The biggest problem with the sequel trilogy.

By Flengin, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

I've been sitting on this one for a while, but now I'm just going to say it.

There is a lot to like about the sequel trilogy. I personally really liked The Last Jedi. *ducks*

There are also many problems with the sequel trilogy, I don't deny it. There are many things that get under people's skin, my own included.

But its biggest problem, its biggest fault, is that those movies don't FEEL like Star Wars.

And it's not because of anything to do with the plot, or the characters, or the lore, or even the scripts in general.

It's because of how they start.

Their problem its that there is no 20th Century Fox opening with a drum roll.

And Star Wars movies just don't feel like Star Wars movies without that drum roll leading straight into the Lucas films music followed by THAT silence and then the ear drum blast.

No drum roll.

No Star Wars.

Hey - this is off topic. Get out of here with your “opinions” and such.

Edited by LTD

So, kinda like this?
