Cool, well we offer
Riku Lvl 2 Foil (Promo)
Daisy Non Foil (Promo)
Simba lvl 4 SR
Owl Lvl 0 SR
Pan Lvl 2 SR
Hades SR
Queen of Hearts SR
Alice Lvl 0 SR
For Your Dragon Mal
Cool, well we offer
Riku Lvl 2 Foil (Promo)
Daisy Non Foil (Promo)
Simba lvl 4 SR
Owl Lvl 0 SR
Pan Lvl 2 SR
Hades SR
Queen of Hearts SR
Alice Lvl 0 SR
For Your Dragon Mal
Eroecchi said:
Cool, well we offer
Riku Lvl 2 Foil (Promo)
Daisy Non Foil (Promo)
Simba lvl 4 SR
Owl Lvl 0 SR
Pan Lvl 2 SR
Hades SR
Queen of Hearts SR
Alice Lvl 0 SR
For Your Dragon Mal
wow makes me wonder what you guys would offer if i said i have everything you guys need 3x dragon mal and soul eater either R or SR lol but to tell ya the truth its a very good offer but im going to have to sit on it because i kind of want to make sure i get all the SRU's out there first before i go for the cards i need to complete my collection plus i gotta check with my bro so i guess ill let ya know.
Sure no problem, i have our offer saved a document if you decide you accept just let me know in our trade thread,
not to push to much but we are still willing to add 2 more SRU,
but in double checking your want list you ask for Areith
we would trade Areith and 2 SR
don't mean to be pushy,
Eroecchi said:
Sure no problem, i have our offer saved a document if you decide you accept just let me know in our trade thread,
not to push to much but we are still willing to add 2 more SRU,
but in double checking your want list you ask for Areith
we would trade Areith and 2 SR
don't mean to be pushy,
lol dont worry about it push all you want im ok with it its fine but i bough areith on ebay and im just waiting for it to come in the mail before i take it off my list the only SRU that i need is cloud lvl 4 i already have a deal for end of the world going so i dont need that one and i seen you already traded your cloud so like i said im just going to have to think about it because id hate to trade of dragon mal and then have needed it to get my cloud ya know.
i see you commented on our thread just posting here to state our negotiations have moved over there
my SRU End of the world for daisy and cid?
Thirroxin said:
my SRU End of the world for daisy and cid?
im going to have to decline sorry.
lol, it was worth a shot. Im sorry i just don't need destiny islands right now. I'll see what i can come up with though, if i can trade for a second end of the world at the tournament saturday ill trade it to you for sure
still down to trade that SR islands for the end of the world?
Thirroxin said:
still down to trade that SR islands for the end of the world?
as long as its not an end of the world that has been folded in half then yea im still some what interested
lol no its mint condition, so if you still want to trade, go to my thread and give me your email.
My SRU End of the World
for your...
SR Destiny Islands?
Just to let you know, i Shipped out the card today, so you should get it in about 3 days. Going by the post office's standard shipping rate of course. Thanks again for the trade!
Hey there Darkwing!
Checking up on things, have you recieved your card yet?
Message me back, okay?
Hey DWD, I'm going to ask just in case I didn't see them, but do you have Ansem or Triton for trade? If so I have SR Owl and some of your other SR wants from the bottom list. Let me know.
going off to use the edit button.
The only things I have are Sora lvl 2, Neverland lvl 2, Kairi lvl 0, Ursula and I think that's it.
Got your shipment today, thanks again Darkwing!
Roxas said:
The only things I have are Sora lvl 2, Neverland lvl 2, Kairi lvl 0, Ursula and I think that's it.
Would some of these for Ansem suffice?
Roxas said:
Roxas said:
The only things I have are Sora lvl 2, Neverland lvl 2, Kairi lvl 0, Ursula and I think that's it.
Would some of these for Ansem suffice?
i kind of want to do ansem for aerith do you happen to have a spare aerith?
No I dont, but I'll see what I can do about getting you one.
I have 2 extra Aeriths, and I need that Disney Castle SR. Would you offer anything else for it?
TheChampIsHere said:
I have 2 extra Aeriths, and I need that Disney Castle SR. Would you offer anything else for it?
it depends on what else you would want i can only offer stuff that is currently on the list.
Hey Darkwing, for a SR Aerith of yours, would you trade for:
SR Goofy Lv.3, SR Hercules Lv.2, SR Hercules Lv.3, SR Jafar Lv.8, SR Ursula Lv.8?
Woops, they belong to Champ, how about Dragon Maleficent then?
I'll throw in a SR Cheshire Cat Lv.2 as well?