Critique my Iden Coordinate List

By realsoupersand, in Army Building

Rationale behind units and focal point of the army, Coordinate abuse, is right below the list. Questions are after that. Kinda long post, so sorry about the wall of text.


Fireteam Zulu

796/800, 10 activations

General Veers (Aggressive Tactics) - 90 points

Iden Versio (Hunter, Situational Awareness, DLT-20A, ID10) - 138 points

2x Shoretroopers (HQ Uplink, Comms Tech, T-21b) - 104 points each, 208 total

2x Mortars - 36 points each, 72 total

Stormtroopers (DLT) - 68 points

Inferno Squad (Del Meeko, Gideon Hask, HQ Uplink, Hunter) - 126 points

2x Snipers - 48 points each, 96 total


The point of this list is superior control over order tokens. I built it to mirror Droids, but with better firepower. This list can theoretically have a minimum of 6 faceup orders each round, assuming the units with Uplinks recover each time and just snipe:

1) Iden gives an order to herself.

2-4) HQ Uplink on Inferno Squad, Coordinate Shoretroopers 1. Shoretroopers 1 Coordinate Mortar 1. Inferno Squad spends an action recovering.

5-6) HQ Uplink on Shoretroopers 2, Coordinate Mortar 2. Shoretroopers 2 spend an action recovering.

The point is minimizing the randomness of token draws so that I can activate what I need when I need it. 8 units can shoot out to at least range 4. 3 of those can shoot at range 5 and Iden has infinite range. Activate, shoot to spread suppression, and make units afraid to move up.


What do you think of this list? What would you change, if anything? I do want to cut 6 points, but I don't think I can without losing Hunter, which Iden and Inferno Squad both want.

Edited by realsoupersand
Updated list: -Snowtroopers, +Veers and DLT Stormtroopers

I think if activation control is what your going for veers is better with imperial discipline to refresh your control and give you two turns of absolute control. I would suggest this list from the gencon tournement. The list uses iden as an toolbox piece having alot of options to meet the table and opponent with the correct loudout and let's veers and the shores hammer the opponent with full control for 2 turns with imperial discipline refreshing two up links. Iden and veers compliment each other command card wise with iden having 2 two pip cards replacing veers lack luster card. Just play carefully with iden so she doesnt get stranded and killed easily.

Iden Versio (100 + 33 = 133)
--Offensive Push (4), Situational Awareness (2), Recon Intel (2), Idens ID10 Seeker Droid (15), HQ Uplink (10)

Iden Versio (Loadout)
--Tenacity (4), Ascension Cables (4), Comms Jammer (5)

General Veers (80 + 15 = 95)
--Strict Orders (5), Aggressive Tactics (10)

Shoretroopers (52 + 52 = 104)
--T-21B Trooper (32), Imperial Comms Technician (10), HQ Uplink (10)

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36 + 0 = 36)

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36 + 0 = 36)

DF-90 Mortar Trooper (36 + 0 = 36)

Shoretroopers (52 + 52 = 104)
--T-21B Trooper (32), Imperial Comms Technician (10), HQ Uplink (10)

Shoretroopers (52 + 52 = 104)
--T-21B Trooper (32), Imperial Comms Technician (10), HQ Uplink (10)

Scout Troopers (Strike Team) (20 + 28 = 48)
--DLT-19x Sniper (28)

Scout Troopers (Strike Team) (20 + 28 = 48)
--DLT-19x Sniper (28)

Scout Troopers (Strike Team) (20 + 28 = 48)
--DLT-19x Sniper (28)

Maximum Firepower (1), Pulse Scan (1), Concussive Blast (2), Incapacitate (2), Imperial Discipline (3), Coordinated Fire (3), Standing Orders (4)
Edited by bumbleb1492

I had built a similar list last night but without the Officer and 3rd troopers (I don't own 3 sniper or 3 shoretroopers)

I put Bossk in and Inferno in as well and points were tight.

Veers is usually how I see Iden played.

I don't play tournaments, so we must be thinking something similar

Edited by buckero0

Thank you both!

I like that the Veers list has 11 activations. I'm always in favor of bumping those up.

4 hours ago, buckero0 said:

I had built a similar list last night but without the Officer and 3rd troopers (I don't own 3 sniper or 3 shoretroopers)

I put Bossk in and Inferno in as well and points were tight.

Veers is usually how I see Iden played.

I don't play tournaments, so we must be thinking something similar

How many activations does it have?

I don't actually own anything other than my Cassian + Op Luke list, at least as soon as my game store gets Cassian back in. I'm a Rebel through and through, but I wanted to have armies for all the factions. When I got into the game, I swapped my Imps with a friend for his Rebels. I suppose only "playing" Rebels (4ish actual games...) makes building a list a bit harder.

Updated, added Veers. I stuck with just 2 Shoretroopers and Mortars to have a little more mobility. I swapped the Snowtroopers for Stormtroopers with a DLT. The list is unfortunately sitting at 796 and I don't think I can realistically drop it since Iden and Inferno Squad want Hunter. I'm considering going up to 800 and just accepting that I'll be the red player. If the list was 795, I'd probably throw Esteemed Leader on Veers and call it a day.