Painted StormTroopers

By CinnaWolf, in Painting

Those look good! What is your plan for the bases?

8 hours ago, Sharkbelly said:

Those look good! What is your plan for the bases?

Not sure yet. I’m not good enough to do the bases yet

Not bad at all, especially if you're just getting started. Did you use any type of wash on them? (Nuln Oil, etc?)

1 hour ago, CinnaWolf said:

Not sure yet. I’m not good enough to do the bases yet

So there's tons of options for bases. Some of the simplest but effective bases is just Elmer's Glue and sand. Use an old paint brush to brush Elmer's on the base, sprinkle sand over the base, let it dry. Then take a 50% Elmers 50% water mixture, and brush that over the sand to better seal it in, and you're good. You could then drybrush some lighter colors and/or use a wash to give it more color contrast.

So here's how I'm basing mine.


So I'm trying to go for a weird alien planet look. So mine is The Army Painter's Brown Battleground stuff, then primed white along with the miniature. Then I paint the sand/rocks with Scaley Green, and then a very heavy wash with Blue Tone. Then I paint each faction's base's rim/edge in a different color. Rebels get Pure Red and Imperials get Ash Gray. Haven't decided on my Clones or Separatists yet, but I'm going to give them a different base treatment too.

41 minutes ago, Alpha17 said:

Not bad at all, especially if you're just getting started. Did you use any type of wash on them? (Nuln Oil, etc?)

I used a black army painter wash on the gun and under cloth.

37 minutes ago, oreet said:

So there's tons of options for bases. Some of the simplest but effective bases is just Elmer's Glue and sand. Use an old paint brush to brush Elmer's on the base, sprinkle sand over the base, let it dry. Then take a 50% Elmers 50% water mixture, and brush that over the sand to better seal it in, and you're good. You could then drybrush some lighter colors and/or use a wash to give it more color contrast.

Thank you!! Super helpful

My only concern is they look kinda simple....

5 hours ago, CinnaWolf said:

Not sure yet. I’m not good enough to do the bases yet

I thought that for a long time when I first started. When I finally felt brave enough to take a crack at it I discovered that basing is (or at least can be) way easier than painting, and that it was very easy and fast to achieve a great looking result.

A product I have been using a lot of lately that makes it particularly easy is Vallejo texture paste. It's easiest to use if the model isn't already attached to the base, but essentially I just smear it on, poke at it to get the texture I want, wait for it to dry, then paint it (almost exclusively with drybrushing after the base coat). It comes in a variety of colors/textures/finishes (like mud, snow, water, etc.), and is $10 or so for a pot that will last a very long time.

Here is an example of one with no extra details:


Sorastro uses the same stuff for basing in most of his Legion videos on YouTube. If you haven't seen any of those I would highly recommend those as well.

1 hour ago, Lochlan said:

I thought that for a long time when I first started. When I finally felt brave enough to take a crack at it I discovered that basing is (or at least can be) way easier than painting, and that it was very easy and fast to achieve a great looking result.

A product I have been using a lot of lately that makes it particularly easy is Vallejo texture paste. It's easiest to use if the model isn't already attached to the base, but essentially I just smear it on, poke at it to get the texture I want, wait for it to dry, then paint it (almost exclusively with drybrushing after the base coat). It comes in a variety of colors/textures/finishes (like mud, snow, water, etc.), and is $10 or so for a pot that will last a very long time.

So I was having trouble sourcing Vallejo texture pastes, so I ended up ordering this to use for the Clone Wars era minis. I haven't gotten around to use it yet, because I have a large pile of Clone Wars era units still in boxes waiting to assemble.


9 minutes ago, oreet said:

So I was having trouble sourcing Vallejo texture pastes, so I ended up ordering this to use for the Clone Wars era minis. I haven't gotten around to use it yet, because I have a large pile of Clone Wars era units still in boxes waiting to assemble.

The Vallejo stuff can be hard to find. One of my local hobby shops has a few jars, but none of the ones I was looking for (ie. earth texture), so I ended up ordering it on Amazon (I think it was like $12 when I got it last year).