Climbing/Clambering and Terrain Design

By samusthe17, in Rules

So while playing General Grievous and scaling terrain left and right like a madman (because that's what he does), an issue was brought up by my opponent with how climbing distance and terrain design works.

He argued that the terrain we were using gave Grievous (or any climbers) an unfair horizontal movement/range advantage because it was designed in a way that made the "roof" smaller than the "base". Therefore, anyone that climbed would move much more distance horizontally than if they had climbed a perfectly square piece of terrain, thus giving them "extra" distance to shoot things that may have otherwise been out of range. He argued that because of this unfair movement/distance advantage, any terrain that was not box-shaped should not be climbable. I counter-argued that the rules made no such limitation on terrain design, and that that ruling would severely limit the variety of terrain design.

If I understand the climbing rules correctly (we'll use scale since it eliminates any concerns about damage and dice rolling), you simply move to the base of the terrain, make sure the height of the terrain is climbable, and then move your mini/minis to the nearest flat edge of the terrain, correct?

So my question is:

If referring to my attached image, according to the rules, are both examples legal in Star Wars Legion? Are there any limitations to the horizontal movement and distance gained when climbing a piece of non-square terrain?

grievous scale movement.png

Edited by samus17

Yup, both examples are perfectly legal. This is just one of the features of clambering.

Hi, both are legal as far as the rules go. Similarly anyone without scale would also benefit from free horizontal movement as well.