App screen is flikkering

By Boogiemeester, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth


I have the game for a while. Everything works great, no bugs and so on.

I use a Asus chromebook. It's bizar, when i open the app, the screen is flikkering. Not that much that it is annoying.

So Yesterday we want to cast the app from my chromebook to a tv screen, but when i start moving in the app, the screen Starts flikkering really hard, and there was a big delay between the tv and the chromebook.

Maybe something is wrong with the app on a chromebook?

The model is Asus c 434 t.

Is somebody familiar with this problem?

Thanks a lot.

Does the issue also occur when using other apps at full screen like Youtube when playing an HD video and when casting?

I Will test it. I have also installed the app on my smartphone, to test if it's the same problem. I Will let you know.

So, i've test it.

My thoughts where correct. It's the app.

I tried it with my chromebook, 1080p nature videos on YouTube, no problem with the mirror cast.

I also tried it with my smartphone, no problems, no delay, no flikkering.

So if i mirror cast my chromebook, the app starts flikkering really hard, too annoying to controle it while the other players can enjoy it on a large screen, also there is the delay. We are playing with 5.

But as i said before, even if i don't cast it there is some smale flikkering in the screen.

Should i contact ffg?


ya, contacting FFG for support would be the next step as the issue so far is only within their app.

If you have any other high resource apps like JiME to try and see if the flickering happens on the chromebook that would pin it down even more. But usually issues like flickering on full screen apps whether its a chromebook or a regular computer is pretty easy to reproduce if it's a problem with the device.


I contact ffg.

For the moment they couldn't find a solution, but they will look into this issue and hopefully have a fix for it in the near future.

Meanwhile i made a connection with a USB c adapter to HDMI from the tv. That works fine.