AGOT Players in the Milwaukee Area?

By oberyn0158, in 7. AGoT Metagame Discussions

So I just finished all 4 books and was into them enough to buy the AGOT core set and start playing, unfortunately I don't know anyone who plays. I moved into the Milwaukee area and all the gaming stores here seem to have a majority Magic fan base.

Anyone in the Milwaukee area interested in playing AGOT?

The last I had heard was that there was a meta in Madison. There used to be at least one guy up there in Milwaukee, but I'm pretty sure he ended up moving to the Madison area as well.

If you do a forum search for Milwaukee, you'll find some posts from some months ago by a couple of people who were looking to play in Milwaukee. The old Madison meta doesn't exist anymore, as I understand it.

They do exist. Its just down to three players. Lord of Brewtown, Ethr, and Complord. I'm hoping that they will be having more of a board presence soon. I think they are looking to get back into the competitive scene.

Turns out I go back to Madison once a month can you pass me their email addresses?

Staton is correct, we are down to a few and haven't played in months. I'm not sure when you would be in Madison but we are going to try to make an event at a local game store in town for FFG LCGs. Here's the link to the store's calendar: They have it the second Tuesday of every month.

I work in Milwaukee and could meet somewhere on the north side after work or even at lunch if you work in the area.

Fresh back from GenCon and ready to find Milwaukee players.

My son & I both started playing about a month ago. We bought the Core set and Lords of Winter expansion.

We played against some pretty good experienced players at GenCon and think this is a great LCG.

Please respond back here if we can try to get together on a regular basis. Madison would be ok for a Sat morning run.

Local would be a lot better

I know it's been a while this this thread was started, but is anyone still interested in playing around Milwaukee area

If you are still interested you can message me on FB at Obi Jay Ticknobi. We are setting something up through Greenfield Games Universe

Hey I messaged you on FB but it wanted $1 toi send a message to your inbox so i sent it to your other box, whatever that is for free. I also friended you. I'm in for any night during the week at greenfield. I also started sending out messages in forum to start a game in brookfield, I'm sure that there is not enough for two games in the area so we can alway merge the two games whenever and where ever.