that are just as fast get up into the enemies face, if you just send 1 or 2 units at a time at them then they can focus fire and kill them off easily, start them off slow and try and have everything engage in the second or third round rather than some in the first and then some more in the second.

try pairing the airspeeders with some tauns and then charge them up, your opponent will not know which unit to go for and will probably stop focusing fire, this allows your units to A) survive longer and B) fire more shots back C) gives you time to capture the objectives while your opponent is busy dealing with the first strike.

This is a very basic tactic and can be used with almost any army (only one that struggles atm is the CIS but they have STAPs coming so this will get easier)

edit: spelling

Lmao everytime someone talks about buffing bad units someone comes in saying you hate the game and are bad at it

I think theyre just trolling.

Nobody can actually think the airspeeder is good.

You'd think, but there's a certain someone here who does. We don't talk about them directly though less a thread get derailed.

Looking at the game they don't have that many bad units......... tho the bad units are a raging trash fire that really need to be fixed. Hopefully FFG tries to buff the worse of the worse instead of just nurfing GAR. :(


  • Droidekars: Everyone has already said it above way better then I can.


  • BARCs: Like CIS both these factions only really have one standout bad unit.

Rebels (the faction where the units are either trash or great lol):

  • Both heavies. The elephant in the room if you will. Both these units should be first on FFG's list. Landspeeder should be easy with all those weapons they could lower (or just the speeder itself). The airspeeder, oh boy that needs an offensive, defensive, and identity change.............
  • Han Solo. He is bad and really needs some help.
  • Wookies. Don't really work like you think they should and Mandos sort of seem to do everything they do.
  • Pathfinders/Fleets. Both are meh and could use some help, but the above are more pressing issues.

Empire (faction I know the least about, but seems to be seems to be considered the worst):

  • Dewbacks. Like the landspeeder it was dead on arrival
  • Scout troopers. Could be one of the worse units in the game?
  • Opertive Vader and Boba. With the power creep they could use a bit of love.
  • A little baby buff on both heavies? They are good, but I would not mine a little push in order to get a heavy meta for a year.

You think scout troopers are one of the worst units in the game?

I actually really like naked scout troopers. 8 black dice with sharpshooter 1 for only 60 points is pretty decent.

Theyre similar to rebel fleet troopers, theyre a finesse unit, theyre fragile but they can do a ton of damage at range 2.

The heavy weapon options for scout troopers are absolutely terrible though. I would like to see the sonic charge saboteur and sniper both come down in points. They can raise the base cost of strike teams by the same amount of points they discount the heavy weapons by. So strike teams would still cost the same but taking the heavy weapons in the regular scout unit would cost less.

I actually think the special forces unit is way worse than scout troopers. The special forces unit is absolutely terrible. Theyre only a couple points less than deathtroopers but worse than deathtroopers in every single way except for infiltrate. the special forces unit is massively overcosted.

Edited by Khobai
41 minutes ago, Khobai said:

You think scout troopers are one of the worst units in the game?

I actually really like naked scout troopers. 8 black dice with sharpshooter 1 for only 60 points is pretty decent.

The heavy weapon options for scout troopers are terrible though.

Empire is the faction I know least about. I am basing it off what others have said regarding the unit in other nurf/buff threads. Any Empire players who know the faction could give a much better rundown. I can write pages on Rebels and CIS!!!

My best take on the faction is that Empire may be the worse , but it is in a strange place where Rebels have a lot more trash units and yet is stronger as a faction. Makes me think they will get screwed in the point changes.

1 hour ago, Khobai said:

I think theyre just trolling.

Nobody can actually think the airspeeder is good.

1 hour ago, Lord Abadeer said:

Lmao everytime someone talks about buffing bad units someone comes in saying you hate the game and are bad at it

If someone thinks the airspeeder is good why not just take the buff??? Like if you are running the airpeeder and you win all the time why not just just go with the flow? I love running tauntauns if most people here said they needed a buff I would not understand it and just take the buff lol. People have some crazy strong opinions on some units (will not even mention them in case they are watching this thread lol).

.....................Except the airspeeder! That unit is trash and FFG should feel bad. I die on that hill!!!!

Edited by RyantheFett

Empire is definitely the worst off right now. Especially after they nerfed shoretroopers.

A lot of the imperial units are either ineffective on offense because of too many white dice or are way too overcosted like the special forces.

They get trounced by most other range 3 armies, particularly GAR. Which has forced imperials to rely heavily on camping with range 4 weapons to try and whittle down GAR at range.

Not only do they need to fix the point costs of a lot of the older Imperial units but they also need to do something to make Empire feel unique again instead of it feeling like an inferior version of GAR. Empire does very few things right now that GAR cant do better.

They really need to give Empire and Rebels their own macro game mechanics. And give them some unique keywords.

Edited by Khobai
39 minutes ago, Khobai said:

Empire is definitely the worst off right now. Especially after they nerfed shoretroopers.

A lot of the imperial units are either ineffective on offense because of too many white dice or are way too overcosted like the special forces.

They get trounced by most other range 3 armies, particularly GAR. Which has forced imperials to rely heavily on camping with range 4 weapons to try and whittle down GAR at range.

Not only do they need to fix the point costs of a lot of the older Imperial units but they also need to do something to make Empire feel unique again instead of it feeling like an inferior version of GAR. Empire does very few things right now that GAR cant do better.

They really need to give Empire and Rebels their own macro game mechanics. And give them some unique keywords.

I was blown away when I started playing that CIS and GAR had these hidden extra mechanics that made them so interesting and then empire and rebels just didn't. And rebel and empire keywords are everywhere now there's very few that are unique to the factions or add flavor to them

8 minutes ago, Lord Abadeer said:

I was blown away when I started playing that CIS and GAR had these hidden extra mechanics that made them so interesting and then empire and rebels just didn't. And rebel and empire keywords are everywhere now there's very few that are unique to the factions or add flavor to them

They aren't hidden, they are right there on the cards. They also aren't faction-specific. Droid Troopers already exist in other factions, and Clone Troopers theoretically could. The faction identities are from the units that are availabe, at minimum. If you want to play Luke, Han, Chewie, etc., then play Rebels. Bam. Faction identity. They DO NOT need unique (or "unique") keywords to have an identity.

32 minutes ago, arnoldrew said:

They aren't hidden, they are right there on the cards. They also aren't faction-specific. Droid Troopers already exist in other factions, and Clone Troopers theoretically could. The faction identities are from the units that are availabe, at minimum. If you want to play Luke, Han, Chewie, etc., then play Rebels. Bam. Faction identity. They DO NOT need unique (or "unique") keywords to have an identity.

I played with a clone player who had played for five games and didn't know that clones could share tokens so I'd say they're not exactly easy to find. Also identity is literally based on unique attributes that differentiate things? I don't buy that argument

36 minutes ago, arnoldrew said:
46 minutes ago, Lord Abadeer said:

I was blown away when I started playing that CIS and GAR had these hidden extra mechanics that made them so interesting and then empire and rebels just didn't. And rebel and empire keywords are everywhere now there's very few that are unique to the factions or add flavor to them

They aren't hidden, they are right there on the cards. They also aren't faction-specific. Droid Troopers already exist in other factions, and Clone Troopers theoretically could. The faction identities are from the units that are availabe, at minimum. If you want to play Luke, Han, Chewie, etc., then play Rebels. Bam. Faction identity. They DO NOT need unique (or "unique") keywords to have an identity.

I could be wrong, but I think CIS identity it activation control and GAR is token sharing. Older factions don't really come close to that with their own gimmicks. Rebels have nimble/dodge tokens and Empire is................ either range 4 or suppressive I forget which?

I would say the older stuff suffers from being all over the place. Can't blame FFG since the game was new, but I don't know how they could fix the older factions besides just points buff. Not sure how they could give old units for Rebels/Empire anything close to coordinate or fire support???

Edited by RyantheFett
4 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Empire is................ either range 4 or suppressive I forget which?


5 hours ago, Caimheul1313 said:

Well, the Coordinate Emplacement keyword helps with activation control since you can turn one order into two. Also, the Veterans actually get a dodge token upon receiving an order, so before any attacks can occur, meaning there is no window for attacking them without a dodge token, unlike Rebel Troopers which have to wait on a unit activating to get the dodge.

Yeah, but doesn't it also add a drawback at deployment because 2 units have to go down at once.

A lot of times I would rather give my orders to a unit that I want to do something with. Rebel Corps are almost never useful no matter what upgrades they have or don't have. Rebels don't always have the activation control that the other factions can get away with. So issuing orders is usually reserved for your operatives or Commanders or Special Forces, etc.

Naked Rebel Troopers have been a thing since about a month after the game dropped, because they never really added anything even with the Z6

People took the Z6 because there literally weren't other options in the game to fill out points

Edited by buckero0
26 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

Yeah, but doesn't it also add a drawback at deployment because 2 units have to go down at once.

A lot of times I would rather give my orders to a unit that I want to do something with. Rebel Corps are almost never useful no matter what upgrades they have or don't have. Rebels don't always have the activation control that the other factions can get away with. So issuing orders is usually reserved for your operatives or Commanders or Special Forces, etc.

I wasn't meaning to indicate I thought it was fantastic, just that it allows for some amount of activation control. It's far from perfect control, but it at least gives you an extra order out such as getting Standby early on an FD (which I am well aware isn't very frequently taken, just pointing out it is possible) in addition to having one less corps unit token in the pile.
If I can place all the orders on my corps units (say they consists solely of Veterans and Emplacements), and the rest of my army is just the commander (with Improvised Orders) and Special forces, that is perfect order control.
Even just thinning out the stack of Corps units can significantly improve your odds of getting what you want.

1 hour ago, RyantheFett said:

Empire is................ either range 4 or suppressive I forget which?

And Entourage! They have the most instances of Entourage of any faction as far as I know (at two... :-P)

38 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

Yeah, but doesn't it also add a drawback at deployment because 2 units have to go down at once.

That is a common misconception. The detachment keyword does NOT require both to be deployed at the same time, only that the unit with detachment is deployed with in movement 1 and height 1 of the unit leader of the unit stated in the keyword. They are a separate unit, therefore a separate deployment.


I would say the older stuff suffers from being all over the place. Can't blame FFG since the game was new, but I don't know how they could fix the older factions besides just points buff. Not sure how they could give old units for Rebels/Empire anything close to coordinate or fire support???

The place to start is to come up with unique keywords for imperials and rebels.

For example, imperials could get a keyword that does extra damage to a unit with suppression tokens on it. Like the offensive version of danger sense.

"Subjugate X: You may reroll X dice in your attack pool where X is equal to the number of suppression tokens on the target. X cannot be more than 3."

Another example, Rebels could get a keyword that makes their units stronger when they suffer wounds or get wiped off the board. Because rebels are at their strongest when theyre the most desperate.

"Desperate Hope X: when this unit is wiped out, you gain X desperation tokens. During your command phase you may spend X desperation tokens to give X free aim or dodge tokens to any of your units with faceup activation tokens. You may also remove X suppression tokens from units with faceup activation tokens."

After you figure out what unique keywords and what overall theme you want to give Imperials and Rebels you can then create a macro mechanic for them that ties into that theme. So for imperials the theme would be suppression. For rebels the theme would be whatever kills us makes us stronger.

I dont think its a particularly hard thing to do. But it would likely require a 2nd edition of the game.

Edited by Khobai
20 minutes ago, Khobai said:

The place to start is to come up with unique keywords for imperials and rebels.

For example, imperials could get a keyword that does extra damage to a unit with suppression tokens on it. Like the offensive version of danger sense.

"Subjugate X: You may reroll X dice in your attack pool where X is equal to the number of suppression tokens on the target. X cannot be more than 3."

Another example, Rebels could get a keyword that makes their units stronger when they suffer wounds or get wiped off the board. Because rebels are at their strongest when theyre the most desperate.

"Desperate Hope X: when this unit is wiped out, you gain X desperation tokens. During your command phase you may spend X desperation tokens to give X free aim or dodge tokens to any of your units with faceup activation tokens. You may also remove X suppression tokens from units with faceup activation tokens."

After you figure out what unique keywords and what overall theme you want to give Imperials and Rebels you can then create a macro mechanic for them that ties into that theme. So for imperials the theme would be suppression. For rebels the theme would be whatever kills us makes us stronger.

I dont think its a particularly hard thing to do. But it would likely require a 2nd edition of the game.

Those ideas are awesome! On theme and feel like decent mechanics

2 hours ago, Khobai said:

I dont think its a particularly hard thing to do. But it would likely require a 2nd edition of the game.

I actually don't think it would. They added droid trooper and clone trooper with the 2nd core set, but the more fleshed out description is in the rules reference.

They could just as easily create "rebel trooper" and "imperial trooper" specifications and clarify that while the cards simply say "trooper" all troopers in the rebel faction are rebel troopers, and all troopers in the imperial faction are imperial troopers.

They could buff all the exhaust weapons, but then they would have to do something with the vehicles

They fixed most of the newer exhaust weapons by giving them the cycle rule

So I would hope they give cycle to all the older exhaust weapons at some point

4 hours ago, Khobai said:

They fixed most of the newer exhaust weapons by giving them the cycle rule

So I would hope they give cycle to all the older exhaust weapons at some point

Cycle so far is only on automated vehicle weapons (and B2 gun, which sorta qualifies), the droid rocket launcher still has exhaust.