Hutt Mercenaries - Nowhere to Run

By timmy9921, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Which of the following is correct?

  1. Every time you exhaust this card, if hero is strained 3 and attacker is Mercenary, +2 instead of +1
  2. If the attacker is Mercenary, +1 to attack results (no hero strain condition). If not a Mercenary and hero is strained 3, you can exhaust to +1

I'm guessing it's #1 but the way this card is done (the line between the 2 parts, the "additional" wording) makes me unsure.

The lines in the Hutt deck is just confusing overall.

  • Wanted: Dead, Vendetta, Scouted are obviously separate things happening when separated by lines
  • Salvage Motivation, Cheap Shot, Nowhere to Run seems to be additional conditions according to the first part (they don't have an additional "During an Imperial figure's activation" or "While attacking")
  • Guild Hunters seems separate too?

There are multiple abilities in the cards. Exhausting is a cost, which must be paid if and only if the ability has exhaust specified as a cost. (See Abilities, RRG.)


Nowhere to Run, Savage Motivation, and Cheap Shot probably should not have the dividing line, because the bottom is clearly associated with the top. (In Nowhere to Run "the attacker" refers to the attacker on the top and "additional" tells that it cannot be a standalone ability.)


Guild Hunters have genuinely separate abilities.

Edited by a1bert

Thanks @a1bert !