I know ffg still sell ia. but are they still printing core ,expansions boxen and/of blisterpacks. I wanna buy into ia and i wanna buy it all,but its alot to buy it all at ones. looks like a great game to play with the kids when they are older.
I know ffg still sell ia. but are they still printing core ,expansions boxen and/of blisterpacks. I wanna buy into ia and i wanna buy it all,but its alot to buy it all at ones. looks like a great game to play with the kids when they are older.
FFG has said Imperial Assault is in the reprint schedule, but they have not mentioned what that means for specific expansions.
I would expect figure packs are sold out more slowly, and reprints are not happening as quickly, if at all.
With no official skirmish tournaments, skirmish players are selling their collections, so buying full or near-full collection is a good option.
My local LGS put all of their Imperial Assault stuff on sale for 40% off. The store manager told me it was because the game is discontinued, which we obviously all know, and that their distributor told them not to expect any reprints. Don't expect any re-prints for Imperial Assault. The game will go the way of the Star Wars LCG. It is done. Just passing along what I was told.
Edited by MesrobIt would be counter-productive of FFG to continue the tale of IA if there weren't any products to buy. That interview also directly states reprints are continuing.
IA's sales were very strong for 2019, especially considering the lack of physical releases, and FFG plan to continue IA in an unknown manner, and unknown timing.
On 8/10/2020 at 1:19 PM, Mesrob said:My local LGS put all of their Imperial Assault stuff on sale for 40% off. The store manager told me it was because the game is discontinued, which we obviously all know, and that their distributor told them not to expect any reprints. Don't expect any re-prints for Imperial Assault. The game will go the way of the Star Wars LCG. It is done. Just passing along what I was told.
FFG has stated that it’s still on the regular reprint cycle and that sales were up for IA in 2019 despite the lack of new product (as @Strawhat stated).
LGSs have limited shelf space and distributors have limited warehouse space. Unless something changes it makes sense for your LGS and it’s distro to stop carrying it in favor of games that will sell better. Regardless, it hasn’t been hard to find new copies of the game as most online retailers have been getting restocked regularly.
Get it! Just get what you can. You don't need every last thing. I love playing it with my kids. I have a lot of boxes and blisters but definitely not all of it.
The UK has recently has some random restocks, including Hoth and Captain Terro so if you're patient you should be able to get pretty much everything you'd want.
On 7/26/2020 at 5:02 AM, somson said:hi,
I know ffg still sell ia. but are they still printing core ,expansions boxen and/of blisterpacks. I wanna buy into ia and i wanna buy it all,but its alot to buy it all at ones. looks like a great game to play with the kids when they are older.
I'll make you a good deal on my core, Return to Hoth, Jabba's Realm, Twin Shadows, and all but two of the plastic troops/heroes/villains that go with the aforementioned, plus a neoprene mat and a Bantha Rider.
i hope they reprint tyranst of lothal expansion, its the only expansion thats impossible to find, and the one i want the most
On 11/22/2020 at 6:57 AM, dhellfox said:i hope they reprint tyranst of lothal expansion, its the only expansion thats impossible to find, and the one i want the most
If you’re in the US, it’s coming back into stock on Amazon shortly.
On 12/3/2020 at 1:40 PM, KalEl814 said:If you’re in the US, it’s coming back into stock on Amazon shortly.
Where did you get this info? Do you have an idea when?