Hero Engage Monster

By Purevoltage, in Road to Legend


So here is my question. Gangar Mirklace was in the dungeon and when his turn came up one option for him was for the hero with the most stamina to engage. What does that mean? I think that it means the player with the most stamina at present will move toward the monster. Also if that is the case how far does the hero move? is it up to his or her speed? Or does it mean something altogether different? Any help on this would be great.


Isn't it that it is Gangar Mirklace to engage the hero?

I think you're referring to the 'The Archive' quest in the Seeds of Corruption campaign. One of the possible Mirklace activations gives him these two actions:

{Action} The hero with the most {Stamina} suffered engages Gargan Mirklace.
{Action} Attack the closest hero.

You are correct about the first action, this causes the hero with the most stamina suffered to attempt to engage Mirklace. 'Engage' is a keyword which means a figure performs a move action and moves towards the target (p17 of the Road to Legend rules, or p15 of the CRRG). Therefore the hero with the most stamina currently suffered will perform a move action to gain movement points equal to his speed, and then use those movement points to move towards Mirklace.

If this doesn't bring a hero into attack range of Mirklace then he can use this action a second time to force (probably) the same hero to move towards him a second time.