Krennic timing

By ovinomanc3r, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I guess I can't fit an effect inbetween a CF command and Krennic, right?

What effect did you have in mind?

Example. An ISD-II fires 4 Blue + 4 Red at medium range. It uses a CF dial to add a red so we are now in the modify dice step when Krennic also operates (as long as you do a CF command) but I suppose you could squeeze in leading shots before Krennic's red rerolls or you could delay LS until Krennic's rerolls have been done. Both Krennic and LS act in the same step and it's your activation so you get to choose the order.

You could decide to use LS before doing the CF dial & Krennic but then you wouldn't get to reroll the CF dice in the LS use.

1 hour ago, Mad Cat said:

What effect did you have in mind?

Example. An ISD-II fires 4 Blue + 4 Red at medium range. It uses a CF dial to add a red so we are now in the modify dice step when Krennic also operates (as long as you do a CF command) but I suppose you could squeeze in leading shots before Krennic's red rerolls or you could delay LS until Krennic's rerolls have been done. Both Krennic and LS act in the same step and it's your activation so you get to choose the order.

You could decide to use LS before doing the CF dial & Krennic but then you wouldn't get to reroll the CF dice in the LS use.

Almost every other effect: leading shots, Vader, whatever.

Krennic triggers while resolving a CF command which would mean since spending the dial/token until resolving it (which may be the point I could be wrong about), so, if I spend a dial and add a red die I may use Krennic after adding the die but if I choose to resolve another effect such a leading shots reroll instead I'm no longer while resolving the CF command and I couldn't resolving Krennic.

I have in mind Engine Techs which triggers while resolving the navigate command but resolves after the ship execute the maneuver which is actually out of the navigate command resolution.

Ok nevermind, Krennic has also his trigger and his resolution which is while attacking. So as long as the CF command happened before I could fit whatever effect I want inbetween.

Nothing like actual reading to figure things out.


Right, Krennic's card effect, in order to work. A confire command needs to have been resolved.

Was a confire command resolved? Great, you can use this card effect when you are ready too. It doesn't need to be RIGHT after the confire command effect.