2 questions regarding Tower of the Gull objective card (A Storm on Cobas Haven)

By TwiceBorn, in Rules questions & answers

I think I just scored my first victory playing one-handed solo vs. A Storm on Cobas Haven, but thought I'd double check a few things with the community...

1) When the players take control of Tower of the Gull (which is an encounter / objective card), can the effect on the card be used to inflict damage on non-unique ship-enemies that are "immune to player card effects"? I believe that the answer is "yes," as even though the objective is under the player's control, it remains an encounter card and not a player card.


2) Also, while under player control, Tower of the Gull refreshes at the end of every round, yes (i.e., it can be used once per round so long as it remains under player control)?

Would someone be so kind as to confirm or correct my interpretations?


1) Yes, since as you say it's an encounter card effect.

2) Indeed, a player readies all the cards under its control in the refresh phase, even Objective encounter cards.

Awesome! Thank you for the lightning fast reply, Alonewolf 87!