I am starting a Realms of Terrinoth game in the near future. Since I own Legacy of Dragonholt and have a map and quasi-source-book of the town, I figure the village of Dragonholt would be a good starting point for the party. I am thankful for the posted digital map of the town, as I have something to show over Discord as a visual aid. I have started a Google Document to put together notes and such about Dragonholt. Before I get too far, and possibly reproduce already-created work, has anyone else made gaming notes and such for Dragonholt in their RoT game? I did some searching on the forums., but I did not see much other than some interest in doing the same by others. I am willing to share what little I have thus far.
I really wish they would release a PDF version of Legacy of Dragonholt with hyperlinks in the various documents. It would aid me greatly in this endeavor as well as playing LoD much easier.
I also wish they would create a Genesys version of Legacy of Dragonholt. I love the game as it is, but having as in the RPG format would also be fun to play.