
By Darkwing Duck2, in Agrabah Bazaar

What do you want to trade for your SRU Lv 4 Goofy, SRU Ultima Weapon, SRU Lv 9 Dragon Maleficent, R Behemoth, and R Parasite Cage?

Check out my trade link (Just copy and paste it into your address bar):

I also might have some other SRs cards not posted on my trade thread. So, feel free to ask away.

Morbidsanity said:

how much for dragon mal, the king, and the 3 rare moogles? I may trade cloud and some cash, let me know how much you would sell them for first

KK just take it easy man, and donald lv1 for tinker promo?...

And what do you want for the king or how much is for him?...

Junito said:

KK just take it easy man, and donald lv1 for tinker promo?...

huh take what easy?

and no for that offer

wouldnt go less than $30 for king or would trade it for a cloud or sephy

Then how much for a king?...

Darkwing Duck said

wouldnt go less than $30 for king or would trade it for a cloud or sephy

Let me know exactly how much it is for a king, im interested in buy it...

hey for dragon mal would you do like 10 and 3 SRs? and the king 10 and like 3 SRs? just let me know, it will be like $20 and 6 SRs

Morbidsanity said:

hey for dragon mal would you do like 10 and 3 SRs? and the king 10 and like 3 SRs? just let me know, it will be like $20 and 6 SRs

i kind of want to do SRU's for SRU's until i get a cloud and sephiroth theres not many SR's i need so i dont know.

But are you selling The King's?...

Junito said:

But are you selling The King's?...

for the last time i would sell a king but i wont sell it for less then $30 there is no set price just offers for me to think about and then ill let you know.

you want $30 or more for him??...

Junito said:

you want $30 or more for him??...

do you paypal?? if not than sorry.

oh ok, I really need dragon mal but don't have another SRU for trade, how much will you sell it for?

kk then forget it cause i dont use paypal...

Can i have the tinker promo for SR donal lv1 and $5? what do you think...~^

are you selling sru if so how much for altimate weapion

I have SR Moogle, SR Maleficent, SR Donald lvl 1, SR Sora lvl 2 and SR Ursula.

I need SR Parasite Cage x2, SR Destiny Island x2, SR Disney Castle x2

Let me know if we can work out a deal.

junito- sorry im going to have to pass

final- i may sell but i only accept paypal on purchases of $25 or more and i would want around that much for weapon.

roxas- all i can offer at the moment is my parasite cage for your moogle let me know sorry i couldnt do more.

Can I get back to you on that? I'll probably do the trade but I want to make sure I have stamps first.

So what can i have for donald lv1 SR?...

Yeah I have stamps last ones are going to you and Morbidsanity

send me an address and I'll try and have them mailed out tomorrow.

hiow much for chip and dale?

hey man so how much is dragon mal?