Phase I clone Trooper Captain allows for better offense for standby shenanigans

By HeavyLoader2, in Army Building

I think that the z6 of Phase 2 clones require more aims in order to trade favorably with other common units, particularly those with red defense dice. this may come into play because the use of standby is likely to result in both units firing at each other and thus Trading. with a 3 point additional expense per unit to run the Phase I option and the current scarcity of Phase 2 clones, it is well worth considering running this option.


Average hits calculated with the fifth Trooper attack dice simulator:

Edited by HeavyLoader2


11 hours ago, arnoldrew said:


No, that looks like some common core math to me 😉

did you take the phase II's surge token into account when looking at the Z6, it should mean an extra damage i think over the phase I's

13 hours ago, 5particus said:

did you take the phase II's surge token into account when looking at the Z6, it should mean an extra damage i think over the phase I's

when making this chart due to limitations of the attack dice simulator, nether surge tokens nor critical was taken into account. I think that this is more problematic for weapons with critical as the phase II's surge token is often used for defense, and other sources of surge tokens are equally available for the other units.


your title says Phase I Trooper Captain but then you mention aim tokens, etc. Do you mean the Specialist?

Just checking. I've used the specialist more than the captain, so I was just asking. Captain gives you Training ignore suppression for a turn and Specialist lets you pick Aim, Dodge, Surge token.

Phase I, DC15, Captain 99pts

Phase II, Z6, extra trooper 102 pts

difference of 3 pts (not sure what you mean by Phase 1 being 12 pts more)

I prefer the DC15 just because the z6 is the z6 and 2 rerolls usually don't help 6 blanks.


The captain was mentioned because of common builds including overwatch. Thank you for the points cost correction. The chart is broken down into how many aims are used on the attack, the bars display how many hits you would get on average. Largely the point is that it takes more aims to make the z6 unit effective than the DC 15 unit, so it may be worth not taking a pII unit despite losing reliable 1 and courage 2.

I wasn't trying to correct, just making sure i was reading or understanding.

I guess I'm one of the weirdos that refuses to buy more Phase II just cause I don't want to. (And they look nearly the same as phase I). I've always preferred the dc15 over the Z6

On 8/17/2020 at 11:09 PM, HeavyLoader2 said:

when making this chart due to limitations of the attack dice simulator, nether surge tokens nor critical was taken into account. I think that this is more problematic for weapons with critical as the phase II's surge token is often used for defense, and other sources of surge tokens are equally available for the other units.

Self plug:

both surge tokens and critical are available if you want to update your chart.

On 8/17/2020 at 10:26 AM, buckero0 said:

I wasn't trying to correct, just making sure i was reading or understanding.

I guess I'm one of the weirdos that refuses to buy more Phase II just cause I don't want to. (And they look nearly the same as phase I). I've always preferred the dc15 over the Z6

I'm planning on getting 6 Phase IIs to go with my 6 Phase Is for plenty of army building options. Also I'm having my Phase IIs painted as the 332nd to be ready when Ahsoka finally makes it into the game. I have 2 now and 4 on backorder with my FLGS.

Edited by T70 Driver

I agree with your assessment. In my opinion I prefer the captain on P1s, instead of P2s because of the extra body. That makes all the difference to me and you are essentially getting everything you get on P2s besides 1 surge from reliable BUT you have an extra body. P2s with a z6 and overwatch is 91 points and P1s with captain and z6 with overwatch is 98 points. So you get an extra body for 7 points instead of the 15 points he costs for the P2s. You are saving 8 points per units and maximizing bodies for as cheap as possible which is incredibly important in a clone army.