Hawkeye: First Impressions

By HirumaShigure, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Wow, Hawkeye can really pump out the damage. To me he feels like he can out deal Thor. He doesn't have a super big move but having just used his pre-con using a Sky Cycle- Earth's Mightiest Heroes combo to fire 2 arrows and then attack feels so good.

His pre-con felt a little light on allies. Ready for Action is great. Could use some Make the Calls or Rapid Responses.

His 9 hp could be problematic but you'll just have to extra careful playing him.

Gotta hard mulligan for the Quiver. It really sets Hawkeye up with an almost an "Invocation" type of play style.

He's not really one of my favorite characters. I did enjoy him in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes animated series. He's a ton of fun to play in this game however. How's everyone else faring with him?

Played two solo runs with his pre-made deck vs Crossbones so far (1 Standard mode and 1 Heroic 1).
In both games I started with the Quiver on hand (got lucky).

The standard game I just steamrolled Crossbones without any issues.

The second game it got a bit tougher and did not manage his weapon attachments, which led to a 7 card Full Auto hitting me for 9 damage.
With only Mockingbird on the table with 2 health left I lost.

I feel like he can cover most bases a bit too well honestly. This might be just because I managed to get the Quiver from the start.

The Quiver card gives Hawkeye so many options. Not only by allowing him to look for his strongest cards, but also the ability to see which 5 cards are coming up next.

If I read and understood the rules reference for Search correctly, you don't mix the deck afterwards, since you don't search through all of it.

4 hours ago, Balefire said:

Played two solo runs with his pre-made deck vs Crossbones so far (1 Standard mode and 1 Heroic 1).
In both games I started with the Quiver on hand (got lucky).

The standard game I just steamrolled Crossbones without any issues.

The second game it got a bit tougher and did not manage his weapon attachments, which led to a 7 card Full Auto hitting me for 9 damage.
With only Mockingbird on the table with 2 health left I lost.

Couldn't you have used Mockingbird's ability to negate that damage?

4 hours ago, Balefire said:

If I read and understood the rules reference for Search correctly, you don't mix the deck afterwards, since you don't search through all of it.

I didn't even think of this, I just shuffled the cards back in. I'm going to have to look this up, because if you don't shuffle after using the quiver, I've been shooting myself in the foot; I often had Expert Marksman show up in those cards and really needed it to come out of the deck, but shuffling it back in moved it further down into the deck.

@HirumaShigure I am really loving Hawkeye's playstyle. He's definitely on my list of favorite heroes to play.

I can't say I was ever able to get Earth's Mightiest Heroes to work for me in the few times I've played with him, but in the first game (against Rhino, who I always try new heroes against) War Machine and Hawkeye's Quiver were both in my opening hand, along with enough to pay for both of them, and it was magical. Basic War Machine is an awesome ally.

I did notice that you need to get Hawkeye's rhythm down when it comes to his quiver. It's a small thing, but you want to stack arrows under it (especially the Explosive and Cable Arrows) to make sure you have them when you need them most.

All in all, he's a really solid character that can handle solo play pretty well. Some tweaks to his deck (take out 2 of the Team Training cards, 1 Ready for Action, and 1 Sky Cycle, and add in a couple of Make the Calls, maybe a Quincarrier or other resource generator) and I think he'll do a lot better.

On the whole, he's a really strong damage-dealer, but he is a bit squishy, so you definitely have to watch his hit points.

I know enough about Hawkeye from the comics but have a lot more exposure to him from the EMH cartoon and the MCU. Long story short, I was happy to have him come to the game though not terribly excited. Played a couple solo games with him last night against Rhino and he feels right. He's all about arrows and having the right one for the job. He's squishy like an un-enhanced human would be. He's not great at thwarting or defending but can deal a lot of damage if he gets to focus on that part of the game. Much like in the comics, heavy hitters like Thor/IM/etc. are the flashy ones while Hawkeye absolutely gets the job done.

I’ve been lucky enough to draw Shadows of the past in both of my Hawkeye games so far. I noticed that Crossfire’s side scheme Marked For Death, does not have you shuffle after searching for Mockingbird.

@KimJoshIl The rules reference says, under the rules for Search, that any time an effect causes you to search an entire deck, you have to shuffle that deck when the effect completes. It's on page 15 of the original RR.

2 minutes ago, AlexB80 said:

@KimJoshIl The rules reference says, under the rules for Search, that any time an effect causes you to search an entire deck, you have to shuffle that deck when the effect completes. It's on page 15 of the original RR.

Cool, I thought I was missing something.

Hawkeye can really put down the dps, all of his arrows are great and he is the only hero with 3 permanent resource generators that can be used in hero form, tho they are all limited.

His greatest weakness is that he wants to stay in hero but lacks defense and his thwarting is not the worst, but below average.

A recursion Leadership is his best deck as it provides a tonne of defense as well as also augmenting his thwarting.

He has synergy with Aggression and can really put down the damage hard, but his lack of defense is a bit of an issue making so you may have to go to AE more than you would like. But still a solid pairing.

Justice doesn't have a tonne of synergy, like all of the 1 thw heroes, but it can work. Justice gives a roundabout form of defense by enabling going into AE and of course, augments his thwarting. It is a solid pick, especially in solo.

1 def makes a defense based Protection deck off the table but a Defenseless Protection deck is possible. The problem is that deck is rather expensive (and he does not have good resource generation for aspect cards), and unlike Leadership, it does not help his lack of thwarting.

So, after playing against Crossbones and Creel solo:

- Quiver is Synth Suit levels of 'this is how the hero is meant to play'. The difference between getting it early and not seeing it are HUGE. Kind of feels like maybe his alter ego should let him search for it as well, though might have made him a bit too consistent. I'm hoping at some stage soon we see a basic 'search your deck for an item (/weapon?)' card to make some characters more consistent when they've got one ofs that are central to their playstyle.

- The numbers on his cards aren't huge, but with essentially three attack and cheap arrows, he's got pretty good sustained damage right out of the gate. Once he's set up he's generally pretty reliable to pump out a certain amount of minimum damage each turn, compared to other characters who tend to be more burst damage focused with their 3+ cost damage cards. His bad thwarting means low threshold scenarios are likely to be an issue for his playstyle.

- He's definitely fragile. Low health, low recovery, not much thwarting so he can't really afford to go into Alter Ego much....I feel like his pre con deck is pretty well designed, Leadership feels like it's probably the right choice for him in most cases.

- Disruption really hurts him. Stuns, exhausting his identity, guards, toughness. His damage is usually coming in packets of three, so losing an opportunity for it is pretty painful.

Overall, I found him pretty fun, though much more enjoyable with the quiver. One issue is that he does feel like one of those characters that is very self contained in terms of his signature cards, so it feels like there's not a ton of synergy with his aspect cards and he probably mostly needs to use them just to cover his weaknesses. Which isn't necessarily a problem, but it can make him less interesting in terms of building and playing multiple decks.

15 hours ago, maniakmedic said:

Couldn't you have used Mockingbird's ability to negate that damage?

Nope, since that only works when the villain initiates an attack. I wish it did work though :P

11 hours ago, Balefire said:

Nope, since that only works when the villain initiates an attack. I wish it did work though :P

Ah, I see. I wasn't looking at the card so I missed that. Bummer.

Hawkeye is a hero who manages to fully immerse you in the theme, with the bow, the ability to shoot several arrows in turn, the quiver ... you really feel like Hawkeye. Very well themed.

I am playing the campaign with Hawkeye and the deck he has pre-built does not quite convince me. I don't find the allies he's carrying useful and I can't quite find the combo (beyond exhausting an avenger ally to fire a third arrow). I've seen some decks with aggression that seem to increase their attack power a lot (apart from arrows).

The hit-points are too low and his defense is very low, leaving us a very fragile hero. It's easy to win the game and finish everything the next turn.

I find that he lacks skills for THW (I'm talking about the red skull campaign). Every time I've failed on stage it's been because of THW.

I may not have found the trick to this deck.

Looks like Aggression is the Aspect with most synergy for him (Martial Prowess, minion control, etc.) while the other three are best for covering his weaknesses. Justice for handling threat since he's deficient there, Protection's healing and damage prevention cards would be a lot better for him than the 'defend to do X' cards, and Leadership covers threat and survival through putting more bodies on the table. The deck that comes in the box needs some tweaking to suit him better, like adding a couple more cheap Allies in place of Events or cards you don't need three copies of. If the two reprints of Lead From the Front were Maria Hill and Squirrel Girl, he'd be in much better shape. His version of Mockingbird is amazing for keeping him out of harm's way though it's expensive to do so.