Jyn Erso and Rebel pathfinders (movie accurate)

By AgentFulcrum, in Painting

The miniatures are painted in the movie accurate color scheme with some colors ~ like Jyn's green shirt and Pou's brown-orange head plate ~ mixed to stand out more than they should, so it's easier to tell their there. The bases were kinda rushed so the bushes are peel-and-stick, and the bases are simply dry brushed with white. I also didn't paint the eyes on the minis with visors or headwear, since they can't be seen from a distance. Hope this is helpful! 9FC0DCFC-9AE9-4D5C-B20F-54B3F7414D6C_1_105_c.thumb.jpeg.8af66d0f2c915f5e9414b3eecf73897f.jpeg