Hey all!
Brand new to the forums, as well as to this board game. I just bought the base Arkham Asylum board game, will get the expansions slowly over time a sI get more and more familiar and comfortable with the rules and flow of the game... don't want to be overwhelmed. I apologize if some of these are answered elsewhere, or that I just missed in the answers in the rule book.
1) When a character ends their movement in a street location and there is a flying monster in the sky, does the monster immediately go to the character's space, or does that occur next turn?
2) If, because of an encounter consequence, a character is kicked out of a location and into the street (example: "this location is now clsoed, move to the street"), and there is a flying monster, does the monster move directly to that street location with the character, or does that not occur because the character did't move there during their 'movement' phase?
3) Can you evade flying monsters when they swoop down onto you from the sky, or does that automatically cancel your ability to evade?
4) Do flying monsters immediately move to a street area after coming through the open gate, or do they stay at an open gate until a mythos card instructed their symbol to move (or until there is a character in a connected street location)?
5) If a character ends their movement on a space with an open gate on it AND a monster on it, do they get sucked through the portal (not fighting the monster), or are they forced to do an evade/fight with the monster? If it's the latter, do they (same turn) get sucked through the gate? if so, do they ALSO have an OW encounter that turn?
6) When a character closes/seals a gate that has multiple related gates on the board (for example, I'm sealing an "abyss" gate at the woods, but there are also open "abyss" gates at hib's roadhouse and the unnamable) do they close also? If so, do I take those as gate trophies as well or do I only take the one I emerged from as a gate trophy?
7) Jenny Barnes (for example) emerges from an OW and puts an explored marker under her. However, Jenny doesn'tt have 5 clue tokens or an elder sign, and she really want to seal this gate. If Monterey Jack DOES have five clue tokens, can Jenny stay at her location (with explored marker under her) for however many turns it takes MJ to reach her location, and then HE can seal the gate with both of them standing on the same spot?
8) If a character is standing on an open gate that has been explored, and isn't rolling to close or seal the gate, do they have encounters there? or do they just stand there and ot do anything that turn?
9) Is it really worth getting the twilight membership? It seems just as much bad as good happens there, and I'm out 3 bucks.
10) Jenny Barnes has Anna Kaslow as an ally, then later in the game she crosses paths with MJ and passes off the ally card to him. On teh card it says (paraphrasing from memory) "when you acquire Anna Kaslow draw two clue tokens"... does this apply to MJ as well? What if he passes her to another player also? Does everyone just keep getting free clue tokens as Anna Kaslow is passed from player to player?
11) What's so special about the Mask characters from the Thousand Masks campaign? They look like regular monsters to me.
12) Why would people want to 'close' gets as oppose to seal them? I'd rather risk monster surges than have the same location open up again and cause another doom token to appear on the track, right?
13) Are any of the bosses 'easier' than others or are they all equally hard in different ways?
14) Maybe I'm just reading it wrong, but the instructions on how to fight Cthulhu confuse me a little. Is he impossible to kill?
15) When you spend monster/gate trophies are they discarded (put out of the game all together) or returned to their respective cups?
16) Is there anyway for two investigators to fight a single monster? For example, either two investigators move into a spot with a monster, or a monster moves into a spot with two investigaors... can they team up to kill it?
Whew, that's all for now... thanks for helping out! I really appreciate it!