
By bdavis969, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Does that mean we can also use Thorongil with Messenger of the King and/or Sword-thain?

Indeed, it makes for some fun combos

Here's the MotK where I think the ally is interesting enough to play and it's worth 3 to add the hero ability to the ally version

Faramir (LeFaramir)


Boromir (TaBoromir)

Elladan and Elrohir


Gimli (LeGimli)

Pippin (LoPippin)


Bilbo (either one)


Legolas (TaLegolas)

For Elladan and Elrohir, would Thorongil double their stat bonus? If so, it's certainly worth the cost to add the abilities and sphere.

Both texts would be active, so it would double the stat bonus. Awesome, right?

So does that mean we could play Hobbit Ally Gandalf with sneak attack and sword-thain (same cost -5- as to play him outright) and then play Thorongil to get his actual hero text? Nothing seems to say no. You would have a hero that you will be forced to threat up by 2 each round, but he will be a 4, 4, 4, 4 hero (as opposed to his 3, 3, 3, 5 hero) that doesn’t exhaust to quest, and can play a card face up. In a grey wanderer, low threat deck that is already using him as an ally, that would make him that much cooler for only 3 extra resources.

Would Wild Stallion still apply once you make him a hero? I believe it says “Attached ally gets ...”, so I am guessing that gets negated when he becomes a hero, but just had to ask.

Sword-Thain needs a sphere, so you'd also have to play Narya on OHUH Gandalf.

Good to know, but that is all legal then?

Yes, it's legal as long as you play the attachments in the order Narya, Sword-Thain, Thorongil.

You better be swimming in money and have one incredible hand to pull that off!

15 hours ago, bdavis969 said:

that would make him that much cooler for only 3 extra resources.

Well technically that's only if you already go for the Narya + Sword-Thain route otherwise is 9 total (without considering all its other tools). Still if you have the money and deck space it can surely be quite fun to pull off.