QOL Suggestions

By Kunitzu San, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Hey all,

I was thinking about some functions and features that could be added to the app for quality of life improvements, and was sort of curious to hear what you would all like to see in new updates and patches.

For one, I think it would be great, when starting a new game, that there was a toggle that prompted you which expansion elements from your collection you would like to enable in that campaign's save slot. For example, I want to start a new Bones of Arnor campaign, but I don't want to bring along any components from Shadowed Paths, which is also in my collection.

What do you think of this suggestion? What are some other things that you would like to see included in the app?

There desperately needs to be a “back” or “undo” button. Anyone with fat thumbs knows this

Really like this idea, and I think it will become even more important as more expansions are released.
I know a lot of people are clamoring for a back button. It seems like it would be a lot of work to implement, but it would sure be nice for those mistake taps. Some people aren’t sold on the idea, but having the ability to toggle the appearance of that button in the settings might satisfy both sides of the argument.

Edited by Aaron0013