Saber Throw and Take that Clankers

By Nickg, in Rules

If Rex plays "Take that Clankers" command card and Obi Wan has an Aim Token and the Saber Throw upgrade card can he make a Saber Throw Attack at Range 3?

I would assume yes. Obi Wan is a trooper (and can thus be given an order) and Saber Throw is a ranged attack (and thus subject to having it's range increased by 1).

Saber Throw is kind of an odd one. There is an argument, that you can't TTC Saber Throw because it explicitly sais you increase the range of a "Ranged Weapon" by one and Saber throw lets you do a ranged attack, but doesn't make the saber a ranged weapon. Same argument is if you want to fire support a saber throw because you can't mix ranged and melee weopons.

RAW I would say no TTC for Saber Throw though I could see an official ruling go either way.

I am also of the opinion that the lightsaber is not a ranged weapon, but a melee weapon making a ranged attack, so TTC doesn't apply.

Definitely worth submitting the question at the following link and getting an official answer though:

I didn't know about that link. I will do that. Thanks!

10 minutes ago, Nickg said:

I didn't know about that link. I will do that. Thanks!

No worries. That link is fairly well hidden, so I try to share it for situations like this where the answer isn't obvious.

Read the text of Saber Throw. Take That Clankers does not interact with it in any way. It literally sets the range you can use while using the card, and doesn't actually give you a ranged weapon (as required by TTC). It just lets you make a ranged attack with a set range using a melee weapon. TTC does not change anything on the Saber Throw card, so you are still limited to using it at range 1-2.