Finding friends for the Rebel YT1300

By LUZ_TAK, in X-Wing Squad Lists

On 11/26/2020 at 9:07 PM, theBitterFig said:

Luke/Leia/Thane just got a few more spare points...

  • Luke (R2-D2) 69
  • Leia (Engine Upgrade) 84 - I love Falcon mobility.
  • Thane (S-Foils only) 47 - could go for R4 here, if Luke was OK with a regular R2 Astro, or Predator.


Can also Luke/Leia + 2x Starbird Phoenix A-Wings. Probably Millennium Falcon on Leia, but could go Agile Gunner. At 4 points, seems like a great play on most large-base Turrets.

You can also trade Thane for Wedge, adding K-2SO crew to Leia instead of Engine which is a pretty big deal. You would have to give up R2-D2 on Luke to get Wedge also. Not sure that would be worth it. Plus, Wedge isn’t hyperspace legal :(

Edited by dr_syndulla
On 11/27/2020 at 4:07 AM, theBitterFig said:

Luke/Leia/Thane just got a few more spare points...

I really think, if you bring Falcon and the Xes, you want to grab K-2S0 to engage double mods on Thane as well. I'd build something like this with the lowered points that we have now.

(77) Leia Organa [Modified YT-1300 Light Freighter]

(7) K-2SO

(3) Heightened Perception

Points: 87

(61) Luke Skywalker [T-65 X-wing]

(3) Heightened Perception

Points: 64

(47) Thane Kyrell [T-65 X-wing]

(2) R4 Astromech

Points: 49

There's been a suprising lack of Han in this thread for some time.

Am I doing the thing where I put too many eggs in one bad synergy basket here, or does this actually have some legs?

I call it "Stop Trying to Hit Me and Hit Me"

Han Solo (79)
Selfless (2)
Jyn Erso (2)
R2-D2 (Crew) (8)

Ship total: 91 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 7

Wedge Antilles ( 54)
Predator (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 3

Norra Wexley (Y-Wing) (41)
Selfless (2)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ion Bombs (3)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Total: 200

Upgrades can easily be dropped out of here for a bid, but I don't think it's super important with how Han and Wedge fly most of the time. The basic core is that two of these ship are hard to kill and one of them is Wedge.

I'm thinking a Luke version might work better, as Luke is a bit more independent, but I like getting to use both of the Rebels only real I6s. I also don't know who goes with Luke here other than maybe Thane (who only gets Selfless if I drop Jyn).

i agree when running leia and 2X that K2 should be on there.

6 hours ago, GuacCousteau said:

There's been a suprising lack of Han in this thread for some time.

Am I doing the thing where I put too many eggs in one bad synergy basket here, or does this actually have some legs?

I call it "Stop Trying to Hit Me and Hit Me"

Han Solo (79)
Selfless (2)
Jyn Erso (2)
R2-D2 (Crew) (8)

Ship total: 91 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 7

Wedge Antilles ( 54)
Predator (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 3

Norra Wexley (Y-Wing) (41)
Selfless (2)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ion Bombs (3)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Total: 200

If you are taknig Han, there is no reason not to take Novice Technician. With R2-D2 (Crew) it makes the Falcon stupidly tanky and durable.

Han Solo (79)
R2-D2 (Crew) (8)
Novice Technician (4)

Ship total: 91 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 7

Wedge Antilles (54)
Predator (2)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Ship total: 56 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 3

Norra Wexley (Y-Wing) (41)
Expert Handling (2)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
R4 Astromech (2)
Ion Bombs (3)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 4

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Alliance&d=v8ZsZ200Z42XWWW56W53WWWY5X127WWWW142Y25X120W138WW5WW317W&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

Would Chewbacca be better than Novice technician?

Edited by Sm00thB0r3
On 11/30/2020 at 11:47 PM, Sm00thB0r3 said:

Would Chewbacca be better than Novice technician?

No, because of the trigger window. Novice Technician is almost always better on Han, thanks to his ability to reroll the die.

Chewie is good on anything else, that has lots of Hull and hates Crits.

Edited by Schanez