Trench rules (home brew rules)

By Funny Defcon, in Rules

I've been using Hoth trenches as part of our terrain. I would like to hear thoughts on rules.

  • Trenches would not block line sight between units above the trench
  • Trench gives heavy cover
  • If you are beyond Range 1 the trench may provide cover from another unit in the trenches. Closer than Range 1 it would be considered the same piece of terrain and no cover would be applied
  • Difficult terrain to enter or exit, unless specific entry points

Any other ideas or considerations?

Funny Defcon



You know there are rules for trenches in the terrain portion of the RRG, right? They are very similar to what you posted.

From page 9 of the RRG:


Depressions in the battlefield like blast holes, craters, and trenches
can provide trooper minis with cover, but are unique in that they
only provide cover to minis that are fully within that terrain.
Generally, unless these depressions are very deep, they provide cover
only to trooper minis and not to vehicle minis.
When determining cover, if the attacker traces a line from their
unit leader through a hole, crater, trench, or other depression, that
depression is ignored when determining if a target mini is obscured.
However, a trooper mini that is overlapping this type of terrain
(positioned within a crater or inside a trench, for example) has cover,
even if the terrain does not obscure half or more of the mini.
Terrain Cover Type Trooper Movement Ground Vehicle Movement Repulsor Vehicle Movement

Trenches Heavy Difficult Open Open

I've also had a trench table for a few years now, and we play trenches a bit differently. Heavy cover for troops in them, no cover for shooting across, normal movement to run into a trench (we've tried difficult as well) and difficult to move out of a trench other than a designated exit. If two units are shooting within a trench, if LOS clips a corner or crosses a berm, it's heavy cover. For the most part, it seems to work both in game and make sense if happening in reality.