BX series Droid Commandos loadout

By buckero0, in Army Building

So as far as we know, the only Heavy Weapon option is the Sniper (R1-5, 2 red dice w/ Lethal)

I can see the strike team being played with just the sniper droid @ 52 pts.

What Training or Comms upgrades would you place on this unit? I could see Off Push to make sure you get the Pierce on your shot and I could see Situational Awareness to make them super Defensive for 54pts (they already have Impervious and red defense dice)
The Grenade option is useless on almost all units and I'm not sure the Armament cost is justified for this unit.

The larger Command unit however opens up some of these options.

Super Defensive option Sniper, Sit Awareness, Deflector Shields 118 or with Vibroswords for 106 is more appealing even (maybe HQ uplink to get that Charge off for 116)

Situational Awareness is so cheap, but in some situations, you might be better off with Vibroswords and Tenacity or Hunter/Off Push just to get an aim for your white dice

What are you thinking:?

There's at least one other heavy weapon option (some sort of bomber), we just don't have any details.

We do have details. The images of BX droids show they come with poison tokens, so their other heavy weapon is a saboteur with poison bombs.

10 minutes ago, arnoldrew said:

There's at least one other heavy weapon option (some sort of bomber), we just don't have any details.

I totally forgot about the bomber. I wonder if it will rival the Imperial/Rebel equivalent in price? Unfortunately, I have found the Rebel one completely useless due to the better keywords the imperial one has

51 minutes ago, buckero0 said:

I totally forgot about the bomber. I wonder if it will rival the Imperial/Rebel equivalent in price? Unfortunately, I have found the Rebel one completely useless due to the better keywords the imperial one has

We can see the price in the card spread that was originally posted, though it is really blurry. It's either 28 or 20, likely 28 as all other saboteurs have been 2 points cheaper than their sniper counterparts.

I think I would use these BX Commandos as a full unit with vitro swords, and comms jammer, and if you have the points add tenacity

9 hours ago, Lochlan said:

We can see the price in the card spread that was originally posted, though it is really blurry. It's either 28 or 20, likely 28 as all other saboteurs have been 2 points cheaper than their sniper counterparts.

20 would probably be too cheap, especially with poison

Atm I have tested 3 basic variations;

54 -BX team+ sniper+ OP

78 -BX unit+ Tenacity+ Vibroblades

120 - BX unit+ sniper+ shields+ OP

I found the sniper team atm to be the most effective as they can just contribute every turn and cost less.

The melee team is fun and running 3 of them DD and GG can do damage and with scout3 and scale put some pressure on the opponent I found that getting to melee with 3 of them having 4R and 3W still doesn't seem to do much vs Red dice defense and chances are you will make melee with 2 or so left depending on terrain.

The full shielded unit while at range 3 packs a very large punch dies really fast even getting 4 shields in 1 round in heavy cover. Ran 3 units of them with 2 B1s with HQ and Binoculars and a maxed unit of B2s with ACM and dooku. They do eat deathtroopers up but deathtroopers have a better 4 unit build atm

43 minutes ago, F0RGED said:

54 -BX team+ sniper+ OP

78 -BX unit+ Tenacity+ Vibroblades

At least there are 2 viable options. I kept trying to build a super unit as well, but once something gets past 100`ish points, it's got to be on defensive steroids or have multiple wounds and command cards to offset the ease of their demise.

I am just loath to have so many kits that you can't use the majority of the figures from. The commando/scout troopers kits still bother me. I'm hoping the newer kits (Clan Wren, ISF, ARC troopers and BX) fight this (and I think they do to a certain point. The strike teams are just too good for their points no matter what though. I think that's why the generic officers don't get taken more. If they were 40pts, someone would consider taking 2 naked, just to boost their activations.

Is it worthwhile at all to add in an Uplink on the 120 point unit? For more shields, reupping Push, etc?

On 7/7/2020 at 11:20 AM, buckero0 said:

I am just loath to have so many kits that you can't use the majority of the figures from. The commando/scout troopers kits still bother me. I'm hoping the newer kits (Clan Wren, ISF, ARC troopers and BX) fight this (and I think they do to a certain point.

The droidekas are the worst offenders, they give you twice as many as you need! They include both deployed and wheel mode for each model, and a token to indicate if you're in wheel mode?!?

Ridiculous. I converted some of mine to be in various stages of transforming, so I can run up to the full 6 (or 8 if doing larger battles). I just had to photocopy the unit card, grab some acrylic shield tokens from my X-wing supplies, and borrow spare activation tokens from my friend...

They try to waste plastic, but I won't let them.

12 hours ago, TheSharkJuggler said:

Is it worthwhile at all to add in an Uplink on the 120 point unit? For more shields, reupping Push, etc?

Maybe, though it might be too many eggs in one basket. I'm definitely going to try it, though.