Kel Dors' Achilles heel

By LazerSwordsman, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

37 minutes ago, Lord Dust said:

Influence Control Upgrade for believing a lie says it last for 1 round or 5 minutes.
Duration of the same power say to increase time affected by 1 round/minutes equal to rank.

Ciphers and Mask: Jump Boots Attachment: Modification Option: Fly for one minute or 3 rounds.

I do not have the explorer and diplomat book on hand but if memory serves each one has a signature ability with a minute/round ratio.

So here we have:

3/1 (This one seems unusual. Are you sure you have the number right? If you do, you do, it's just that it's the opposite ratio of most I've seen)

This isn't really enough to determine a specific time for a round. It's also important to differentiate between structured time and narrative time (during which things generally happen slower, and it's more relaxed. Think running versus walking). My general impression is that the narrative time equivalent of a round is 5 minutes, while the structured time round is generally around 1 minute.

I wish I had PDFs that I could word search. I'm sure there are other items/abilities that have the 1/5 ratio, but I can't think where to look.

It gets weirder with Influence. Duration Changes the ratios from 1/5 to 2/6 and so on for each rank.

Can I Post a photo of Jump Boots here, or is that against the rules?

10 hours ago, Lord Dust said:

It gets weirder with Influence. Duration Changes the ratios from 1/5 to 2/6 and so on for each rank.

Can I Post a photo of Jump Boots here, or is that against the rules?

It'd be fine.

I'll take your word for it, I just wanted to confirm that it wasn't a typo.

No problem.

I'm sure there are more examples, but I found some additional corroboration for my memory of a 1:5 round to minutes ratio.

The Engineer Signature Ability Unmatched Ingenuity lasts for 2 rounds in structured time, or 10 minutes in narrative time, with each Duration upgrade following the same 1:5 ratio.

I think that the main difference here can be chalked up to "running vs. walking." When you are in the middle of a combat, everything is going to be much more rushed. You are unlikely to be taking a leisurely stroll through a firefight, you'll be running. Covering the same distance in narrative time, you'll likely be walking which will take you much longer. I think 1 minute per round with 5 minutes as the equivalent for narrative time makes sense as a baseline and is easy to work with. (I'm using running/walking both literally and as a metaphor)

I miss set time units.

24 minutes ago, Lord Dust said:

I miss set time units.

I can understand that, but I prefer the looser time system.

It would be nice if we had some official guidance, but I think the 1:1 structured and 1:5 narrative works well and seems to be what they intended. It's the general guideline I run with when it's relevant.

9 hours ago, Lord Dust said:

I miss set time units.

I don't, they are a bad fit for SW.

I don't mean the one turn is six seconds thing, but

21 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

It would be nice if we had some official guidance, but I think the 1:1 structured and 1:5 narrative works well and seems to be what they intended.

I agree with this. I Just want it at least mentioned that they design around this ratio.