EA’s Star Wars Squadrons Game Achievements and Early Mission Reveal !!

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in X-Wing

1 minute ago, Odanan said:

God, I hope there is no freaking regenerating hull! (and for balance, shield will be very weak)

Regenerating HPs is the bane of the modern games.

Mhhh maybe not hull, but mid flight repairs (usually involving droids) is firmly established in SW movies.

1 hour ago, Jo Jo said:

Its 5 vs 5, but there may be AI controlled fighters like they did with BF2 that can help even out the disparity in power levels of the player controlled ships. Which would make sense with Fleet Battles, those would feel pretty sparse with only 10 starfighters out there.

In that regard, TIE/lns should be AI only. (replaced by the TIE Advanced, perhaps?)

I wonder how they will buff the ship which only strength is being cheap.

6 minutes ago, LUZ_TAK said:

Mhhh maybe not hull, but mid flight repairs (usually involving droids) is firmly established in SW movies.

I know. Droids in Star Wars use to be incredibly effective fixing damaged systems in action (or at least "diverting power from a system to another"). Still, that's not the same as having your ship/character completely healed/repaired just by staying a few moments not being shot.

10 minutes ago, Odanan said:

In that regard, TIE/lns should be AI only. (replaced by the TIE Advanced, perhaps?)

While this makes perfect sense for us, I doubt they'd make a ship as iconic as the TIE/ln unplayable. Would certainly frustrate a lot of SW fans which are not necessarily space combat buffs.

But yea, no idea how they'd balance that. Maybe give the player's tie/ln some special equipment (eg. Shield), given they seem to be part of an elite squad, and then have run-of-the-mill spit-and-glue TIEs for NPCs.

Edited by takfar
4 minutes ago, Odanan said:

I know. Droids in Star Wars use to be incredibly effective fixing damaged systems in action (or at least "diverting power from a system to another"). Still, that's not the same as having your ship/character completely healed/repaired just by staying a few moments not being shot.

Fully agree.

1 minute ago, takfar said:

Maybe give the player's tie/ln some special equipment (eg. Shield), given they seem to be part of an elite squad, and then have run-of-the-mill spit-and-glue TIEs for NPCs.

I like this idea a lot, seems sort of satisfying for all parties

It’s pretty well established that TIE/ln TIE/sa and TIE/in fighters can all take a variety of shielding and hull upgrades, non-standard warhead launchers, and other modifications. But I hope they actually give us unshielded TIEs that are just amazingly nimble and capable of outflying their enemies. Higher speeds, superior acceleration/deceleration, and a better turning radius are some of the knobs they could turn on TIEs to make them better fighters.

The benefit of the TIEs are numbers. The conflict arises when the game turns the dogfight into 1-on-1 or same#-on-same#, then the TIEs will be at a disadvantage.

In the X-Wing vs TIE Fighter game (can't remember if also in X-Wing Alliance) you would "spawn" to the next TIE in the squadron once your TIE was destroyed. For example, your TIE squad was made of two craft. You would pilot #1 and the CPU would pilot #2. The moment you are killed in #1, you would spawn in #2 (assuming it was still alive). A good CPU AI could make the 2-TIE squad effectively as competitive as a single human-controlled rebel craft. Perhaps you can also give commands to this AI wingmate so that there is a layer of player skill involved. This way you could still have a balanced dogfight, be thematic (more numerous TIEs) and don't rely on silliness such as adding shields to a TIE.

14 hours ago, dsul413 said:


Or not, if the trailer is accurate. Only two columns for Tie Interceptor. Left is the X-Wing.

The ships look faster than they were in X-wing and TIE fighter. An X-wing used to top out at 125 with everything in the engines and an interceptor was 111 at even engine charge, 125 at increased engine charge, and 139 at max. This interceptor is way over that with what appears to be neutral charge. Hopefully that means TIEs will be super frail, but super agile like they're supposed to be and not directly balanced against the rebel ships like in Battlefront.

Also they've already given some of the game controls in this picture. D-pad left for engine, up for weapons, right for shields, down to reset.

This is finally going to get me to commit to getting a VR rig for my pc. I really hope they allow HOTAS/rudder controls for PC. I am curious about the balancing now that so many folks have made some very interesting points. I remember from my time playing X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, on the merge, shielded ships had a pretty huge advantage. But once you got a more maneuverable ship on your tail, the fight usually went to them (I also remember flares used to home in on the nearest target in your rear, so they were also very handy for shaking or outright destroying a pursuing low-health ship). There seems to be a detent on the throttle display at ```50%, I wonder if it functions like the throttle did in Xvt, where if you were at 33%, you were at your most maneuverable.

14 minutes ago, Wedgeismyhero said:

This is finally going to get me to commit to getting a VR rig for my pc. I really hope they allow HOTAS/rudder controls for PC.

I got an Oculus Rift when they first came out and sadly have not used it nearly as much as I would have liked. Of the few games I played with it, space flight sims were far and away the best. Since the character is seated, there is no disconnect where the character or camera moves when you don't. The ability to look around yourself helps a lot in locating targets or keeping an eye on targets, and seeing my virtual hands on a throttle and joystick flying the ship, while I was using a throttle and joystick to actually play the game created a level of immersion I never expected from an at home experience.

1 hour ago, Wedgeismyhero said:

This is finally going to get me to commit to getting a VR rig for my pc. I really hope they allow HOTAS/rudder controls for PC. I am curious about the balancing now that so many folks have made some very interesting points. I remember from my time playing X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, on the merge, shielded ships had a pretty huge advantage. But once you got a more maneuverable ship on your tail, the fight usually went to them (I also remember flares used to home in on the nearest target in your rear, so they were also very handy for shaking or outright destroying a pursuing low-health ship). There seems to be a detent on the throttle display at ```50%, I wonder if it functions like the throttle did in Xvt, where if you were at 33%, you were at your most maneuverable.

If you do, maybe try Elite: Dangerous. Pretty fun space combat, great VR and HOTAS support (even tho there's some pretty hard grind you need to to get the top-tier ships.. but low-tier can still be fun).

23 hours ago, CaptainJaguarShark said:

I think they wanted to include the U-Wing, so the Reaper was the obvious counterpart. It still feels like not the right first choice, though. B-Wings and TIE Defenders would have been my choice for the fourth slots. It makes me wonder if them being transports will matter at all in the game.

As far as that beam weapon, I guess something that gets installed where their ordinance is supposed to be that gives it a cannon slot, so you can take HLC? That seems pretty meh for X-Wing. Makes me wonder if they just up-gunned the bomber's main weapon because it's a bomber.

They've made a point about this "not being a full-price game, at only $40" (EA games are typically $60, plus micro-transactions, and they've confirmed this won't have micro-transactions).

The obvious path to go from that is a series of 'expansions'. I'd expect B-Wing and TIE Defender to be each their own $10 DLC (for example). I mean, heck, that's how the original LucasArts games released those two - both the B-Wing and TIE Defender arrived in later expansions for the 'X-Wing' and 'TIE Fighter' games, respectively...

16 hours ago, Asaverino1019 said:

The ships look faster than they were in X-wing and TIE fighter. An X-wing used to top out at 125 with everything in the engines and an interceptor was 111 at even engine charge, 125 at increased engine charge, and 139 at max. This interceptor is way over that with what appears to be neutral charge. Hopefully that means TIEs will be super frail, but super agile like they're supposed to be and not directly balanced against the rebel ships like in Battlefront.

Also they've already given some of the game controls in this picture. D-pad left for engine, up for weapons, right for shields, down to reset.

Spot on!

Also, unshielded TIEs still beating the plot armour shielded Letter-wings? Heck, count me in!


And VR support? Wow, this might actually make me finally buy a VR headset. Which one you guys recommend for PC?

Edited by Odanan
15 hours ago, Wedgeismyhero said:

This is finally going to get me to commit to getting a VR rig for my pc. I really hope they allow HOTAS/rudder controls for PC. I am curious about the balancing now that so many folks have made some very interesting points. I remember from my time playing X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, on the merge, shielded ships had a pretty huge advantage. But once you got a more maneuverable ship on your tail, the fight usually went to them (I also remember flares used to home in on the nearest target in your rear, so they were also very handy for shaking or outright destroying a pursuing low-health ship). There seems to be a detent on the throttle display at ```50%, I wonder if it functions like the throttle did in Xvt, where if you were at 33%, you were at your most maneuverable.

HOTAS support is confirmed.


13 hours ago, takfar said:

If you do, maybe try Elite: Dangerous. Pretty fun space combat, great VR and HOTAS support (even tho there's some pretty hard grind you need to to get the top-tier ships.. but low-tier can still be fun).

Seconded. ED is amazing and beautiful. My recommendation is don't engage in the grind. If you just play it how you want, it's a great game.

6 hours ago, Hunting Phoenix said:

HOTAS support is confirmed.


Seconded. ED is amazing and beautiful. My recommendation is don't engage in the grind. If you just play it how you want, it's a great game.

Once I found out that X-wing Squadrons was going to be strictly first-person, I had a feeling that it might support HOTAS. Since, in my opinion, the game resembles the classic LucasArts X-wing and TIE Fighter games.

Seeing stuff for it in the EA Play makes it seem preety cool to me, definetly gonna give it a try.

Those cockpits are right from X-wing/TIE Fighter.

And lol at the Ewok bobble head.

Looks fun. Some room for new classes.

At 1:30, that looks an awful lot like an Advanced V1 in the targeting computer.

game looks awesome and very detailed . im excited for it . it maybe even bring new players for the x-wing mini game

Yeah and they definitely showed the ships are different the tie has better speed but lower toughness. It looked like gave it a bit more firepower as well.

I liked that the reaper has a tractor beam. That would be cool to see if they get the cannon slot or a title down the road.

On 6/17/2020 at 11:37 AM, Odanan said:

God, I hope there is no freaking regenerating hull! (and for balance, shield will be very weak)

Regenerating HPs is the bane of the modern games.

It looks to me, that the "healing" is going to be load out dependent. Looking at the chart of components, you see "repair system" is on a lot of the TIEs. I think we still have to see if loadouts work differently per class, and if each class has limits on what it can take for loadouts (IE, fighters can't take 3 ordinance). With over 50 components, and each ship able to take 3, I think there is going to be variation even in class.

Here are the 60 components they listed in the trailer. Go and speculate.

Laser Cannon

Rotary Cannon
Burst Cannon
Rapidfire Cannon
Plasburst Cannon
Autoaim Cannon
Guided Rotary Cannon
Guided Quad Cannon
Ion Cannon
Concussion Missile
Turret Mine
Seeker Mine
Quick Lock Missile
Goliath Missile
Ion Missile
Ion Torpedo
Multilock Missile
Cluster Missile
Proton Torpedo
Proton Bomb
Ion Bomb
Automatic Ion Cannon
Beam Cannon
Baradium Torpedo
Repair Droid
Repair System
Tractor Beam
Assault Shield
Mimic Beacon
Tactical Shield
Targeting Jammer
Targeting Beacons
Supply Droid
Squadron Mask
Seeker Warheads
Chaff Particles
Sensor Jammer
Sensor Inverter
Ferroceramic Hull
Reinforced Hull
Light Hull
Lamnasteel Hull
Dampener Hull
Deflector Hull
Reflec Hull
Deflector Shield
Resonant Shield
Nimble Deflector
Fortified Deflector
Ray Shield
Scrambler Shield
Conversion Shield
Overloaded Shield
Sublight Engine
Propulsion Engine
Thrust Enging
Microthrust Engine
Ion Jet Engine
Slam Engine