B-Wing Prototype Config ideas?

By Schanez, in X-Wing

So since the Rebel Pack is gonna be focused on the Phoenix Squadron, I am curious if we will see a Prototype B-wing Config for the vessel? Lore wise it was faster, had more pew pew in its cannons and a totally fried Hyperdrive core. S it got me thinking recently, what would such a config do?

Given that it was faster, I feel like the 3 Bank and 4 Straight should be white. That was an easy choice, but then came the whole "Supaa lazur!" weapon from the show and it got my thinking again... How would one go about turning it into a game mechanic. At first I looked at the FO Shuttle ship ability and thought, it would fit. Add a Red Die to Cannon attacks. But then... It's just so bland and unineresting. So my second take was to add a 4 Die Bullseye primary attack to the ship. It's not overly broken and shows the better weapon capabilities of this version.

I am curious what you would make of it?

Give it Boost action along with Focus/TL into a boost, and make its bullseye 4 dice. No idea how to point it.

Personally, for a Prototype B-Wing, I'd want it to be a Command/Config upgrade, so that it can be balanced around epic, and allow a hardpoint-level prototype cannon that's nearly as strong as a Turbolaser. Something which rolls 3 dice, and adds 1 hit and 1 crit if you hit, and is bullseye only range 3-5.


If it isn't epic, and it adds a big bullseye primary weapon, I'd be sure to shut off the regular primary weapon. Tradeoffs are cool.

Well, for start, it should give the gunner slot and maybe a boost, but remove the primary weapon attack somehow. Also, there should be the weapon card for the multilaser, taking 2 cannon slots. Should be brutal against slow moving ships, but not good against small/fast ships (bullseye is a good idea).

Edited by Odanan

The prototype was almost unique enough of a craft that it to me makes sense to make it into it's own ship complete with model. Just don't know the practicality of it. As a config you'd have to pack so much into it that I don't think you'd every get it to a reasonable cost to effect point for how fragile a B-wing chassis can be.

As it's own ship you could get away from that. Hard build in the turret, the Gunner, different S-foil, hull and shield. Then have the super laser be a title to that ship.

I would put it as a Dot Config, I think. As in only one allowed er squad. And Config, because otherwise you could slap the Stabilized S-Foils with it, which opens up double taps, which I think might be too much.

Swapping Primary from 3 Front Arc to a 4 Bullseye Arc could work. And I really like the approach for Epic. Or maybe make it a Range 3-5 Bullseye 4 Dice, so not usable at Ranges 1-2? Would really make that Boost > Red Lock quite interesting and useful. But it would probably need to be priced quite high.


Essentially you super-charge one cannon attack, then take two turns off recharging your systems. That gives anyone that might have gotten ionized enough time to attempt an escape if you used that particular cannon because as the developer's said at one point, "You don't want good ion control." Having seen Broadside in action, we agree.

HLC would be devastating, but still restricted to bullseye, range 2-3. This might be too strong in the hands Braylen Stramm, but sacrificing two turns from the B-Wing boy for a single powered up shot seems a decent trade-off. It could be further limited to rolling a maximum of 5 dice if necessary.

I thought about making it bullseye only, but not only did that seems restrictive for what cannons we currently have, but also, there is only so much room for text on a card. Being a configuration disallows the Stabilized Foils upgrade, but that seems like a positive as it prevents using this on the double tap and prevents Ten Numb from using the foils' red lock to double mod this shot.

2 hours ago, 5050Saint said:

You don't want good ion control

I think good ion control is fine. It just shouldn't be in the flavor of 'all ions all the time so your always ionized any time your attacked.'

Ion should be tuned so its a big event for you to get slapped with it, that entirely defines the next turn for both sides, but both designed and priced that it is only happening a few times a game, and you can try to fight against it. Ion missiles being good is good, ion turrets being good to spam is bad, basically.

This feels more like an ion torp than a turret or cannon, so it feels like it would be a good place to 'push' control options: By definition it can only happen 1 out of 3 turns and it takes an entire ship out of the fight to do so! But the problem is that it shares the bad feels of the turret or cannon in that it just happens if you get in arc, and unlike those two options it REALLY forces the issue and makes sure it happens. But, worse, its also... kinda bad, because your taking a 40 point ship out of the fight for two turns to get an enemy ship out of the fight for one.

So it is in this weird state where it combines the worst elements of both 'flavors' of ion, and is probably not going to be worthwhile to use. And, damage wise, its just obviously really not great because its basically a worse version of Corran's ability.

It probably should require a lock, but have an upside beyond the dice. Right now you probably will land more ion shots not using this with a cannon, or just using an ion torpeedo, so outside of force ioning larges it doens't make a ton of sense. But if it was made better in any way without requiring some condition it starts to feel like old ion turrets where your getting one of the strongest control effects in the game as a side benefit to a reliable damage option, rather than the ion effect being the focus.

Edited by dezzmont
15 minutes ago, dezzmont said:

Ion should be tuned so its a big event for you to get slapped with it, that entirely defines the next turn for both sides, but both designed and priced that it is only happening a few times a game, and you can try to fight against it.

That's kind of exactly what I was going for here. Get a super ion shot to put a "no-go" zone out for aces that doesn't allow you to super punish then with a regular B-wing shot right after. You'd need support afterwards to take advantage of it while the Super B recharges. Another possibility is the HLC for a 6 die bullseye shot, or now with the new Synced Laser Cannons, a five-die cannon shot.

I dont think that that is the way to go. Ions wernt what the beam inflicted, it was just a massive amount of damage. I think that it should be a configuration that reduces the difficulty of all basic maneuvers, and adds an extra defense die. As for the cannon, a 5 die gun, no range bonus (range 1-2) would be fitting. I would like to see it also inflict a strain/deplete token.

So one thought I had just now for the beam weapon would be a bullseye arc cannon with 3 charges and 1 recurring symbol. It costs 3 charges to fire the weapon and then at the start of the engagement phase, if any charges are inactive, each ship in the bullseye arc suffers 1 hit damage. It would fit with the persistent beam weapon that deals damage over time, but requires you to keep the beam on the target to maximize the damage. It also runs a risk of injuring yourself since if any of your own ships end up in the bullseye arc, they will be taking damage from the weapon.

I like the idea that the "Prototype" upgrade would be limited to 1 per list, and takes up the configuration and both cannon slots (and require a unique pilot to equip?). Heck, it could be called Prototype Composite-beam laser which is exactly what the weapon is.

The upgrade itself would be a special attack that has a lot of red dice bullseye attack (is 5 reds with the caveat that you don't gain a 6th for range 1 too much?) but gives a disarm token at the beginning of next planning phase to fluff up the massive amount of power it takes to shoot the gun.

Perhaps the upgrade could be a double sided card that has "Active" and "Inactive" sides. The active side allows you to shoot the beam then makes you flip to the inactive side. To flip back to active you could be required to do a blue maneuver, or spend an action, or take a disarm token or something. That seems pretty thematic both with how powerful the laser is but also to reflect the massive amount of power it takes to use.

Edited by Skitch_
40 minutes ago, joeshmoe554 said:

So one thought I had just now for the beam weapon would be a bullseye arc cannon with 3 charges and 1 recurring symbol. It costs 3 charges to fire the weapon and then at the start of the engagement phase, if any charges are inactive, each ship in the bullseye arc suffers 1 hit damage. It would fit with the persistent beam weapon that deals damage over time, but requires you to keep the beam on the target to maximize the damage. It also runs a risk of injuring yourself since if any of your own ships end up in the bullseye arc, they will be taking damage from the weapon.

Now THAT is a rad as **** design! Especially on a ship that struggles to turn like the B-wing!

I'd personally prefer to see a title than a config since A) it's unique and B) it still had foils.

I would also prefer to see the cannon itself be a double Cannon (or Cannon + Command) upgrade and the prototype pertain to the additional maneuverability of the B-6.

Maybe it's a pipe dream though.

• B-6 Prototype – Oodles of points

Primary Weapon -1

Agility +1

Reduce the difficulty of your basic maneuvers

Add Gunner Slot

I had ideas for the cannon before but I think I like the above ideas better.

Hmm, I really like the idea of 5 Dice Bullseye with a 3 charge recurring one. Spend 3 to shoot. Then if at least one charge is inactive gain a Deplete Token at the start of Engagement Phase. Title that strips both Cannon Slots. Decreases difficulty of basic maneuvers.

That could make the B-Wing a very interesting ship.

Seems like it would take both the cannon (both cannons?) and config slot to me, and have a power level that makes sense for that. Adds some maneuverability, pumps up the cannon sometimes. Could be fun.

Maybe I just want a linked evade on a 2-agility B-Wing 😛

45 minutes ago, ClassicalMoser said:

Maybe I just want a linked evade on a 2-agility B-Wing 😛

That might be problematic with Ten and Braylen. Imagine a small ship with 8 Hull who can reroll up to two Defence Dice. With a Focus or Evade.

46 minutes ago, Schanez said:

That might be problematic with Ten and Braylen. Imagine a small ship with 8 Hull who can reroll up to two Defence Dice. With a Focus or Evade.

I'll raise you a green die and substitute a reroll for a straight-up evade token.

It's called a TIE Defender with Lone Wolf and this theoretical B-Wing still wouldn't be as good by most measures.

Edited by ClassicalMoser
1 hour ago, ClassicalMoser said:

I'll raise you a green die and substitute a reroll for a straight-up evade token.

It's called a TIE Defender with Lone Wolf and this theoretical B-Wing still wouldn't be as good by most measures.

It could reroll two not one and on both attack and defense. And it could do so with an Evade token as well. It would be an extremely beefy ship. Not Boba Fett beef level, but close.

I kind of think it should be a unique B-wing only, super heavy laser cannon which has a penalty to use.

Cannon, unique (B-wing only):

4 dice, bulls-eye, range 1-3

"If this attack hits you may spend one shield to add two hits. Then you MUST roll one red die, on an eye result assign one ion token to your ship. "

Edited by Sciencius

Shouldn't a prototype be weaker than the production version??

7 hours ago, LTuser said:

Shouldn't a prototype be weaker than the production version??

Not necessarily, if the prototype has features or qualities that don't make it into the production version, which the B wing did.

Specifically it had this crazy giant anti-capital ship laser and was according to Hera really fast, but these features caused problems that forced them to be scrapped.

On 9/11/2020 at 9:03 AM, LTuser said:

Shouldn't a prototype be weaker than the production version??

The prototype was by all aspects better than the series version. According to the lore, it was much faster, more agile and had a gunner crew. Although it lacked a working Hyperdrive. This being a serious flaw for the Rebels, they stripped down the design somewhat to make it a more independent ship. The prototype also had the "death star" cannon. That is why I was thinking of reducing the difficulty of the 4 Straight, 3 Bank and 1 Hard maneuvers. Make it a unique Config that also takes booth Cannon Slots (like the Calibrated Laser Targeting takes a Modification Slot). Then maybe give it a 4 Dice Bullseye (Ordnance) with a 3^ Charge with something like Setup: spend 3 Charges Attack: Spend 3 Charges to perform this attack.

On 9/9/2020 at 9:23 AM, 5050Saint said:


Essentially you super-charge one cannon attack, then take two turns off recharging your systems. That gives anyone that might have gotten ionized enough time to attempt an escape if you used that particular cannon because as the developer's said at one point, "You don't want good ion control." Having seen Broadside in action, we agree.

HLC would be devastating, but still restricted to bullseye, range 2-3. This might be too strong in the hands Braylen Stramm, but sacrificing two turns from the B-Wing boy for a single powered up shot seems a decent trade-off. It could be further limited to rolling a maximum of 5 dice if necessary.

I thought about making it bullseye only, but not only did that seems restrictive for what cannons we currently have, but also, there is only so much room for text on a card. Being a configuration disallows the Stabilized Foils upgrade, but that seems like a positive as it prevents using this on the double tap and prevents Ten Numb from using the foils' red lock to double mod this shot.

With synced cannon, does this still feel right? It doesn't seem like it would be that bad still, because of the long recharge period.