New game card size?

By urloony, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Does anyone know if FFG plans to resize JIME to one standard card size? Those of you who play other FFG games like X-Wing and Armada, know that FFG has already resized future game card sizes to one standard size. This has been great for X-Wing but kinda sucks for Armada. Armada has long "tarot size" cards just like JIME. The new standard card size truncates a lot of the info and places list building info on the back side of the card while putting relevant in-game info on the front. It sounds practical, but I know I'm going to miss the nice large card size. If the move is made for JIME, I would guess that the character portrait would get dumped to the backside of the card, which would be a shame.

2 hours ago, urloony said:

I would guess that the character portrait would get dumped to the backside of the card, which would be a shame.

A shame indeed. I might as well play a Pen and Paper game instead if art starts moving to places I can't see.

They're not likely to change the card sizes for this game. The amount of table space each player takes up is already a considerable amount; imaging preparing up to 4 regular-sized cards with 3 or 4 cards representing your weapons and armor as well. And I see no reason to change the character cards from tarot size.

37 minutes ago, SpiderMana said:

imaging preparing up to 4 regular-sized cards with 3 or 4 cards representing your weapons and armor as well.

**looks over at the LoTR LCG** .... ha, thank goodness the LCG doesn't have map tiles.

5 hours ago, Thaeggan said:

**looks over at the LoTR LCG** .... ha, thank goodness the LCG doesn't have map tiles.

Haha, yes, I didn’t mention the journey maps being a good chunk of that issue.

7 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

They're not likely to change the card sizes for this game. The amount of table space each player takes up is already a considerable amount; imaging preparing up to 4 regular-sized cards with 3 or 4 cards representing your weapons and armor as well. And I see no reason to change the character cards from tarot size.

I hope you're right. Changing the small cards to the larger size would be a hassle, but easier to read. I've heard they are discontinuing with making card sleeves as well. So that may have some bearing on the card size change. It's easier to sleeve standard card sizes, for players. I'm not sure FFG's motivation is necessarily what's best for players, but I guess we'll wait and see what happens.