I have noticed an odd contradiction in the rules for nominating a new commander for covert ops. The rules reference clearly states any corp or special forces unit can be nominated to be a commander (basically just no operatives) if no other commander is available. Iden versios rule insert on the other hand, makes it seem as if this situation is illegal to begin with. It says you must have another commander to begin with. So unless you have Palpatine veers etc, I couldn’t even use covert ops. I am leaning towards the rules reference being correct, as the insert seems overly prohibitive and the rules reference seems to be the source that trumps everything else. Thank you!
Covert ops Rules contradiction
The rules reference is correct. It is always correct. Inserts are basically rules reminder text just like what is on the cards. If an insert overruled the whole RRG, then one typo could cripple the entire game, since they can't update all of the inserts that are out in the world. The entire purpose of the RRG is to be able to update and correct things continuously.
Inserts also often have what appear to be earlier version of the rules for those keywords. For instance, the first units with Detachment had an insert that said they had to be deployed within range 1 of the unit they are a detachment of. This has never been the case since the keyword debuted in the RRG months before the units were released. I assume the text on the inserts has to be sent in before the point when they finalize the rules, though it could also just be a ******.