First Order Elite

By "Quickdraw", in X-Wing Rules Questions

This card states: " You are a wing leader . Your wingmates must be 2 or 3 TIE/fo fighters or TIE/sf fighters..." does it have to be exclusive sf or fo ties or can there be combination?

For example can my wing be a silencer as wing leader, 1 Tie/fo fighter and 1 Tie/sf fighter?


I believe the intent is that they are supposed to be the same type of fighter, but it is ambiguously worded.

Hard to say..
Wording from the book on pg 3 reads..


When running three or more ships of the same type in an Epic Battles game, we highly recommend organizing those ships into a wing..

Given how the other wing commander cards work, id say it should probably be read "2 or 3 FO fighters" or "2 or 3 SF fighters".

That said.. it is Epic, which isnt a super restrictive/competitive format. So if you wanted to house rule it to try to mix them, you could try that, but generally its probably not a good idea from a mechanical standpoint. And thematically it doesnt make as much sense.